I’m on 200 Levothyroxine and just had a blood test. It’s out of range again. I’ve developed bad joint pains in pretty much all joints and it’s got progressively worse. In addition I’m getting cold hands and feet with pins and needles that also is causing pain. Felt very dizzy last week and ended up in A&E having my heart checked. Very low heart rate and blood tests showed high cholesterol. Has anyone else had these symptoms? Usually I just notice dry skin and hair loss but this is all new! Worried I might have rheumatoid arthritis too.
Has anyone had these symptoms? : I’m on 20... - NRAS
Has anyone had these symptoms?

Have you had a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s it might be a good idea to ask GP ? I don’t know but Hashi is an AI condition like RA. I’ve got both but really don’t jump ahead of a diagnosis as going Hyper from Hypo is not uncommon and will give you symptoms. I’d urge you to get some blood tests from GP for CRP, Aenemia and if you don’t know Hashi. It might be RA but really that isn’t a death sentence. It’s treatable and controllable. But first try get your thyroxine sorted out or at least within range. Ask for T3, T4 and TSH and go from there. Be careful with thyroxine it can cause palpitations so really is important. It can make someone really unwell and anxious. I don’t know if you’re under or over treating but it does sound like over. Anyway best advice is talk to GP and get the bloods done, you need to get proper qualified medical advice. I hope that helps.
If you haven’t already done do it would be worth posting this on the Thyroid UK website on Healthunlocked. When you do post all of your blood test results along with their lab ranges and you will get good, helpful advice.
Hi you may or may not have You certainly have symtoms and a few things going on
I'd ask doc for your diagnosis etc and referals
For you to rule things out and get diagnosis etc
Specially if you do have or any type as you say it is progressing as well and also getting worse
You need imput
I'd go back to docs this week if you can
Hope you get your answers etc soon
I had the same symptoms on levo. I also have rheumatoid disease ( came after) . A simple blood test will show if you have . All the best 🙂
You should certainly see the GP for investigation, there's a lot going on there. Write down all and any symptoms, I had multiple auto-immune conditions kick off at the same time.
Given your age, the menopause could be messing your thyroid around too, I had to change my levo dose a bit, lowering it slightly, which was quite weird, but then putting it back up when I started HRT.
Please do follow Fruitandnutcase's advice to post on the thyroid forum.
sorry you have been feeling so unwell.You need to go to your Gp who should send you for tests and xrays A low heart rate doesn’t sound good. Have you been referred to cardiology? Hope you will be ok .
yes that’s me. Get labs done for ferratin/iron, D3, iodine, selenium, mag, full thyroid panel that would include T3 and you probably would benefit from the active hormone T3 and if you are not methylating T4 to T3 TSH will keep rising and you will feel like crap. Bone pain happens if D3 is low, most thyroid patients have trouble with this, mine it’s better with a good D3 and K2 combo and I know people may frown upon it, but my rheumatologist said that she went to the sunbed for bound pain because she has Osteo and I said you don’t have to tell me twice. Definitely help get my D3 levels up. I have RA now and had to start the Biologics now as well. Have you had TPO TPOAB antibody labs? Get a rheum referall. My rheumatologist is wonderful and knows more about my Hashimoto’s than Endo. It’s an inflammatory condition, really is important ro keep antibodies and inflammation down CmP CCRP, ESR labs.