Hi all. Been having some new fibromyalgia symptoms to go with the multiple tendinopathies. So now as well as not being able to move my neck, and having various tendons play up over the course of the day (pain relief just isn't helping, co codamol 30mg/500 and Naproxen)Feeling icy cold, light sensitivity, and my short term memory has gone to pot
Feelin sorry for myself today: Hi all. Been having some... - NRAS
Feelin sorry for myself today

I hope someone will have helpful advice for you @BakerTom. All I can say is that I just saw your message and was deeply moved by your plight. So please accept my compassion, my shared suffering with you.
I am having that kind of day the weather seriously not help wind and rain make Me so bad with the fibro and heat for the RA
Re memory: left the keys in the car last night, so the battery is completely flat
That sounds awful and I'm sorry you're going through it today. A gentle sofa day with a heated throw and some rubbish afternoon TV or, if you're feeling a bit perkier a potter in the garden for distraction purposes could hit the spot. What is this "memory" of which you speak? 😂. I can remember back when I was young but yesterday?
Full on empathy here. What day is it? Ah look new trigger finger…and about that pulled muscle in your back. Take care.
Strangely I'm having a similar time. I feel like my whole body is in a flare which for me, I think is mostly tendonitis. I've not been diagnosed with fibro but sometimes I wonder. On top of that I have what feels like being on the edge of developing a cold for ages (the cold never appears but I have a sore throat and feel cold/hot). I wonder if it's down to the weather?
Sore throat - I saw a previous post where you mentioned sore throat too. Note my diagnosis is Stills Disease which for me manifests as RD. The first symptom was a sore throat and since diagnosis in 1979 has been almost an ever present symptom. No cold or cough just the sore throat which is visibly red and yellow inside and also gives me earache. I’ve had tests, nothing found but continue to suffer and I use that word as some days it’s so bad I can’t function. I’m only on pain relief for joints but have read RD affects the throat. I also have dry eyes and lichen sclerosis which could be AI linked. So I sympathise on the throats and ask if you find any relief to let me know please.
That sounds miserable Stills. My sore throat varies between post nasal drip induced sore throat and a lump in the throat feeling. It may be that I have hay fever but I'm not getting the typical symptoms (I don't seem to do typical anything 🤣). I've told the consultant and nurse about the lump in the throat feeling and they just ignore it. It comes and goes and doesn't impact eating so I guess it's not a real lump.
Sorry you are feeling so awful Baker Tom. I’m like Gottarelax and wonder if it is the weather because when I saw your post I recognised a lot of symptoms (not been diagnosed with fibro though) in fact I’ve been feeling so awful I’ve been lying snoozing under a blanket all afternoon, then my watch alarm went off to remind me to move my car as the parking restriction in the street outside my house was about to start, if I hadn’t done that then I’d never have remembered so that was Me 1: Brain fog 0
Hope you can get your car back in action soon - could have been worse - someone could have come along, seen the keys and helped themselves to your car. Hopefully you are starting to feel a bit better now.
I’m In The same boat . Weather really plays a part. Wet windy weather cripples me physically and mentally. Hot humid weather it’s RA accompanied with peripheral neuropathy.. oh the joys . Only happy in crisp cold weather.. forgot the menopause likes to join in . Wish I could have brain fog that makes me forget these symptoms.😂
Bless you darling i hope you feel brighter come tomorrow.xxxx
I empathise with the neck trouble many of us get, worst for me is in the car at a give- way. Hope things improve for you soon.
Sending hopes for a better day today. Stock up on those biscuits next time you walk the dog!
I do hope that you are having a better day today.
Feel for ya, good thing it will pass if only the weather would warm up a little eh?
To cheer you up!
Just had face to face with consultant who gave me two injections in the bum. Oh good she said a big place to aim at …. Cheeky!
Sorry you’re having a rough time atm. I’m not so good either and feeling very cold like you. The weather doesn’t help!
I’ve been playing some favourite music loudly to distract myself. Hope you can find a way through too. 🤞🏻