I went this evening to our local NRAS meeting. It was really good, it’s always good to talk to people you might see fleetingly one day in clinic either as another patient or like tonight a medical professional. The ladies who run the group work so hard to organise a venue, raffle and speakers. Set up and put away tables and chairs which takes time. Anyway I’d suggest to all that if there is a group local to you, to go. The internet is great but nothing like real people to have a laugh, moan or learn from. RA definitely is a disease that every one there had a different experience of. I count myself one of the lucky ones, and had a very enjoyable time. Plus a won a raffle prize.lol
NRAS group near you?: I went this evening to our local... - NRAS
NRAS group near you?

I wish we had such a group nearby. I might feel less isolated.
I feel for you, isolation is a very difficult feeling. I believe that it really helps to just talk to other people who don’t feel sorry for each others but are just proving life goes on and that is sometimes despite difficult circumstances health wise. And I’m not saying we feel sorry for each other or ourselves only that what is actually heard can be understood as a very normal expression of frustration at some aspects of RA.
Thank you. I don't want to whinge at people. Just exchange thoughts and tips. People I don't have to explain anything to and, maybe, find out how the heck I can get into the dog's bag of kibble. It's a proper struggle.
That sounds really good. A local group was set up in Edinburgh after many failed attempts, just before the pandemic, unfortunately only one meeting was held.
Perhaps the NRAS could do a drive to set up more meetings? I think it’s really helpful, to meet people and discuss issues that affect us all regardless of age, working or not, less able or in remission. As someone said to me” you’ve got RA !!” It as surprising how exchanging information can be empowering. I’d done a course for lung involvement that another person didn’t know existed on the NHS. Good moaning and very good constructive nurse talk.
it’s great to have a chat and a laugh/moan to others who know how you feel. We have a group in East Dorset which meets for coffee every month. Details are on the NRAS website for anyone local to Bournemouth who isn’t already aware of it.
The information evenings are great too but often a lot of physical work for the coordinators who quite likely have RA too, thanks for taking the time to recognise the work that goes into organising these.
I’d love to go to one of these groups, but despite living in Birmingham, the 2nd city, there isn’t one! My nearest one is over 10 miles away!
I couldn't really find one in London north middlesex hospital only has one for their patients there is a good one in Herts talks. coffee mornings
Very happy for you 😊