My husband was due his next infusion of Rituximab at the end of August and when he phoned Medway Maritime biologics, about 3wks ago, to have his two appointments organised, was told that unfortunately there is no Rituximub available at the moment. And also they were struggling to get hold of any. He phoned today and told there is still no Rituixmub available. So he is in pain, no drug available and there doesn't seem to be any alternative available for him.Is there anybody else experiencing this shortage of Rituximub
Shortage of Rituximub: My husband was due his next... - NRAS
Shortage of Rituximub

Has your husband contacted his rheumatology team to ask them? There is nothing on the NHS site noting any shortage of RTX.
Hope you get some information soon.
I assume he’s under Medway Maritime Hospital ? If so I’d suggest ringing RA helpline. The nurses might be able to help. If not I’ m sorry but don’t know.
Thanks, have rung them but waiting for nurse to get back to us. Unfortunately because he has other conditions Rituximub is the only one he can have.
Due to start mine as soon as I get COVID & flu vaccines ,wasn't told by Consultant any shortage in Cheshire
I had mine last week, Warwick
Hope your husband has his soon , there is a bio similar “Truxima ” has he ever been offered this ?
I am now on Truxima and it seems to work as well as the original (Roche MabThera) for me.
My wife gets regular Retuximab infusions at UCLH for maintenance therapy following chemo for follicular lymphoma. The Retuximab infusion is done every 2 months: so far so good, no shortage.
I had a rituximab infusion 4 weeks ago and before being booked my Rheumatologist explained that they now only give one dose every 6+ months as research had shown efficacy was just as good as with 2 doses. Hearing this is making me a little concerned!
Not sure about only one dose as my hubby definitely needs his two doses and definitely at the 6mths. But worth thinking are they cutting back on yours as well. Make sure you fight for the two if you think you need it.
I will but its extra stress that you don't need isn't it. All the best to your hubby I hope everything gets sorted soon for him.