Morning im after some help , thankfully my RA is now so much better,but suddenly 12 wks ago sciatica arrived. Boy never had pain like it even in worse days of RA . How can GP be sure its that im confused. Also did new meds bring this joy to me ,Adalimumab! Struggling to walk pain in bum cheek literally 🤣 radiates down leg weird tingling. Anyone else suffer or have and ideas to help please.
?sciatica: Morning im after some help , thankfully my... - NRAS

I have had sciatica before and it indeed hurts like hell. I had to walk with crutches even because of it, luckily it was just in the beginning of Covid and I had to work form home anyhow. Now I occasionally have 'flare ups' from sciatica or maybe it is just tension in my piriformis muscle, it is so close together. But I know that with me it has a lot to do with bad posture and sitting incorrectly on a chair the whole day (desk job). What I can recommend is VERY SLOW walking. Short steps and VERY SLOW, this once helped me in easing the pain a bit. Good luck!
Yes, long before RD reared it's unlovely head I had sciatica. I have mild lumbar scoliosis amongst other things and giving birth to the third baby really jiggered my back. Doing the excercises from the physio helps the most for me. I take my favourite pain relief about an hour before then slowly go through them, strengthening the supporting muscles and stabilising things more. That white-hot lightening strike down the buttock/s and on into the leg/s is a classic sign. In my case I also get a pot belly, denting my ego. Talk about hitting you where it hurts ☹
Used to get unrelenting sciatica down both legs but touch wood very rarely get it now my RD is better controlled. You have my sympathies a sit is agony but tell your rheumy team.
Funny a few months back I started new biologic, had two days feeling great then something like sciatica. Went to my husbands osteopath and she said it was my psoas (spelling??) muscle. She massaged it and then I got a massage gun and that sorted it.
Hope you get relief soon
Sciatica is amongst the most severe pain. I had surgery last year which has helped but not totally resolved the issue.The main thing for me is not to let myself sit / stand or walk too long. Keep changing position and keep moving.
My sciatica is very much related to my levels of inflammation , so better controlled RA, less sciatica.
Really bad bouts are relieved by prednisolone and diazepam. Not all Drs are willing to prescribe these meds unfortunately.
I do hope that you get dome relief soon.
Like most things we face it’s pretty individual. Many people have problems with piriform and psoas /ipsoas muscles being too weak and tight to support the vertebrae that are suffering from arthritis and start to pinch the sciatic nerve. So stretching and exercise is the best remedy. For others severe mechanical problems are harder to resolve, and need drugs and often surgery.
But yes, it hurts! Try to keep moving as much as you can. And stand or lie down, sitting is the absolute worst.
If you have pain in your bum cheek look up piriform stretches. They can make a huge difference.
I have a natural fusion as a result of previous lumbar surgery which has slipped forward...a grade 2 spondylolisthesis. I also have significant degenerative inflammatory OA in my spine. My previous neurosurgeon indicated that a spinal fusion may be necessary, he unfortunately retired and I'm waiting to hear from his replacement. Keeping moving is the best option for me just now. But it is b****y sore.
As I say, it’s individual so you are not ‘most’ people! My favourite person in the whole world is my physio, who regularly manages to make my 5 wonky vertebrae feel more comfortable. It’s truly horrible so sympathy.
You have my sympathy. I had sciatica when I was pregnant and couldn't move the pain was so bad. I wouldn't even take paracetamol because I was pregnant even though doc said I could. It is a very long time ago so can't remember how I got rid of it but I think it just went. Of course, that was very different because it was the baby lying on the sciatic nerve and when he moved so did the pain but I really feel for you. Follow your GPs advice. It is easy to diagnose so your GP will know for sure it is sciatica.
The most important thing with sciatica is to keep moving! Take enough pain relief to enable you to do that, however small the amount to start with.
I find the swimming pool a great help - moving with the body supported by the water helps a lot.
And the osteopath also helps - although sometimes it's worse for a while afterwards before it feels quite a lot better.
And, for most people, it does eventually improve....
So sorry you are suffering with sciatica. I have been suffering with it on and off for years. My GP sent me to see a physiotherapist as I used to be so bad, sometimes I would end up using a zimmer frame. After my sessions and her education on my sciatica, I have settled into a routine of heat pads on my lower spine, taking anti inflammatory pain meds and yoga all help to ease the pain, numbness, pins and needles etc. I have found I can recover quite quickly.
A physiotherapist told me the best way to ease the pain was to stretch the sciatic nerve. She suggested yoga, in particular touching toes positions, sitting cross-legged a couple times a day. I can't sit on the floor so I sit up in bed and pull one leg into the position using a strap, as can't cross my legs. I also lay in bed on my back with my butt again the head board and my legs pointing straight up pressed against the board. If you can do this on the floor against a wall that would be better. I have no idea if will work for you but it has helped me many times. I no longer go to the GP, I just follow this routine.
I wish you well and hope you gets well soon.
What aggravates my sciatic nerve the most is if I try to carry some shopping . I have to carry small bags . I always take the car shopping and make frequent trips taking it out the back of the car. It’s true what the others say about keeping moving because if you sit too long you just stiffen up then it all sieges up . Oh by the way , hot water bottles or heat pads penetrating the area is wonderful .
Ooh yes, me too, but I didn't think it was related. I thought I'd put my back out lifting a packing case (I've just moved). Sciatic pain radiating from left buttock around to front of left leg and stops above the knee. But I've been told it could also be piriformis syndrome.
Me again. Someone mentioned yoga - but I'm not sure how vigorous it should be. I've joined a new class and it's sooo tough, just Asanas and relaxation, but it doesn't stop, just one long Asana following into another, ouch! and phew! Any suggestions about the type of yoga that people have found helpful?
Hi MousekinWelcome to the forum 😊
This is an old thread so it might be worth you starting a new one with yoga in the title and hopefully you'll get some responses.
I've never tried yoga but do Aquafit and have also done Tai Chi which is recommended for RA - in fact there's a specific form called Tai Chi for Arthritis 😉