well I havd had quite a morning. 1 mile from the hospital, the slip road we needed was closed due to an accident. Had a 4 mile queue to get off next junction and drive through Canterbury at rush hour. What should be a 35 min journey, ended up 1hr 50mins. They kindly moved slot to 11am. Get to check in, and it turns out it’s in a mobile scanner and I need to walk 1/4 mile and climb steps. Obviously I can’t do that, asked if hubby could wheel me to the unit, and I just climb the steps, no can do. Do rebooked for Sunday at 4pm. Exhausted, and the stress has triggered my adrenal insufficiency, with nausea, headache and lightheaded, so have had to take extra steroid to prevent a crisis. 🥲. It’s ridiculous that an urgent mri that should have been last Saturday is now going to be 8 days later. After scan I have to go back to A&E which on a Sunday evening will be heaving
update on knee injury : well I havd had quite a morning... - NRAS
update on knee injury

Slap head against brick wall moment 🥰
Blimey what a palaver you had to go through darling. Hugs. xxxx
I'm so sorry you've been treated like that. It's ridiculous. I hope things go better for you x
just adding insult to injury ! X
Just so sorry🥲
That’s crap. What a way to be treated. It confirms everything you read about the way the NHS has gone so badly downhill. We know, cos we’re nurses, that this shouldn’t be how you should be treated as a patient.
Of course there are fantastic examples of good practice and it’s by no means all poor but when it’s bad it’s very bad. It was always run for the organisation and not the users but it seems to have got worse and worse and I despair for something I worked in for so long and used to love.
You and Mmrr are hitting the skid pad at the moment so allI can say is I hope things improve very soon and you get back on an even keel. All best wishes.
If only they had enquired when booking me in, if I was able to walk a certain distance. I have suspected tendonitis and torn ligament, mentioned on the request form, so you would sort of assume mobility may be an issue. Oh well fingers crossed for Sunday 🤞. They always nurses make awkward patients, Mmrr and myself are living up to that 😂😂
When I needed an MRI I had to ring up the booking office to make sure that my son could come with me and that there would be a place for her to wait. I am his carer and there is no one at home to have him.
Turned out I was booked into the mobile scanner and there wouldn't be a place for him to wait. So they changed the booking to the in house one. Only they didn't tell me! Cue Bugs Bunny style rushing around to retrieve my son from the corner of a corridor I had hidden him in telling him not to talk to anyone, which meant the porter couldn't go and get him to take him to the in house waiting room!
But it taught me that sometimes ringing the booking office for these things is a good idea to make sure that not only you are actually booked in, but where, how and when too.
I know, too late for you, but hopefully others and yourself next time will have another took in the tool box to fix these things.
The mri appointments were booked via the booking office, where mh daughter explained about the urgent mri, ring advised that it would be a day or 2. She also explained that my mobility was extremely limited even indoors, due to severe pain. When I contacted the booking office myself, whilst in the traffic jam due to an accident, I explained that I currently had to use a rental wheelchair to get about, and needed answers urgently and was expected to go straight to A&E once it was done. So they both knew.
Then when I arrived in person at the reception, she asked if I could walk. I assumed she meant the few steps into the unit, which although difficult and painful was prepared to do. She then explained it was 300 yds outdoors, on an uneven surface, that was unsuitable for wheelchairs, but also wheelchairs weren’t allowed close to the unit because of the magnet. We offered to drive round to the unit, and I could take the few steps required. It’s frustrating as it’s a slot that was wasted, and cost the nhs money. It would appear the staff in the centre booking office were unaware of the restrictions getting to the unit. They cover about 4-5 different sites all offering MRIs, several being mobile units, and they went out of their way to try and get the soonest scan. So not sure what more we could have done, other than ensure booking staff know of the issue at Canterbury. Oh well hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly 🤞
I wish I could say that's unbelievable but, sadly, it's all too common. You deserve better
you’d think it’s a standard question that would be asked ‘ do you have mobility problems’ if they know there’s stairs and a fair walk. Unbelievable 🙄
That’s just awful. Like Kitty says, you’d think someone might have asked about mobility problems it’s a hospital after all and you were going for a scan on your knee. As for not letting your husband wheel you - why not? That seems absolutely ridiculous.
I hope things go well on Sunday and I’ll send a message to the A&E god to make the department quiet and peaceful for you. Good luck.
Apparently it’s to do with the magnets, can’t have large items with metal near them 😂😂, also the path is not surfaced and is unsuitable for wheelchairs. Hubby even offered to drive me round to the rear of the hospital and was told that wasn’t possible. Damed if I can understand it, as the mobile in Margate sits beside the ambulance entrance of A&E, where they wheel patients out in wheelchairs or trolleys. Oh well, it is what it is. 🥲
Ah so you were planning on being MRId while strapped to a wheelchair? 😂
Surely he could have taken said wheelchair way out of range while you were being scanned then come back for you when it was over. They really were being bloody minded weren’t they. Hope it goes well on Sunday.
They stated it wasn’t possible for hubby to drop me at the stairs, he would then take away the wheelchair, and return when I called. Then it was an issue if we had to evacuate. I explained I could manage around 30 steps to get out if needed, but no chair cannot be anywhere near the vicinity of the MRI. I was a nurse I’ve escorted patients on trolleys to mobile MRIs and used a little exterior lift to get them in. H&S has gone berserk apparently in the 5yrs since I retired 😂
That’s very unfortunate and I feel for you. Had similar experience with scan on severely ruptured legs muscles with scan room up three flights of stairs, no lift, during covid so had to attend alone, managed eventually to climb stairs but took so long they said I’d missed my appointment!
Sending healing vibes
I am so sorry to hear this. We offered every option, even hubby driving round to the unit, and I could manage the few steps. Any more than that leaves me with pain score of 8, and would be unable to lie still for the scan. Did you eventually get yours. It seems ridiculous that this is classed as urgent yet it’s 8 days later before I get the scan. Thank goodness I didn’t spend all these nights in the A&E corridor 🤗
I can’t like this post Maureen, just what you didn’t need today. I do hope that you feel better soon now that you have taken the extra steroids. 💐
Thanks, but I’m not on extra steroids. That was only 1 week at the beginning of July. My rheumatologist invited me in for steroid injection, but when he seen me aid we needed an mri, and that steroids would mask the problem, which I understand. It was booked as a routine mri as I was walking a little better then. However 48hrs later, k couldn’t walk from living room to kitchen without excruciating pain. Thankfully family were here on Holiday and have been providing me my food and drink, as I can’t stand long enough to boil a kettle. It’s been difficult as I’ve never been good at accepting help, but I’m very fortunate. Hubby is doing all the housework for me tomorrow, bless him 🤗
Crazy - wishing you all the best when you finally make it
That’s crackers what a stupid situation to be in you must be a bit cross about it I would be 🤯. Unfortunately it does seem that scans of any kind are very hard to come by. I slipped a disc pre pandemic and it took 6 weeks to get an urgent MRI. Recently my friend developed a massive bruise all around her hip it was very nasty with no trauma she’s been waiting 2 months for an ultrasound which was also urgent she has a heart condition and MS and can’t have a MRI I doubt very much she will get a scan this year. I hope they finally get around to yours on Sunday and deal with your injury in a swift and professional manner as it must be absolute hell for you atm.
Thanks, yes it is a living hell at the moment. The pain is excruciating, especially in the night, when I’m trying not to scream in pain and waken others. Thankfully hubby and I sleep in separate rooms, as my spine. Amuses me pains in the night, which disturbed him, when he’d be working next morning. He’s also in bed by 10, and I’m normally 1am. Been on tramadol for years, normally a box of 100 keeps me going 3 month, but gp wants to stop them because since this knee has been giving issue at the end of June, I’ve been using them more. Dread running out. 🤗
I’d go have an argument with GP if it was me they can’t possibly expect you to live with that much pain and remove a painkiller that works and doesn’t cause other issues. Time to get the shopping elbows out and don’t take no for an answer. Been there done that unfortunately. Hope things improve for you very soon.
Oh the best bit was on one day she returned a call about my severe pain, she said I need to get the pharmacists advice. 48hrs later pain was still 8/10 a paramedic from the surgery visited, was horrified how bad I’d been left. Went back to tell her I needed more. She called that afternoon insisting I remove my butec patch immediately and take no more tramadol. Nothing to take in place of them till the following morning. I could then start low dose zomorph capsules. I said but that won’t help the pain I’m suffering now. I told her I’d been telling her for 8 weeks I had intense knee pain, and that until this acute episode settled down, I’d no intention of removing patches, and stopping pain meds. I said the paramedic agreed I needed breakthrough pain, and suggested oramorph. Initially said they had a policy of only prescribing to palliative patients but she’d speak to pharmacy. Called back 5 mins later, saying I could keep patch n and continue tramadol, and she’d prescribed oramorph to help this episode. She then said she’d touch base and call me Tuesday, guess what, I’ve heard nothing. I haven’t chased, because it will be revisiting the Zomorph subject, which I’m happy to do when this current knee pain settles. Sorry for the long winded answer. She has never fully examined my knee, because she’s been adamant all along it’s coming from my spine due to my ankylosing spondylitis.
Words fail me what a shambles. I was prescribed something that made me so dizzy I fell over and hurt my back and all because they wouldn’t up the dose very short term of fentanyl patches because my pain was so severe. I went back and played merry hell and finally got the increased dose which I only used for one month. I had already proved on several occasions that I was not and am not addicted to fentanyl but they still changed it to butec patches this year even though I rarely ask for them. I was once asked by a doc if they could do a rectal exam because of severe pain and I had only just told them that I had had it removed due to bowel cancer in my 30’s so good luck with that haha. Why don’t they just listen and take your blo**y word for it. Honest to god makes my blood boil. And how is severe knee pain and inflammation due to ankylosing spondylitis when I’m certain if they had bothered to look they would know the difference as I’m sure you did and even if it is the root cause an exam would rule it out ??!!
Hello Runrig01, So sorry to here of your ordeal roadworks are an obstacle to getting there on time and sadly they do say if late you may have to have a new appointment. I had a similar incidence last week after surgery with returning home. But glad your appointment was rearranged and will be fairly soon as MRI s can take months. If it has steps sounds like the mobile units they have, I recall going up a couple of steps but I had a nurse supporting me to get there from reception. Unfortunately these units are not wheelchair friendly but if you wait for the scanners that are, it could be a long wait. I personally feel that even new hospitals fall short of disability access needs, or buildings not fit for purpose. After all everyone visiting hospital is disabled with the current illness, and wheelchairs will always be a part of life for some of us or other aids. Hope your next visit runs more smoothly. You can ask for a chaperone to help at most hospitals however you need to ask in advance. Take care till you go for the MRI and don't worry about the tablets you need to take right now any relief is better than none. thinking of you and very best wishes
Crikey what a carry on. If a scan is urgent, it’s urgent. Obviously that is not understood. Hope all goes well for you on Sunday
Thinking of you 👍💞
Know exactly what you mean, I spent 13 hrs last week in A & E, with some nurses saying I was going home, doctors then telling me I was staying the night. I had about 4 lots of antibiotics including the one from my docs and my feet resembled that of an elephant. That doesn't beat the record though, in Jan this year I spent 20 hrs in A & E on my scooter, went in about 6pm New Year's Eve and went home at 4pm New Year's Day.
Sorry you’ve endured similar. When being triaged in the nurse was already planning home. She said getting pain under control is the priority. I said surely knowing what the injury is is equally important, so I don’t keep exacerbating the issue. Dr was astounded I’d been walking around on it, and insisted it needed urgent investigation
Felt sorry for one nurse because she was on her own. Have to admit they did do bloods, an x-ray and ecg within a few hours but then it was the waiting and confusion after that. That's coupled with the fact when they did bloods in my hand they hit a nerve twice and pain in my finger was excruciating. Hope your sorted soon.
Shakes head in disbelief.For my scan last week I wasn't permitted to take my elbow crutches into the MRI room, I left them directly outside the door which was then closed. They brought the scanning table out as far as they could and I hobbled the few steps with help from the radiographer.
I do hope you get sorted soon.
Oh I'm so sorry. Hang on in there. I hope all goes well next time round.
Poor you speedy recovery.
You poor thing! They’re hopeless, the whole lot of them 🤷♀️
Hope you got your MRI done yesterday and that your trip to A&E this morning wasn’t too awful in terms of waiting time, and most importantly was productive in terms of a treatment plan
Thanks. Had mri which was excruciating, which surprised me I’ve had many MRIs including the other knee when I had knee pain, and it was fine. Had to stop at one point as thought I was going to be sick with the pain.
A&E was only 1hr which was good. News wasn’t so good the orthopaedic Dr says I have very severe osteoarthritis in the knee, and thinks the overactivity on holiday has triggered a bad flare. She believes that’s what’s causing the knee to buckle. Some inflammation of the patella tendon, but didn’t feel steroids were needed. Nothing given other than get gp or rheumatologist to review my meds.
I’m quite disheartened as was hoping it was either a ligament needing a brace, or tendons needing steroids. Now there’s no quick fix and my future mobility is uncertain. I can’t even take antiinflammatories due to having a severe stroke 5 yr ago. Have restarted my stretching and strengthening exercises, which seems to have made it worse this evening. Only done 1 set of 10, rather than the usual 3 reps of 10, so not even overdoing it. I’ve had 3 slipped discs, 1 in my neck where the pain was severe, but yet this is worse than that.
If anyone knows of a quick fix to severe OA pain I’m all ears. I’m still literally just able to walk from one room to another, getting outdoors is impossible, except to sit in the garden. Hubby has been wonderful. He’s organised his week to get me to 2 appointments I have. I’m normally so independent and have my own car to get around, and don’t like to rely on anybody. Thanks again for thinking of me 🤗
Have you tried acupuncture to get over the severe pain I had it after a knee op as pain so bad and helped me a lot
I’ve not am willing to try anything, but unless I can find one doing home visits, I’m stuck at the moment. Thanks 👍🤗
I am so very sorry to hear that. You must feel so discouraged. You have so much to contend with 🤦🏻♀️ I have no advice to offer ( though hopefully others might) but do send my heartfelt sympathy 🤗
Just to say I am so sorry to hear that you have been let down due to a lack of practical understanding and empathy by those arranging your MRI. You have excellent medical knowledge and give so much sound and sensible advice to others. It is difficult to add to what you know but when my tendons are inflamed, rest , keeping them warm and supported help me. Minimum movement. But this might not work for you. Also try to relax so that there is less tension. Easier said than done.A GP decades ago told me to bite my finger when in pain to divert pain pathways. I try this too. So sorry. Hope the pain eases every day . Take care.

Thanks for your kind words. I guess my medical knowledge can be a hindrance to them, as I do question them. The orthopaedic SHO is adamant it’s severe osteoarthritis causing the problem, it when I asked why then is it the patella tendon where the pain starts and not in the joint itself, same with my quads, she couldn’t answer. My other knee has had severe osteoarthritis in it for at least 6yr, due to the patella calcifying, and shortening, the patella was subluxed by about 2cm leading to the severe OA behind the knee cap and where it rubs the patella. That pain is very different to what I’m experiencing now, and easier to cope with as it’s localised, whereas this is my whole leg. I know my muscles are all tight due to te find calcifying at the sacroiliac joint which is fused, so I’ve always done daily stretches, although these last few weeks I’ve not. Did a couple of stretches yesterday just 1 set of 10, and pain was worse all evening. Sorry I’m ranting away here, just want the old me back being able to cook dinner, and get out to appointments in the car. Thanks again and take care x🤗
When we live with pain , we know when the pain is different and personal knowlege and experience gives us the instinct of what to do but to seek some degree of comfirmation from experts. You alone know what works for you and experts might not always be right. I am full of admiration for knowledgable nurses. Many in say ICU or trauma know as much as the consultants. I have a biochemistry degree ,long time ago , so ask questions too, and question everything. I worked in a non medical field. However you have knowlege and experience of working as a nurse which counts far more. Don't knock it.Do what you know is best for you. Hopefully you will be your old self soon. Take care x

So true, and don't we know it.
Whenever you reply to me, I value your opinion as a knowledgeable nurse , as I do with replies from Runrig01. Thank you both x

Haven spent time in the busy A&E depts these last few weeks, I’ve developed a nasty chest infection. Probably doesn’t help that I feel run down from lack of sleep. My peak flows dropped from 450 to 270, with chest very tight. Gp prescribed antibiotics and steroids. Lo and behold the steroids are lessening the knee pain, particularly the area over shin and to kneecap where my patella tendon is, which convinced me more that tendonitis is definitely present, although I’m sure the severe OA is joining in the fun. Can potter into kitchen now and sit on a stool to make coffee or a sandwich now. Because of my adrenal insufficiency she has given me rough to slowly taper back to my usual dose. So hopefully will see slow improvements day by day 🤞🤗