What do people think of the ‘no mask’ statement? My t... - NRAS


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What do people think of the ‘no mask’ statement? My thoughts..

65 Replies

Wearing masks should still be compulsory in low ventilated areas like public transport and shops. People who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) to Covid are still at risk as their immune systems ‘react’ differently. Research does not include people with compromised immune systems.

We are living in a society where selfishness is applauded and helping/ thinking about others is derided. That is the biggest obstacle to this situation ever improving. Covid is a global issue; we are not safe until everyone is safe.

I appreciate we are ‘not likely to die now’, which obviously is great! But the numbers of people with Long Covid have not been published. This is what I personally am afraid of. My life is already severely compromised by chronic health conditions. I don’t think people realise how much their life will be affected if they get Long Covid, which doesn’t really help.

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65 Replies
Mmrr profile image

My personal view is that all the opening up changes are a little premature, let everyone over 18 get vaccinated, then open up....we need to open up at some point, but doing so now ....again I'll say....in my personal view is too soon. We are so nearly there it seems unnecessary to throw caution to the wind now, after all that everyone has endured.

Opening up now whilst the rates of Covid are rising, particularly amongst young adults, may lead to an increase in variants and put everyone at risk. Not just the CEV, although we have our own particular issues.

I'm in Scotland and just hope that ScotGov take a more cautious route, but whatever they do they will be criticised....for following Westminster or going their own way.

in reply to Mmrr

I agree with you Mmrr. No masks is not the time to do it and opening on mass rather than gradually is going to put strain on the nhs who is about to go pop. Even though people are vaccinated they can still pass on the virus,

oldtimer profile image

It seems to me that the English Government is putting the responsibility onto individuals and not taking any themselves. And there will be many people who think that gives them a license to behave irresponsibly. I would like mask wearing in enclosed spaces to continue to protect everyone, but that's not going to happen now is it? I'm willing to continue to wear a mask to protect other people, but I need others to wear one and keep their distance to protect me.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to oldtimer

Totally agree with you oldtimer.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to oldtimer


springcross profile image
springcross in reply to oldtimer

Agreed 100%.

in reply to oldtimer

DEF agree

Flor1rence profile image
Flor1rence in reply to oldtimer

totally with you x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to oldtimer

Agree with you considering I almost died from Covid. People are getting too complacent x

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Ms-D

Worse than that - I heard yesterday that the mother of a young man (35) we know of who died from covid in January and left two young children has not had and is not getting vaccinated! Its true but I still can’t believe it.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Wow that's shocking.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to oldtimer

100% agree and can see the logic. I just don't understand how the government can't see that or perhaps they don't care?

in reply to happytulip

They don’t care…

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to

Well yes, I'm afraid I agree. To short sighted to see the thousands of pounds in PIP that will need paying out to long covid patients too.

in reply to happytulip

Apparently they are ‘hiding’ the guidance on Long Covid & PIP…. Freedom of Information requests have been done but they are trying to hide it under the ‘not in the public interest’ category, so it is not accessible atm. I think they are ‘terrified’ that other people with chronic condition may start being awarded benefits. What lovely people 🤬

medway-lady profile image

I think that we can only do what as an individual we think is best. I went briefly to Bluewater yesterday and nearly everyone had masks on but the distance rules seemed to have been forgotten. But they did have a Gareth Southgate walk now which seemed rather a good idea. I shall continue to wear a mask but not going to go back to how we used to shop anyway. Of course whatever the government does decide to change not everyone is going to be happy.I've had two recent hospital procedures and both times had to have a Covid test (quite rightly too) and the doctors and nurses did have masks on when talking to me as did the dentist last week. So if nurses and doctors etc are wearing masks when in close contact with us as patients then they must still have a positive effect and not just on Covid infections. I do remember reading that one of the reasons that Korea and Japan had such low infection rates was because of the normality of wearing masks. I admit I don't like masks as they make me feel hot but of course its needs must and so outside I'll not worry to much but in shops etc I'll stay masked for a good while yet.

I'm just glad I don't have to wear one all day every day as does my sister who is a nurse.

Ruth12345 profile image

I agree Clady . For first time ever I wrote to the BBC news programme after the Health Secretary was interviewed this morning. I basically said what you said and that we now have a Health Secretary that is focused on finance. Not like me to say things like this but I'm anxious. I had just started doing some basic shopping in over a year. So that will stop soon. Hay ho, need to give my head a wobble as it's out of my control. I can only do my bit. Have a good everyone. 🌞

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Ruth12345

Exactly what I said to my OH. The HS is a hard driven economy man. Three more years of him anyhow. I totally understand you and feel exactly the same. x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Neonkittie17

Unless next year’s Covid inquiry gets rid of B and others ....

in reply to Neonkittie17

Highly unlikely x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

I can hope!! x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Neonkittie17

Count me in with that Nk.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to springcross

Spring, I’m still smiling as Kim Leadbeater took the Batley & Spen seat 😀 despite Boris’ visit to Birstall/Batley to try get support last week. x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Neonkittie17

I would have been glad no matter who, just as long as it wasn't him. 🦍x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to springcross

LOL would that be a baboon?! 🤪 Me too .. but it was poignant too as her murdered sister had the seat a few years back.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Neonkittie17

😂Yes. I agree it was poignant - I remember it well.

in reply to Neonkittie17

Let‘s hope!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Ruth12345

I too had just started venturing into smaller shops, but am concerned come autumn and winter not only will we be looking at covid but because we were all in lockdown during last autumn/ winter flu and other viruses may start to rise again. I will be making informed choices for myself and assess situations and if I don't feel safe it won't happen for me. I know everyone has their own situations and circumstances and I know we will have to live alongside this virus but I still feel it's all a bit too soon.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

Exactly 👏🏻👏🏻 I’m with you on everything.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Ruth12345

He did come from banking band I think his focus is on finance, even if it's subconsciously.

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to happytulip

Yes that's my understanding. Economics and Politics .

Thanks for your comments… obviously I want to protect everyone, not just the CEV peeps.. frontline staff will again be at risk. I have the option of staying inside… those that have to go to work don’t have this…

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

Yes I feel worried for the NHS and frontline staff too and also regular appointments and ops are going to be harder to get. x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Neonkittie17

I went to the optician yesterday and they have said they are going to continue running under the mask and lock door policy as they have said just like dentists and other front line staff they have to get close up to people. They are currently appointment only, wear masks, PPI and sanitise equipment after each appointment. Again they ask you wear a mask, sanitise your hands on entering and take your temperature. They have said anyone who doesn't want to comply can find another optician because they feel it is important to be as safe as possible to avoid closing down completely should anyone get covid while there and I totally understand that.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

Quite right and I hope the GPs continue as our surgery has a tiny foyer entrance where the pharmacy is and before last March up to ten people would cram in there waiting for meds and block you from getting into the surgery.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Pippy25

Glad to hear that.

springcross profile image

I agree CripLady and we will certainly continue to wear masks. I rarely go out apart from shopping and medical appointments but I am shocked at the amount of people I have seen who aren't bothering to wear them at all, it makes no sense whatsoever.

in reply to springcross

Yeah. I had to ‘tell off’ a group of 3 people on the bus the other day for not wearing masks. I am upset because I have FINALLY started to venture out and I will have to be housebound again 🤬. I am lucky in that I am going to North Wales for a few days before the 19th… but I won’t be able to travel after then as Public Transport won’t be safe anymore 😭

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

No it won't, that's very true unfortunately and I really hope we don't have to use it at all. I hope you enjoy your break regardless and get some good weather, stay safe. xx

Blueskysunshine profile image

I think this government is insane. They know that cases are rising and yet still decide to lift all restrictions. Many vulnerable people were just starting to venture out, feeling safer with distancing and masks in place, and those that I have spoken to will be going out much less from the 19th.

Bus drivers and shop assistants will be faced with those considerately wearing masks and those who think that they’ve vaccinated, so they’re ok. How must they feel after this announcement.

Seatbelts on everyone. Stay well xxx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Blueskysunshine

I think they're insane too Bss and agree with oldtimer about them putting the responsibility onto individuals and not taking any themselves - absolving themselves of any blame in other words and by doing so, it will create an even worse problem than we have now!!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to springcross

I think it will and I know someone in the forces who’s being redeployed to London in two weeks in anticipation of trouble re end of roadmap etc.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Neonkittie17

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to springcross

Yes I think there will be riotous behaviour as many of the non believers have been let out to play or some are bullying people who are trying to stay safe.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Neonkittie17

Also, intimidation towards mask wearers too.

AgedCrone profile image

The day is surely coming when we have to start making decisions for ourselves.I think a lot of people will continue to wear masks inside shops/offices or on public transport…& we will have to decide where we will go & whether we will mask up…or not. I have read shops will be able to decide whether they require face covering or not…I would hope so for the sake of their staff…..as well as their customers.We will still have to decide whether go to the supermarket or get food delivered…but we are used to that by now aren’t we?

Of course there will be those who will not take care & those of us who know we need to take extra care will just have to keep our wits about us…because on the whole everyone wants to get back to some semblance of normality.

It is not be possible to have different rules for CEV….so we just have to look out …we know what to do…..because this virus is not going away & neither are its variants…so basically we just have to get on with our lives the best we can & try not to get too caught up in overthinking about it.

We really can’t carry on forever living behind closed doors.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Some of us don’t have the immunity of others so it’s everyone’s own choice. Even if I was “bursting with antibodies” like Boris says he is I would not ever try pressure anyone to go out or try intimidate or insult others as some strange people seem to be wanting to do. I’ll take my time and wait till the younger end have been vaccinated which ideally should have been the plan before open all up. Wait till I’ve had my repeat vaccines and then is safer for me. Good luck to anyone who feels safe and assured to go forth. It’s what we feel comfortable with or uncomfortable with and if it feels wrong you don’t do it.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Yes we can only do what we feel comfortable with.No one has to abandon anything….let’s just hope most people are sensible.After all…we have lived with huge loss of life amongst the elderly every year from influenza for many years…& no doubt will do the same with Covid19….once things settle down.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Agree about elderly but the care home situation was just awful. Also the fact the Delta could have been avoided on this scale. 🤬 I think there are still safety measures intended for care homes and hope there are still for hospitals.

In an ideal world .. an ideal scenario, the younger end would have been vaccinated before opening up. Hopefully they’ll catch up on that before any more new variants. We’ve done so well with vaccinations but just not quite fast enough and that is not a criticism. Just the way it is. I never thought so many would get them done voluntarily tbh.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

There were a lot of situations not thought through….it was known young people could be asymptomatic with covid….. but thousands of university students were allowed to roam the country from one end to the other with no testing. Out of touch management is an understatement.Care home licensing has needed tightening up for years…& tbh..I can’t see anything changing in the near future.

I think a bit of “scare the pants off ‘em” might have contributed to the high vaccine take up!

Vaccinating the young is not straight forward…..the paediatric dose has to be decided on & presumably parental approval for under16/18? It all takes time.

but good old commonsense will see us through won’t it?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Common sense has to see us through!! .. and yes we can’t go jabbing kids until we know it’s safe. True re parental consent for the younger ones. Makes you want to bang your head on the wall at times when some things seemed so obvious the Gov were doing wrong. Yes the Uni situation was crazy. My SIL wouldn’t let her daughter come home unless she’d had tests.. as she almost lost her husband last year to the virus.

I think many people did need the scare the pants off them approach!

Some people seem to forget (or maybe they never knew) that ‘lockdown’ was because the govt. didn’t want the NHS to be overwhelmed (which it was). Not wearing masks will result in more infections, which will lead to more use of the NHS…… if you think ‘no mask wearing/ no social distancing’ is going to lead to any form of forward momentum you are completely deluded….in my humble opinion 🤪

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

👏🏻You speak from my heart and my mind too. 💓

Cukulen profile image

I feel it's like the Govt are going to wave a magic wand and Covid will disappear, that's how it looks to me. All the shielding & isolating from March 2020 will mean nothing. I work in a primary school and my HT has been great, but I think it's too soon to relax the bubbles in schools. I lost a brother to Covid in March 2020 and I am concerned. We've all got this far & I don't want to be another statistic.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Cukulen

I’m so sorry to hear that about your brother 😢 and hope and pray some measures can remain for you for safety in schools ... and everywhere tbh. So many people won’t be sensible and think this is a massive party in two weeks and spread it even more. x

in reply to Cukulen

I too work at a primary school and I agree with you it’s all too soon . We have children off with Covid and more waiting test results.

I’m sorry about your brother x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Cukulen

Sorry to hear about your brother Cukulen, that's very sad. xx

in reply to Cukulen

It’s ridiculous.. schools are still waiting for support/ ventilation/ etc.

Sorry about your brother.

Cal66 profile image

I agree, eventhough we do have to live with Covid I do think on public transport and small areas I think wearing masks should still be mandatory. Also apparently 300 double vaccinated people have died, I wonder how many had immune problems.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Cal66

It's probably more that that - I really don't think we're being told everything (or the truth for that matter) surprise, surprise!

Take care everyone. Xxx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

You too CripLady. xx

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Never mind people who are CEV - I’m not impressed with the sudden complete change of plan and call me neurotic if you like but I’m going to carry on wearing my mask and hand washing and using hand gel, trying to keep my distance where possible etc for the foreseeable future. Obviously not on country walks but anywhere I have to mingle with other people I don’t know.

I was amazed at the number of people who didn’t use hand gel when they went into our Tesco this afternoon. Mostly young people though - what can you say?

happytulip profile image

Who in their right mind would decide to stop face masks being mandatory in the middle of a respiratory pandemic, when numbers are on the rise? Sure loosen some of the restrictions if you have to but why remove the masks?? It's madness!

Fruitandnutcase profile image

I think I saw or heard somewhere last night that 75% of the public want to keep using face masks - obviously the vociferous 25% / don’t knows are leading the way. Too stupid for words really. I know new brooms like to make a clean sweep but I’m not sure this is the best way for Sajid to prove that he is better than Matt. Big sigh ☹️

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