Hi! I wonder if anyone can relate to this. I have been suffering from RA (Sero Neg) for about 6 years. After 4 years of trying all the usual meds with no success I have for the past 2 years been on Tocilizamab and my obvious RA symptoms are in remission. However it has left me with lots of other pain related symptoms like Trochanteric Bursitis (both hips) and undiagnosed but mentioned Fibromyalgia. However the latest annoyance (and pain) is in my left side. Started the beginning of Jan as a sharp excruciating pain, just under the rib cage on my left side, on getting out of bed and starting to straighten myself up. After I'd hobbled to the loo and back it would be gone and as long as I was upright didn't bother me all day. Then it started to change, moved to around my waist area (still just on the left side) Mentioned it to my physio (for the bursitis) and she did all sorts of stretching movements which didn't affect it and she said it wasn't Muscular skeletal and to go and see my GP. During the three weeks waiting for an appointment it got worse. Aware of it most of the time, although more obvious getting out of bed and now on movement in bed I'm getting a sharp pain down from my waist to hip and thigh. However it is duller and spreading down to my groin on getting out of bed and like a sharp muscle roll from time to time in bed and when sat.
Saw GP who prodded around and said it wasn't internal and has referred me to orthopaedics, and I'm now waiting for an a appointment there. Any ideas anyone I'm desperate to relieve this? Tried taking NSAIDs before bed but they've worn off by the time I'm getting up