Went well and now have had 3 different brands over time which apparently is good! Again no side effects so I guess my immune system isn't a Diva 😀
5th covid jab. : Went well and now have had... - NRAS
5th covid jab.

I'm due no 6 in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately I've had rections to every one so far,but hey ho Im glad to have the jabs 😁
yes had my 6th yesterday. Just usual slightly sore arm. 🤞🏼
Which brand of covid jabs are you getting this time round? I've had 4 Pfizer and 1 Moderna. No. 6 on Sunday.
I’ve got my 6th on Saturday, not sure if it will have to be delayed as on antibiotics for sinusitis, although online it says antibiotics aren’t contraindicated. I’ve had the 3 different ones and been told this one will be the bivalent
Thats what I had manufacted by Moderna
yes. My last 2 have been the original Moderna the first gave me flu like illness for 2 weeks. Hoping that doesn’t happen this time 🤞
Me too ! Sorry to report my last , the 6th jab moderna bivalent , gave me 2 weeks of 'flu like symptoms . Plus worsening of my RA . Not wishing to proffer 'doom and gloom' , just saying as it is .
I started this vax journey thinking how lucky we immunosuppressed folks were with the offer of 6 jabs . Now Im a bit 🤔
Hi Maureen, think maybe try phone the centre and ask to speak to the lead nurse? My GP was there when I went last year for my fist vaccine and I said I’d just finished abx the day before and she said that’s fine.
This is from AntibioticResearchUK and I texted them last year and also got an individual reply to also say it was alright. Sorry I can’t find that at the moment as world take an age to look/scroll and find it. Maybe if you were on very high level abx it could be different. Can you phone the vaccine centre/health centre and ask to speak to the lead nurse? Our vaccine centre takes phone enquiries. Good luck.
“It is safe to have the COVID-19 vaccine while taking antibiotics BOWHOUSE 9TH FEBRUARY 2021 CORONAVIRUS COVID-19Antibiotic Research UK’s vital work providing support to people who have antibiotic-resistant infections has made it clear that better patient advice about vaccinations is urgently needed. Our Patient Support Service is reassuring 10+people per day (by telephone or email) that it is safe to have a COVID-19 vaccine while taking antibiotics. Alarmingly, we have heard from a small number of people that they were refused the vaccine on the grounds that they are currently taking antibiotics. Please know that is is safe to have a COVID-19 vaccine while taking antibiotics.What the current guidance saysNone of the Patient Information documents for the vaccines state that they cannot be given to people on antibiotics. These documents set out every detail relating to the treatment, so would include any and all known risks or restrictions. Just to be sure, we contacted the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and received confirmation that “Antibiotics are not a contraindication to COVID-19 vaccination per se” (a contraindication is a reason to withhold a certain medicine). The MHRA went on to say that you must not receive the vaccine if you currently have a bad fever or ‘febrile’ illness. Febrile illness includes the rapid onset of headaches, chills or muscle and joint pains. A cold or low-grade fever are not reasons to postpone getting the vaccine.”
thanks Neonkittie. I have spoke with my GP this afternoon. He says as long as I don’t have a temperature on the day I should be fine to go ahead. Unfortunately the hub I’m attending doesn’t take calls, so he said just to mention it, but shouldn’t be a problem.
When I researched it I found the same info you have posted, so hopefully temperature will be down by Saturday. I’m surprised I haven’t caught it off of Drew my husband, although he sleeps in a separate room and uses separate bathroom. Has also kept his distance throughout, so no kisses or cuddles. His work have been brilliant and have made him continue WFH as they are worried he will overdo things and develop long covid. He’s still getting the night sweats, fatigue and a lingering cough. Was quite poorly with it, poor soul. My 28 yr old daughter who is fit & healthy also got really poorly, with the fevers and a worryingly high pulse and O2 sats of 93%, if they dropped to 92 they wanted to admit her. Yet so many now, seem to feel you not get mild cold symptoms. Hubby is a type 2 diabetic who has recently started insulin, and they’re struggling to stabilise his sugars, so I’m sure that’s contributed to the issues he’s had. My son in law just had cold symptoms. Feel Niger’s crossed 🤞 I get mine on Saturday, it’s 6 months since I had my 5th dose. Could have had a slot a few weeks ago, but we were away on a family get together, and last weekend was very busy. Due to having adrenal insufficiency, hubby prefers me having vaccines at the weekend, as it eats into my cortisol and can make me quote poorly. It’s frustrating as normally I’d increase my steroids, but if I do that I risk less response to the vaccine. Hope you are well, and thanks again for the reply 🤗
Hi Maureen, I hope your husband and daughter get back on track as sounds a very difficult time. 😑 A lot to deal with re your husband’s diabetes too as well as your own issues.💗 Hope you are feeling some improvement and temperature behaving and you’re ready for your vaccine tomorrow. It’s my first booster tomorrow (I’m a year behind due to no B cells after Rtx last year and failed vaccines, so I repeated the first two March-April once B’s returning after a year, and had the third primary dose in July.) Have had to pause my recently started biologic med before the vaccine and will do after for two weeks, as advised by my Rheumy and immunologist. Belt and braces approach to try ensure the best vaccine efficacy. Hope all goes well tomorrow. I’m doing OK thanks Maureen .. it’s been absolutely full on since early 2022, trying to organise everything and juggle four consultants. Frustrating and tiring as we often find, so I just try to do it in small chunks and keep working at it as efficiently as possible, but often it’s two steps forward and four steps backwards lately! We keep trying to get the health care we need. 💗
That’s very kind of you. Laura is doing ok now. Drew I do wonder if he will have long Covid, although it’s only been 3 weeks or so, so fingers crossed. He’s normally looking after me, providing me breakfast in bed, till my morning steroids kick in and make me human. I generally wake with the feeling my batteries are flat 😂.
I remember you mentioning your issues re the initial vaccines and your poor response. Hopefully now you’ve switched biologic you’ll get a better response. I withheld my MTX on Wednesday prior to vaccine, and was intending on withholding my benepali. So it’s worked out well being on antibiotics at the same time, I’ve only had 24hrs of antibiotics and temp is 37.8, so hopefully will be down enough by tomorrow 😂🤞.
It is a nightmare trying to coordinate several specialists. I have 4, spread over 3 different Trusts, so have to be the middle man ensuring they are all kept informed. Like you it’s often 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Had 2 of them send appointments for the same date & time, what are the chances 😂.
Good luck with your booster tomorrow, hopefully we won’t suffer a flare or horrid side effects. My one slight concern is when I take antibiotics I have to double dose my steroids to prevent an adrenal crisis, so currently on 10mg prednisolone, but hopefully as I’m withholding my other immunosuppressants so hopefully will be ok. You take care, and hopefully no long queues to wait in. X
just thought I’d let you know I got my 6th cabinet yesterday. Temperature behaved itself. I didn’t realise Pfizer also havd a bivalent vaccine out. Surprised as hubby is a scientist with Pfizer and even he didn’t know 😂😂. So I had the Pfizer with Omicron and other than an achy arm have woke up feeling fine. Best I’ve felt out of the 6 I’ve had. It may be partly due to taking 10mg prednisolone at the moment rather than my usual 4, due to the infection.
Hope yours went ok too, and that you get a good response 🤞. Take care x
Hi Maureen, Thank you. Yes my large vaccine centre have/had the Pfizer bivalvent at present and no Moderna bivalent at present. I’d read a few weeks ago that Pfizer bivalent was about to be in general use so was expecting it. The girl on reception organised opening up a large unused side room for us to wait in and the nurse came in a few mins later. (My OH and I both got the same pre-booked timeslot online.) I was told I will need a couple of boosters to nudge my immune as this is my first. Arm throbbing today and more widespread than just the injection site. Hope it works well for you too and your infection clears soon. Take care, too. x
I felt awful on my 5th. Fine on all the others. But I won’t stop me having more of it keeps me alive! I spent 2 weeks in hospital with covid all over last Christmas. And collapsed while in there. Breaking my leg 🤣🤣. But I’m still alive lol
I had my 6th last Saturday. Pfizer this time. I also have the full set of 3 brands. Unfortunately unlike you, Ive had awful flares with full on fatigue and severe joint pain after every one, and my medication has never managed to get me back to relative normal. I'm going to start a new JAK next week, so fingers crossed it will start working asap, as this is miserable.
Hi i keep getting called for 6th one but 6! Is it actually needed. My ra team said i may have only had half jab in may n due other half but trying to find out is proving really hard
She says if ive had full dose of moderna in may probably dont need 6th one
🙄, ill just play the waiting game
it’s said by many experts and my senior immunologist too that if you are a very immunosuppressed patient then giving your immune system a “nudge” with a booster is the way to hopefully increase your immunity every several months and has been recommended by the JCVI.
As I’m a year behind the vaccines due to zero antibodies to the first two and waiting for my B cells to replenish from last year due to Rituximab, I’ll be having my first booster very shortly and shall be hoping to catch up on the two I’ve missed autumn 21 and spring 22. The lead nursing sister at my major vaccine centre says she sees the boosting going on for quite some time/at least a couple of years for the seniors and immunosuppressed/high risk. My Ig’s are low due to hypogamma from Rtx, so it makes sense to me.
Of course if you think you’ve had full dose booster Moderna last time you may be fully up to date and have developed good antibodies, if you’ve had them tested. For myself, with the virus numbers on the rise daily and current cases at 200k plus a day (see the ZOE data) I’m going to catch up all I can and my consultant wants to test for antibodies as my immune is rather off beam since Rtx. Advice of my immunologist re keep vaxxing and testing, but I agree with him for my own situation. Hope your RA team can ascertain which you’ve had. I did note when seeing my medical details on my NHS app it tells you the actual dosage of the vaccine you’ve been given. Can you access yours and look thar way? Good luck.
i have just had my sixth always had pfizer but this one was moderna. Spent the night freezing cold and headachy then by morning felt ok!
yes i was really surprised to have my sixth. I am really not sure i want any more!
The only time I was bad was after my 4th this Feb. In hindsight I should have gone straight home, but instead spent a few hours taking on the world.
After my 5th I scheduled a few days in bed with Val McDermid.
2x full 1st vac [ AZ in my case] then 2x full Pfizer, then 1x full Moderna [never again for me tho] = 5?? and booked in for Pfizer + flu vacc next week, but don't know yet if booster or full dose [ am on RTX infusions]. Due RTX end of December and mid January - wish they'd drop it to 1 infusion tho' rather than 1 then 50%!!