So last night I took my 1st dose of hydroxy, after eating. Later had a couple of glasses of wine as I would any Friday evening. Didn't feel to good before bed. This morning I've woken up with a headache, feeling sick and strange feeling in my stomach and no appetite. Phoned out of hrs Dr who has advised me just to take one dose a day and then contact consultant. He think if I can tolerate this I might get used to it. Going to lay down and wait for paracetamol to kick in.
1St dose of hydroxy taken.: So last night I took my 1st... - NRAS
1St dose of hydroxy taken.

not quite sure about your drugs however, alcohol and the two DMARDS I was on does not mix!
And I know cos I tried- truly not worth it
Drink lots of water and no more alcohol today and sending lots of sympathy

Thank you for advice Katie x
I was told not to drink with the medication, which I didn't until it was my 40th and had a glass of wine never again, the feeling wasn't nice.
hope you feel better soon
not what I want to hear,am starting on them tonight,didnt think Hydroxy had side effects
Starting diet today so NO wine is good lol
Anne xx
With all these drugs it can take a few weeks to get used to them. And some of the effects aren't very nice to start with! My first couple of months were difficult, but it all seemed worth it eventually when they started to work. You'll have to balance up persevering with them against how weird they make you feel - and we're all different so what's ok for me may not be ok for you. Polly
The first time I took Hydroxy I felt fine until the day after I had taken MTX and then I got a really horrible itchy rash down the side of my face. My GP advised me to avoid the day I took MTX each week and I did that and gradually it settled so I could take it every day. I think its because its the least potentially toxic DMARD, that we assume its a mild drug but it isn't. Its an anti-malarial drug and it still needs to be viewed as such. I would avoid red wine with it for the foreseeable future as it sounds to me like a bad mix. Hope things go better for you today.

Thank you. I've worked out it takes about 8 hours for side effects to show. So will make sure I'm at home by early afternoon if I decide to go anywhere today x
Hi, I have been on hydroxyl. (plaquenil) for about 8 years now and I remember when I first started it I would sometimes feel sick. It took me a wee while to realise that the sickness seemed to happen when I took a cigarette soon after taking the tablet. I don't know if you are a smoker or not but it was bad enough for me to stop the ciggies. Hydroxy. is one of the milder drugs and having a drink with it is perfectly safe.
Hi Mille, I stopped smoking about 7 years ago, though just lately have struggled. Think it's with all the worry but I have resisted. Think I'll give it a little longer before I even attempt to a small glass. Though I've not had any side effects from this mornings dose which is really good. Andrea
Just to be slightly antagonistic and given that we apparently all have a diagnosis of RA- why would I compromise my health any further by continuing to smoke or drink if that has an adverse effect with the RA brainer

I can understand your view I have no intention of smoking as I witnessed my dad die of emphysema. But it would be nice to have a drink every now and then if it gives no adverse effects. Unless I'm coping with the medication I have no intention of drinking. Though it would be nice to be able to toast my daughter at her wedding next month. Andrea