does anyone else suffer from hot feet at night? I know we’ve had a mild winter but my feet get so uncomfortable it stops me sleeping & I have to get out of bed & move around. Putting feet out of bed doesn’t help! I have RA in hand s & a bit in feet but I can go for light walks. I take methotrexate. Anybody else the same?
hot feet! : does anyone else suffer from hot feet at... - NRAS
hot feet!

for the last 30+ years I’ve had a raised temperature, er indoors said I was hot (!) in bed until last year when I was prescribed Prednisolone a steroid. The undiagnosed RA causing inflation raised my temperature! I spent years laying on top of the covers, I’m now cold (normal?) and definitely cooler in bed
Yes. I have "burning" feet- caused by RA which caused neuropathy in my feet. I use ice packs or apply iceyHot for relief.
Yep, if I wear socks indoors my feet overheat !
Yes indeed, very hot feet all year round , particularly when in a flare and in the summer. I sometimes get up during the night and stand in the bathroom on the cold floor tiles 🤣 to cool my feet off.
hot feet 🦶 you betcha . It started with hot feet then RA diagnosis then peripheral neuropathy was added pregablin made a big difference
Yes me too feet very red at night a good night is less red
I use a hot water bottle filled with cold water. When it gets warm in the summer I pop it in the fridge or freezer before bed. It does help me .
Yes! Especially the top, can't bear sheets touching them. I keep using cooled moisturiser until nodding off.
I find that a bed cradle helps. It keeps the duvet off the feet and in the summer I just have a sheet. The worst thing for me is the damp socks in the daytime....
Yup. Me too. Burning hot, sore and itchy but if I scratch they're worse. Fun it's not.
For me it was the first sign of menopause- not RA😾
I’ve often had hit feet in the night & stand on the bathroom tiles for a while. Then last year it suddenly went crazy. My feet turned white & frozen as did my lower legs but in bed or after a bath turned red hot & very painful. After lots of blood tests to rule out other things I was diagnosed with primary Raynauds a few weeks ago & prescribed Nifedapine. I havnt dared take it yet after reading side effects.
Beware, with raynauds cold to v hot cause more damage, luke warm water better. Barabara O Neill on you tube has tips 🌹
Oh thank you that’s really helpful. I think I’d realised that myself so was keeping my feet out of the water as much as possible. I’ve only just been diagnosed so still learning.
That should read hot feet!
I put my feet on a cold compress and better still a frozen water bottle. I roll my foot which alleviates the heat allowing my to get back to sleep.
Hi Oh yes and especially this time of year....... I too elevate the duvet from my feet so it doesnt press down and make things worse. Funnily as I read this I was just soaking my feet in Epson salted water and then applying a moisturiser so feet feel attended too. I too was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Our mate Arthur has a lot to answer for.....☕
yes me too hot burnt pain use cold gels from fridge or freezer can’t bear them touching mattress sometimes
Hi Taichigirl, yes I feel your pain. For years now I have suffered with very hot feet. I spend my nights shuffling for a bit of coolness. My legs also go into cramps. Forcing me to get up and move around to release the pain. I would love to have one night without all this heat and pain.