Mask wearing in hospitals: Just back from Rheumatology... - NRAS


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Mask wearing in hospitals

cathie profile image
65 Replies

Just back from Rheumatology at Western General in Edinburgh. EVERYONE was wearing masks, plenty of hand sanitiser available too. No question about mask wearing it was completely observed

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cathie profile image
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65 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

Thank goodness!!

Common sense is still alive

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to

The nurse taking my bloods commented about non mask wearing in England- sort of disbelief.

in reply to cathie

My hubby has covid at the moment and we are the only ones I know who ware masks. I got funny looks in the chemist yesterday as the only one who wore one . Everyone coughing and spluttering. No wonder the rates are rising

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to

No wonder! They had stopped wearing masks in our chemist but they had them on again at weekend.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to

Sorry to here about your husband being ill, hope he's not to bad.As for wearing masks there is conflicting information about there effectiveness. Certainly wearing a mask can not guarantee your safety or that you will spread it to others.

At least the vaccine offers some peace of mind. At the begging of this terrible virus they said it was something that we would have to learn to live with.

Thankfully the numbers of these seriously ill with covid are low. 40 as apposed to this time last year where it was 87. According to the radio yesterday.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Tourk

I wonder where you are Tourk? This isn't the case in the UK where covid is running rampant.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to cathie

This was on talk radio UK lots of cases but thankfully fairly mild. I can understand your confusion the media tends to exaggerate. People being healthy doesn't sell newspapers.Covid is certainly something to be aware of, but sadly not the most worrying thing we face in these troubled times.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Tourk

Just to clarify, I'm not at all confused in any way.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Tourk

I agree with you. I think the upcoming economic collapse and the absolute shambles the NHS is in is something I'm concerned about. For some reason my imraldi has just been stopped. No letter or explanation. I'd decided to stop it anyway as it was just wiping out my immune system, but I wonder how many people this is happening to? Not a word from rheumatology, and home care says they're waiting for prescription.

My neighbour was dumped from his kidney specialist as he didn't turn up for appointments...he never received any! When he did see his specialist and told him what had happened he said 'I know, it's f'd.' Actual words of desperation from a doc! Same thing happened to me, dumped off a list for failure to turn up for appointments I never received.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Blackberrywine

That’s appalling

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to cathie

Yes. I'm afraid things may get a bit worse...if that's possible! I don't even bother ringing my GP any more. Complete waste of time and energy. The assumption is that everyone has access to computers. I don't. I have an old mobile phone with dodgy signal!

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Blackberrywine

We certainly live in strange times, it's almost as if some people have Stock home syndrome. Have to fear covid, have to wear a mask even if it doesn't work. Have to hang onto every headline it's getting worse.....

It's like an addiction to horror movies. They need that thrill of covid to give them purpose.

All the while things that really matter are pushed to one side. We are already struggling poor quality food at exorbitant prices and worry about the next increase in gas / electric.

As for the collapse of the NHS bringing masks back only adds to it demise. Along with the mountain of pollution.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Tourk

I think most folks are not aware of what's going on. None of it is on mainstream media. I got rid of the lie box years ago. Those who never, or rarely use the NHS will have no clue about it's gradual demise.

Each to their own though. I've no problem if people want to wear a mask. I visited a very sick friend today. Doesn't wear a mask, but requested no hugs or close contact. He's very frail, and it's his choice to make not mine. My only sadness is that I might not see him again to give him a hug. 😢

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to cathie

Ah there are lots of people wearing masks down here - no one gives us funny looks either - I bet it’s not as bad as you Scots have been led to believe 😉

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I'm sure 'we Scots' are very happy to hear it!

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to cathie

I have to say I am actually Scottish - born in Edinburgh lived in central Scotland most of my life - I think it’s more the person’s attitude than the country they are living in.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I absolutely agree with that (as a new Scot with a mother from a Scottish family). I was worried about not mask wearing because of the potential spread of the disease - which doesn't recognise borders. Stay Well!

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to cathie

I just wear a mask where necessary, we stick with the old hands face and space and no way would we go near a crowd of any sort.

There is still hand-wash at the entrances to stores and all the old notices are up.

There will always be - dare I say it - idiots on both sides of the border who will do their own thing. We have Dominic Cummings who drove to Barnard Castle for an eye test 🤣🤣🤣 You have that Scottish MP who got the train back to Glasgow when she had tested positive.

I had an email from an American friend yesterday to say her husband had caught covid, think he must have gone to a clinic for a PCR test because he ‘received a phone call yesterday from a county health official going over instructions for him. Five days home quarantine; five days after going out only with a mask, 6' social distancing and contact limited to 15 minutes. ‘

According to two friends who live there people in the US have not been wearing masks for quite a while.

I also have a friend based in London who was 'pinged' this week by NHS Track and Trace, advising her of close contact with someone who tested positive. I was quite surprised because I didn't even think it was being used anymore.

Stay safe, I think there are a lot of people like us who are still being very careful - thank goodness.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Fruitandnutcase

That’s strange I had one those “pings” as well. Thought must of been a mistake. Went to see my GP last Monday he said covid is on the increase. He thought everyone will be back to wearing masks by September & warned me not to book any holidays abroad 😔

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Caza

I’ve just returned from Cyprus & as from today masks are compulsory everywhere due to increase in Covid numbers. Watch this space. Think you could be right x

Bails67 profile image
Bails67 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I have been pinged a few times and turns out it was a scam!!! Be careful.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Bails67

Yes guessed it had to be. I ignored it

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I don't think there is track and trace any more. This was probably a scam. Someone with not enough to do and even fewer brain cells.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Sheila_G

I think you are right. I must say that next time I’m speaking to her.

nomoreheels profile image

As it should be. Same in our local big hospital, where I attend Rheumatology clinic. We were there in the Cardiology Unit for my h on Monday & masks were by the doors in the foyer, as well as hand sanitiser. Everyone wore masks without exception, unlike the local smaller hospital I attended recently for a Podiatry appointment where no masks were available, not sanitiser & only one other person was wearing one. Both hospitals are in the same health authority in NW England.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to nomoreheels

Yes there was a table with boxes of masks and sanitizer at the entrance to outpatients too.

bencar profile image
bencar in reply to cathie

Went to hospital for a blood test on Tuesday. Was disappointed to see about 50% of people were not wearing masks also some of the staff. No wonder Covid is on the increase.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to bencar

I can’t understand why as a staff member of anywhere but especially in a hospital you would be willing to be in contact - sometimes close contact - with patients and people you don’t know without wearing a mask. I know it used to be said you wear a mask to protect other people but to be honest nowadays I wear one to protect myself.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to nomoreheels

Good to hear.

Gottarelax profile image

York district hospital last week, hardly a mask in sight- lots of frail looking people without masks in a generally bustling foyer. New appointment come through says masks must be worn...we'll see.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Gottarelax

I’m at York district hospital currently having a coffee after having a blood test & a lot are wearing masks today. Particularly the elderly ( like me) 🤣 X

Bessieboo1 profile image
Bessieboo1 in reply to Gottarelax

I work as a staff nurse for the Trust. The staff should all be wearing masks now and we can encourage patients and visitors to wear a mask but we can’t force them. Some people are extremely rude to staff when we ask them to put a mask on!!

cathie profile image

I hope they will but it’s more difficult to go back once restrictions have been lifted isn’t it.

Frances_UK profile image

That's great to hear.

Peacox profile image

That’s good. No one wears masks at Kings College Trust hospitals now. It’s pretty terrifying. I read yesterday they’re one of the highest numbers of COVID in UK Trusts. Not surprising really. It’s really upsetting to go there.

sampete profile image

Our hospital in Derbyshire has never stopped wearing them, they a are at the entrance with the sanitiser

Happygranny1958 profile image

My local hospital has just announced today that they have brought back mask wearing. My sister works at Pinderfields hospital and they have also brought it back.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Happygranny1958

Good 👍

Runrig01 profile image

It seems to vary by Trust. My ex nursing colleagues were sent emails saying that compulsory wearing of masks was ending. I attended one of the smaller hospitals last night for an MRI, staff were all wearing masks, but only around 50% of the public were. I was slightly concerned as the gentleman in the mri before me wasn’t wearing a mask, but coughing occasionally. I could see the machine on the monitor and watched him get off, no washing down of equipment, then I was called in. When I had an mri in Jan 21 I had to wear one of their masks without the nose clip, but this time just told to remove my mask. Hoping I didn’t catch covid as the space inside is tight and your face is close to the surfaces. I was shocked. They had hand sanitizer at the entrance but no masks.

Mollie22 profile image

Our hospital in Kettering UK have never stopped wearing masks either. Masks on the table as you go in and sanitiser .

PSAWarrior28 profile image

Hospital in Havering (Essex) mask are compulsory. I'm surprised to hear that there some hospitals where it is not mandatory.

Green230461 profile image

Went for rheummy appointment on Tuesday. Everyone here had masks sanitizer and checking temperature at the door one way in one way out so back to last years method. Covid raising its ugly head in Essex again ☹️ Keep well and safe everyone!

Sheila_G profile image

Brilliant. My husband went to a private hospital for an appointment on monday and they were asking everyone to put masks on so that is good. I am going for my blood tests this afternoon so I hope they are wearing them there too. I think they will be

Tourk profile image

Is it maditory to wear masks again in Scotland? A rather worry development as there is still no credible evidence they make any difference to the spread of covid. If anything they may make it worse.

No dounght the Placebo effect of putting a mask on helps people who are worried about covid. But it's no substitute for an open window and air filtration.

For those of us who are worried about the effects of more restrictions its a terrifying step down a rocky path.

oldtimer2 profile image

Keep up with the evidence! There is accumulating evidence that mask wearing IS effective in reducing the spread of airbourne droplets containing virus particles.

Yes, I agree that MUCH more could be done to improve ventilation and through airflow and governments are dragging their feet over this. Locally, I'm pleased to see that our theatre is installing a non-recyling air-conditioning system.

I'll append some articles so that you can read and judge for yourself.

this says:

Policymakers and public health officials now have evidence from laboratories, models, observations and real-world trials that support mask-wearing to reduce respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Given that COVID-19 can so easily spread from person to person, if more people wear masks the benefits increase.

So next time you are wondering if you should wear a mask, the answer is yes. Cloth masks are likely better than nothing, but high-quality surgical masks or masks with even higher filtration efficiency and better fit – such as KF94s, KN95s and N95s – are the most effective at preventing COVID-19.

This article includes a table referring to 11 studies examining the effects of mask wearing.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to oldtimer2

I think its indisputable that we need to continue to wear masks. Thanks for the articles.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to cathie

We have all got to decide for ourselves how we are going forward dealing with the mask situation.Each hospital seems to have made their choice & if it’s to keep wearing masks….we will abide by their decision…....but whichever choice we make will be objected to by someone…so it’s make a decision you can live with….& get on with enjoying your life.

Covid is seemingly not going to disappear in the near future…so we have to make up our own minds & keep positive.

I’m sure we all know somebody who is has contracted Covid having been as careful as they possibly can …..wearing a mask, washing their hands and keeping their distance has not protected them ….so we really have just got to get on with it….in our own way.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to AgedCrone

Yes. My neighbours have had four jabs, worn masks everywhere and used hand sanitizer. They caught covid last week.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Blackberrywine

Exacty……Life is a b…….sometimes…but personally I refuse to give in.I will still take care & be sensible..but I’m not going into purdah, sitting at home “just in case “.

If I get it..I will hopefully deal with it..but life is to be enjoyed…..Not scared of.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to AgedCrone

Quite right! I think each person should weigh up their own risks. If more comfortable wearing masks they should wear one. It's a decision for the individual. I did feel sorry for my neighbours. Absolutely lovely people, totally militant about masks and hygiene etc though...their choice. If it's any consolation they are both in 80s and although they said the virus was unpleasant, they seem to have recovered in a week. I've been checking on them and shoving pickled beets on doorstep! 🤣

I agree about enjoying life as much as possible. You only get one bash at it. I do a lot of walking and gardening when I'm not too stiff. Meeting a friend in town for coffee tomorrow.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Blackberrywine

I’m the same era as your neighbours…if we can’t enjoy life now……when can we?Underlining non intention al!!!!

Gottarelax profile image
Gottarelax in reply to oldtimer2

Thank you for compiling evidence. WHO did so much damage with early statements about mask wearing which were repeated at gov briefings across the world . I am a virologist and strongly advocated mask wearing from the start. It was clear that the virus was aerosol borne. Masks, worn properly, may not remove risk but they substantially reduce risk. Regarding WHO, I can only surmise that there was a concern that there would be a worldwide panic for masks so they wanted manufacturing to be increased before recommending them.

Knit12 profile image

Everyone in Aberdeen hospitals wear masks too

helenlw7 profile image

I’m just home from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham where pretty much all the patients in out patients were wearing masks, but few of the nurses, ancillary staff and builders working in the hospital were! Incidentally I saw 2 builders get out of cars parked in disabled places in the car park! You don’t have to display a badge because you have to show it to have your ticket validated!

Haz58 profile image

My sister is waiting for a gallbladder op and had a call from our hospital last week. The nurse said ‘can you come in to see us to talk about the op on Sunday?’ My sis said ‘no sorry I can’t my husband has COVID’. Nurse said ‘ oh that’s ok just wear a mask’. Sister…’err I don’t think so I could have it but it’s not showing on tests yet’. Nurse ‘don’t worry just come in a mask’. We couldn’t believe it! She refused to go.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Haz58

Good for her, that is chilling and deeply irresponsible of the hospital.

Zephre profile image

Yes I agree up in Scotland the hospitals i go to have still sore masks and it should be the same all over that's why civic has risen

Zephre profile image

Oops my writing has gone iffy but I'm sure understand it 😂😂😂😂

bunnycaramel profile image

I went to rheumatology yesterday.All were wearing a mask. But its not happening in all areas. Maybe its due to their clients being immunosuppressed is the reason.

Mmrr profile image

Good to hear

Bella59 profile image

Hope you had a good appointment Cathie.I have a appt with rheumy at Western General on Monday glad to hear they are wearing masks.

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to Bella59

Yes it was good. Dr McRorie always thinks aloud and involves me in any decisions. All the nurses who were there before the pandemic are still there which is nice. I hope you’re ok too.

Bella59 profile image

I think change of meds again I will let you know next week Thanks.

Chockyuk profile image

I’m in Hertfordshire and my local hospital seems to still have a wearing masks policy. I had an appointment a few weeks ago and we were all wearing one with no issues. The lady in charge of the blood testing unit is very strict and has eagle eyes, if she spots anyone not wearing a mask she’s straight over to them asking if they are exempt, if the say no she’s straight out with a mask and insists they put it on.

I think it’s the sensible thing to do now. I work in education 16-18 and no one, including the students wear masks now. So many people are off with Covid, I’m surprised I’ve stayed negative myself so far. 🤞 I always wear a mask when I travel on the tube though.

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