Does anyone take their methotrexate every two weeks rather than weekly, just a thought as it makes me feel so ill and the joint pain is always worse for 3 days after taking it and the I have very little pain for 4 days. I recently had to miss a week due to unset tummy and felt ok for the two weeks 🤗🤗
Fortnightly methotrexate : Does anyone take their... - NRAS
Fortnightly methotrexate

Speak to your rheumy nurse....she may advise you to split the dose...some people take half their pills after breakfast & the other half after dinner.
Do you take Folic Acid....that should help?
But always check before you mess around with prescription meds!
Thank you , yes I take folic acid 6 days a week but I inject so can’t split the dose. It’s only as I was on 15mg of tablets when the process of changing to injections started but the rheumatoid reduced the tablets to 10mg but I was put on 15mg injections it makes all the stiffness magnified for a few days. Maybe I’ll see if they will reduce the injections to 10mg. It is always lovely to have other people’s opinions. Hope you are comfortable today. 🤗
Yes very comfortable thank you...being very lazy sitting under the sun umbrella ...but it is a bit hot!
That's a good idea to drop to 10mg injections. .....I have read on here that you can often reduce the dose when you go on to injections. I must have a cast iron liver as I was OK on 25 mg tablets for years.
Why not call your Rheumy nurse & ask...if she agrees you can hold off the 15mg injection until you get the 10mg!
I think I've read of one person doing so in all my time here, I think she was based in the US. But, you must speak to your Rheumy or Rheumy Nurse Specialist, don't take the decision yourself, if you were thinking of doing of course. I'd also mention at the same time your joint pain, I'm not sure I could put up with 3 days of worsening symptoms even if MTX was working well for me. Personally, I mean if I was in your position, rather than alternate weeks I'd question if my weekly dose could be reduced, I wouldn't expect it to necessarily be halved but some leeway given, especially as you're on max dose folic acid to ease side effects & still feeling poorly.
From the start, in the first year on MTX, when I was on tablets, my Consultant had me split my 15mg dose through the day with meals, said it was better for me than the dose taken at once. I've also learned since that more of the dose is retained too. That doesn't help with injections though, can't split the dose, another reason to ask if a reduction in dose is possible. If your RD isn't held well by your current dose, or even if it is & they ok a reduction, they may suggest adding another DMARD, or even NSAID.
Word from the wise, you said you feel ok for the 2 weeks having not taken MTX because of a tum upset, I'm pleased you did but push that to 3 & I don't think the same would apply. I've been there & it's not a very happy place!
I hope your team are understanding & some arrangement can be agreed upon.
Thank you for your kind words, I have an appointment in October with consultant but I think I will speak to the nurse for advice before my next batch of injections are delivered as I wouldn’t want to waste them. I’m still a real newbie to this disease only diagnosed in March and had to stop twice now once for liver then the tummy upset. I think I’m still in denial and try8ng to get my head round the fact that it’s forever. I am so much better than when I was diagnosed so I guess the methotrexate is working. I had been struggling with extreme health anxiety and panic attacks for a few years before diagnoses so I have a constant battle with what is real and what my mind manufacturers for me to worry about lol as if RD isn’t enough for me to worry about.
Sometimes its just reassuring to say what I’m thinking to get it in perspective. Thank you for responding it makes such a difference to get the opinions of others in a similar situation. I have really good support from my husband and family but it’s not quite the same. Thank you again and I hope you’ve had a comfortable day🤗
Update - without contacting specialist nurse or anyone, I had a call from health care at home to say they would be delivering my medication, new dosage of 10mg injections, I’ve not heard from the rheumatology department about the change but wonder if it had something to do with my bloods!! Thanks for all your kind words yesterday x