It's my ankle. Suddenly appeared after swimming last night. It's hard. No heat or swelling or redness.
Lump in vein!!!: It's my ankle. Suddenly appeared... - NRAS
Lump in vein!!!
It will probably be gone in the morning!If it’s still there on Monday ask your rheumy nurse for advice!
Not sure where you live but we have only one way to communicate with rheumatology and that's by waiting for at least 10 minutes to get through to a call centre who will pass a message to a rheumatology nurse who will approximately 5 weeks! It's a total waste of time. The lump is still there. Yet another thing to worry about. Yet another GP appointment. GP will just say it's for rheumatology. A total waste of time.
I would contact rheumatology, but also GP, get advice from whoever you can see first x
I really wouldn’t worry, the fact it’s appeared suddenly, rules out anything sinister. Seeing as it occured after swimming, it’s likely an inflamed tendon. Even if it’s a swollen vein, it may just be due to the temperature change from swimming. Follow the RICE rules and it will probably settled in a few days. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. If it doesn’t settle in a week or so, then I’d see the gp, but these things usually resolve on their own.