Does anyone know if we still need to take a note from the doctor to say we are able to take the Metrojet pens in hand luggage when travelling? I've never been asked to provide proof but somene recently said it's a requirement when going through airport security, I know it was required several years ago but thought it had stopped now as I never pack medication in hold luggage.
Flying with Metrojet Pens: Does anyone know if we still... - NRAS
Flying with Metrojet Pens

I actually have a customs card that was supplied with my biologic from supplier who delivers..there is a part on it that requires your rheumatologist to sign .it is a certificate of medical needs saying they prescribed it.mine has to kept cool so I have a pack that holds 2-3 pens and ice packs.I always have to produce it and explain my Abatacept can’t go through the scanner.I also have a information form that states that.Enjoy your holiday
Yes for any injectable meds you need a letter stating you need to carry it. I’ve been asked for my letter several times when flying. Like Fra22-57 one of my injections has to be kept in a cool pack, and not allowed through the scanner. Security take it away for swabbing. Your rheumatologist will issue one free of charge, or your delivery provider.
Can I please ask why the biologic cannot go through the scanner? And what about the MTX Metoject pen?
I’m afraid they didn’t go into detail in my email. It may be that some biologics can. It may be the manufacturer is being cautious, but that was the instructions I was given about 5yr ago when I enquired. I suggest contacting the manufacturer of yours to confirm.
Thank you
you should also carry prescriptions for all drugs you have with you to show they are legal. Only looked at once in umpteen years!
And yes I carry a card with me for biologics/methotrexate injections.
Thank you
I got a letter from rheumatology and I take a printed prescription copy too. Never been asked for either
I have taken Metoject in my hand luggage to Greece, Portugal and Turkey twice in the last few years. I only took my prescription print out (from the pharmacy when I collect my meds) and kept the pens in the original box. The only time I have had an issue was when I forgot to put it through as a liquid once and they had to check it but that was quickly resolved when they opened the box and the pharmacy print out was enough. I haven't had a doctor's letter at all but maybe it depends where you are flying to?
I take metoject in its box with a copy of my prescription, through scanner in hand luggage. I used to take it out separately and put in the scanner tray but now I just leave it in the hand luggage. I’ve never been asked about it. I was once asked to open my hand luggage and my travel size bottles of toiletries were swabbed, but not my metoject
Try looking on.
I always carry a letter from my Rheumatologist which states my diagnosis & medication, I have never been asked to show it, but it gives me peace of mind. I also always carry the pen unopened in original packaging,
We only ever go away for a week so I work it so I inject day before or on the day then when I come back. Saves the hassle 😇
I've just returned from holiday. It's the first time security have checked things thoroughly in the last couple of years. They wanted to see a prescription for metoject and my daughter's eczema creams. I think they always swab them.
Do you have a card my Rheumatologist said that was all I needed to show now. I take my prescriptions too. MTX in my hand luggage not cool bag meant to be a normal temps. That is I have specific bag I can put it in and put it through the scanners explaining what it is. I used to travel & stay abroad for three months taking enough for that time so approximately 12 boxes, always let through. As other said keep it in its original packaging.
Bon Voyage
I still take an up to date letter as some countries can be difficult about taking injections of any sort into their country. Namely USA and some Arab countries.
I don’t have the same med, but I do carry humira pens packed w ice when I travel. Have been traveling with them for over 18 years, have never been asked about them at security in all that time. And we travel a lot - US, Europe, NZ, Australia… never a question, Still, I do carry a letter (it’s old at this point! 😂)
Hi, I took 2 Metojet pens to the US a year ago and again this July, with no issues. I put them in a clear plastic bag with my liquids. They had my name on them, on the sticker on the boxes which show they were a prescription.
I fly frequently to the Middle East (so many medications are banned here) and fly with Metoject injections, Benepali and Hydrocortisone for injection. The last time I flew (September this year) from LHR Terminal 4, security were very particular at checking the Metoject. I had to provide proof that they were prescribed for me . I produced my prescription, and also I have a letter from Healthnet Homecare (who provide my Benepali) and a generic letter from my GP stating that I need to carry medication for injections. They checked everything. So I would definitely say, belts and braces, bring everything that you can.