I’m on methotrexate always been told I can take vitamins but not on the day of methotrexate I have some multi vitamins I want to take though but it also has folic acid in it is this ok as I take folic acid on a Wednesday and methotrexate on a Thursday
methotrexate : I’m on methotrexate always been told I... - NRAS

I’d check with your pharmacist or rheumatologist to see what they recommend and if you need more vitamins than you already get from your food.
The NHS guidelines clearly state that one should not take supplements which contain folates when on methotrexate. I would discuss this with s pharmacist or GP.
Hi Dexter 1414,
I'd check with your own rhemy team but from my experience (I was told by my rhemy) that I was fine to take a prime fifty supplement (which contains folate amongst other vits/minerals) but not on the day I take methotrexate. It is widely assumed a balance diet provides all the nutrients we need sadly whilst this used to the state of play, many of foods we now eat contain much lower levels than they did due to farming methods and soil conditions. All the best x
My rheumy told me exactly the same thing six years ago. I take my multivitality 50plus 6 days a week, and a high strength vitamin D tablet on mtx day. It works for me.
My Rheumatologist just informed me three days ago that anyone on Methotrexate needs Folic Acid to reduce side effects such as mouth sores common with Methotrexate; he subscribed 5 mg of Folic for me. The key is not taking it on the day you take your dose of Methotrexate, take it on all the other days. Hope this helps. Obviously, check with your healthcare provider to see what is best for you.
Thankyou for your reply I take 5mg folic acid on a Wednesday and then methotrexate on Thursday I want to start taking multi vitamins but they have folic acid in also don’t know if I can , how long have you been in methotrexate I take 5 tablets a week plus I’m not sleeping well either sleep pattern awful don’t know what to do about it if it menopause or pri menopause causing it
I just started Methotrexate 2 weeks ago. Oh, yes, one never knows if peri/menopause is the culprit of lack of sleep! So frustrating!
Dexter 1- this IS my reply to you ! Firstly, I am a beginner - four weeks MTX with no apparent problems. I just take MTX on Friday and Folic acid on Tuesdays, I take vit D each day at10u gram and monitoring. MTX dosage is 8 x 2.5 mg once a week. I am having sleep problems but running with a chest infection at present, so the cause is not clear. MTX /folic acid stopped while infected, and prednisolone/ Doxycycline in. Will restart MTX once antibiotics complete.
Shingles jab tomorrow.
As above, avoid taking it on the methotrexate day.
I really don't know, sorry, maybe ask your rheumy nurse.
I would confirm with your rheumatologist but as a general rule supplements are fine to take except on methotrexate days.
Hi, I've been on methotrexate for a few years now. I was told to take folic acid the day after my injection, I also take the 5mg pill for 3 days. Saturday MTX, then Sun Mon Tues folic acid. Hope this helps. Cheers