Hi everyone was giving myself injection this morning and I have a few thread like veins on my leg and I accidentally nor carelessly injected in one of them. Had anybody else done this and should I be worried
Methotrexate injection in thread vein on thigh - NRAS
Methotrexate injection in thread vein on thigh

I don't know Sue. I inject into my tum & on the odd occasion caught a vein (which aren't obvious in that area) & I've not suffered at all, all it tends to do is bleed a little once I've lifted the pen off & usually a small bruise appears. One to ask your Rheumy nurse I think. I take it you feel ok? x
Hi nomoreheels.
I feel ok just the usual, nothing different. I will have to be more careful in future. It bled a little and bruised a bit. I injected at 1.00 today so if there were going to be any drastic reaction I think it would have happened by now. Thanks for replying I might try my tum next week. I hope you have a lovely peaceful pain free Christmas and once again thank you for your reply
Regards dawn
Why did I call you Sue???? I'm sorry Dawn, possibly it was that you've the same colour avatar & Sue's just started injecting MTX. Well it's sounds similar to when I catch a titchy vein & as your leg's not dropped off I guess all is ok. Seriously though I'd still mention it to your Rheumy just so you know if you need to make sure you avoid them another time. I was taught from the start to inject my tum & always been ok but I did inject into my thigh once, just to see really, but it was back to my tum the following week cause it hurt!
Thank you for your Christmas wishes & the same to you. x
I will mention it to rheumy nurse and thanks again for your help
Here's hoping for a good nights sleep
Bye for now
I have been told to inject in my thigh but not anywhere else. Thighs are such a painful area. I will be doing my first unsupervised injection on Friday.
They did tell me sometimes you catch capillaries and they bleed and I wasn't to worry. Let us know what your rheumy says
Will do gretchy. I have had no problems since yesterday so I think it will be ok and I will be more careful in future or perhaps inject in tummy next week. When I was being taught at hospital they said I could do either but I chose to inject my thigh. Good luck on Friday it will be fine
I think thread veins are service veins aren't they where there has been some leakage. I've got loads apparently RD people are more prone. So I don't think there would be much cause for concern. Hope everything goes well xxx
Surface even. Hate predictive text
I had a varicose vein in my lower right leg. Turned out it was the big vein in the leg causing it. My mum has the most awful varicose veins and I hated mine. Didn't wear a skirt for 10 years. In the end I came in to £2k and I went and spent it on laser surgery for it. The best thing I ever did. I'm depressed to find now I have RD I'm more prone. I have terrible thread veins on my face. I've had laser treatment but the NHS don't find it and I can't afford any more. They just prescribe Red Cross make up but red is a really hard colour to cover