I have been on benepali for 5 weeks and I am feeling it working at last! I am not in as much pain as I was 5 weeks ago. I am only taking one lot of pain killers a day and sometimes 1 naproxen, so much improved. My fatigue has nearly gone. It only comes back when I do too much or on a Friday before my days off. Hope everyone is keeping well. Thanks for listening.
Updated: I have been on benepali for 5 weeks and I am... - NRAS

Such good news.
That's great news Carol, you must be so relieved, I'm really pleased for you.
Great news! I'm so pleased for you. It's a good start, and I'm sure things will continue to improve. I love hearing good news like that 🤗
Great news! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hugs darling.xxxxx
Good to read you are in less pain Carol NOT Carlos as I’ve always thought! That will teach me to slow down reading. 😉😉
Great news
Oh wow Carol that is so good to hear. It is lovely to hear when someone finds their medication path that works and gets their life back to a better place x
Such good news 🎉
Good news it worked well for me too, no painkillers needed at all. But it did cause me a lot of UTI's so had to be stopped, Now on Orencia which I don't think is as good despite being more expensive. Keep an eye on the pee and make sure you're getting any potential infections checked for. x
That’s excellent news.
Oh good 👍
Good to hear the news. Can I ask did you have a shingles vaccine before you started? I am going to start this drug soon and have been told to get the shingles vaccine, however having had a terrible time with the covid vaccines, I am really worried about it.
I was too young to get the Shingles vaccine but I'd had Shingles anyway. It is the most painful (like agony) disease imaginable. The pain of RA pales into insignificance. I was admitted to hospital for pain relief for 3 days so they could get it under control. I still take the Antiviral Acylovir even now some good few years on. So my advice no matter how affected you were by the Covid vaccine get the Shingles one. You can avoid the Covid but Shingles is in your body as a virus if you've had Chicken Pox, it is treatable but can lasts for months and even now I get a sort of pins and needles where it erupted over my spine, hip and leg and groin. It really is a nasty condition and if you've had it once you'll get it again and again etc.
No I didn't, they did a blood test to see if I had already had chicken pox, which surprised me to find in fact I had chicken pox before. So no vaccine for me. Wish you good luck and hope it works for you too.
Hurray! And thanks for posting some postive news - we so often only post when things are not going well and it helps people to know that there are 'ups' as well as 'downs'.
Brilliant news, lovely to hear positive outcomes 😊