So I started taking methotrexate about 3 weeks ago. I have joint pain in every single joint in my body, hard to walk and put pressure down on my knees. How long does it take for people to start feeling the effects of this drug?
Methotrexate : So I started taking methotrexate about... - NRAS

it can take a few months to feel the full effect but you may start to feel some improvement and it can gradually improve, that’s what happened for me. Has your doctor given you pain meds too? 🤞🏻 for you to see some improvement soon.
No pain meds no....really hard to walk.. pressure builds at the bottom of my feet...I had cancer back in 2020 and this is way worse( feeling anyways)
I’d speak to your doctor and see if they can help with something for the pain, you shouldn’t be left in pain until the mtx starts to work, are you taking pred too?
I agree with you there…I had cancer too…& the pain when RA hit far outweighed the cancer pain.
But hang on in there…Mtx can take a while longer than three weeks….. so if you have a Rheumy nurse ….do ask her to get your consultant to prescribe some painkillers or it may be quicker to try your GP..
Let’s hope you are one of the lucky ones where methotrexate kicks in quite soon.
I felt distinct improvement after 8 weeks and getting much better thereafter. Hope you are soon feeling improved. 🙏🩷
God I hope's amazing how messed up your immune system can make your body....
It took a few months for methotrexate in combination with hydroxychloroquine to really get to work for me, but prednisolone started helping much, much sooner so it's good hear you've been prescribed other medications to help during that 'bridging' period as well. Hopefully they will start bringing you some relief very very soon. If they don't, please let your medical team know so that they can consider any other options available to you - the initial stages of treatment are the worst and they won't want you to suffer unnecessarily. Crossing my fingers for a swift improvement for you.
I hope it will kick in and work for you! I was on mtx for 8 months, no improvement, had serious flates, and finally landed in hospital-sensitivity to mtx. On a biologic now. The message is just that we are all different, so pay attention to your own body, be proactive, and don’t hesitate to involve doctors and other health support staff when you need to!
it was at least 12 weeks for me but everyone is different. I hope it works for you soon.
Hang in there, it’s so tough waiting for medication to work but you won’t feel like this forever. It’s such an awful time but things will get better and you’ll regain your mobility.
My rheumy has said he will start me on Mtx soon, just started oral steroids after new diagnosis so please let us know how you get on, I'll be on that journey too!
I have been on 25mg of methotrexate weekly since January 4th and have experienced no noticeable benefits and my latest labs appear to be the same as those prior to starting. I see the rheumatologist next week, and expect that the decision will be that it's time to try something else.
I was told by consultant it can take upto 3 months to kick in properly,after 2 months it started working,so pesevere. I think most people on here have been through the same process controlling the immune system is very complex,good luck.
I had a Kenalog injection before to help till Methotrexate kicked in. For me it was't working great so went back and got the Methotrexate injection pens for at home now. It's working better now. I hope you get sorted.
Honestly we all react differently to pain and how our bodies take to medication. I use ginger and turmeric supplements to help with the pain from arthritis which is nothing compared to kitten claws and teeth being sunk in to the arthritic affected parts. He knows them all and loves my reaction. 🐈🐈🐈
I appreciate everyone's comments what a great community.... I'll keep everyone updated through this journey and do you all have given me much insight thanks again I pray that you all do well on yours as well
Hi I took methatexate for several years. It helped at first. I always felt tired at first, which in later years developed into chronic fatigue.
I had to have surgery and was told to stop my weekly injection of methotrexate. During this time I felt less fatigued I decided to completely stop methotrexate and it has been wonderful. No more fatigue just get a little tired.
I just want to say how it was for me, nothing more.
God bless
Hi there, It took me 3 months on MTX to get the full effect, and the dosage needed to be upped after 2 months. Things have been excellent since then though, no flare symptoms at all. Hope it goes well for you.
Does anyone know if its safe to take Ibuprofen whilst on MTX?
You can't take any kind of other inflammation medication with methotrexate
I think that it's always worth checking with your own medical team - mine have told me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen whilst on Methotrexate.
Check with team, mine have told me to take ibuprofen or naproxen as its fine in the short term (classed as less than 6 months) to be taken on a regular basis or occasionally over the longer term.
Most rheumatologists allow nsaids, with MTX. I was on nsaids for years alongside my MTX. It was only stopped when I had a severe stroke 6yr ago. It does increase toxicity when taken together, but that’s mainly at high doses like when it’s used as chemotherapy, which is 100 x higher than we take. This is what the bnf says
A lot longer than 3 weeks I'm afraid. That's if it works at all. I've never believed it does a damn thing. You may end up having other DMARDs added & if/when they fail you will go onto a biologic. Sorry to be so negative. I wish you luck & hope it works for you but be prepared for the alternative.
They wouldn't still prescribe it if it didn't do anything for anyone
Agree. I’ve had a biologic that’s not done anything in the past but it’s worked great for so many and given them years of relief. It’s all so individual. You just don’t know. As you say, it wouldn’t be still used, and as one the first DMARDs the Rheumys start you on if it didn’t have a very good success rate.
I found it to be a brilliant drug. After 4 weeks they increased my dosage which worked wonders. I had full relief within 2 months. Hopefully it'll work for u too
i felt relief very quickly but had other side effects from it so had to go off. Methotrexate is a starting point, if it doesn’t work there are a host of other things like Biologics that can be tried. Dont give up.
having just come off methotrexate last week, after being on it for 9 months, I have to say you might have a bit of a journey ahead of you. I really do hope it works for you! But everyone is different and there are so many factors at play. It’s a relief to know that if it doesn’t work, then there are other options- I didn’t know this when I was where you were, and that was scary.
This community has a wealth of knowledge and it’s comforting to know that there are other options out there, other people in the same boat and experience that explains some of the really random realities of this illness.
I really hope you start to feel better soon
About 3 months if it's going to work. Also can take the body about a year to adjust to the medication. Do you have access to a specialist nurse to discuss your questions about your treatment? I find here in UK they're very helpful and supportive.
When I first started it felt like a "battle" was happening in my affected joints, sounds odd but expresses my first experiences.
I have been on them for 3 months and still in pain for tenosynovitis …I’m still waiting to the pain to reduce
Week 6 of change in swelling or pain....still hurts Everytime I'm on my feet...ankles feel like they are breaking....good lord let this go away soon
Week 7...feels like my ankles are gonna shatter when I walk on them lol