I have rib ache under left breast sometimes around the back had a chest x ray recently nothing out of ordinary I have RA well controlled. Mentioned it to Gp they had no idea. Rheumatology not concerned due to low inflammation. I will go back to GP but always seem to be there it gets wearing I have hip pain on left side too ongoing issue over the years. I do pilates and also wonder whether I have irritated it. I have switched to non wired bra as was uncomfortable. Any one any ideas. I have stiffness in left shoulder long standing seen osteopath and physio exercises it's better but never fully not stiff.. ah it goes on.
Rib ache left side : I have rib ache under left... - NRAS
Rib ache left side

I've this ..inflammation of rib cage muscles feels like your been squeezed painful ..I've servere neck issues left-sided more so with the left ball joint in hip worn away ...right leg shorter ..
There are a number of nerves that run between each rib, and sometimes these can get caught and cause pain. Could it be that?
I get this from time to time and my GP said it is Costocondritis x
I have problems with my ribs. If I bend in a certain way it feels as if my lower ribs are trying to concertina- painfully, and I never know what's the 'wrong' way until I do it. It gets a bit colourful language-wise on those occasions.
Silly question but your GP has examined the area? Only asking as just be told I've an enlarged spleen.Pain on the left as you describe.
I've also got this pain in my ribs on the left side for a long time and wondered if I should mention it to GP or Rheumy