Have had sciatic pain in my right thigh for over a week and now in buttock, worried that this is due to RA in spine or hip, anyone had similar experience or symptoms
sciatica and stiffness: Have had sciatic pain in my... - NRAS
sciatica and stiffness

More likely due to facet joint or disc problem in your spine due to pinched nerves/ osteoarthritis/ ageing process than RA. Best to get appointment with GP and get referred to orthopaedics so they can check you over.
Good luck, hope you get some relief soon -sciatica’s a bugger!
I get sciatica similarly every winter when the temps go down to zero. Heat pads and self gentle massage and keeping moving all help me. Hope you can alleviate yours. Tell your rheumy if it persists.
I've had similar recently and self referred to a NHS physio. He suggested that it's arthritis (presume that he meant osteo) and that the best thing is to keep moving and do whatever exercise I enjoy - Aqua, in my case. I'm planning to mention it to the RA consultant at my review next week.
thankyou for your replies I really appreciate your support I will see how it goes and speak to my gp surgery 😊
Make sure you see your GP, and in the mean time keep moving and get a heat pad on it.
I am currently in my second bout of sciatica and sympathise with you as its very painful. Mine runs from my left buttock down the back of my leg and into my foot. I have had acupuncture for it and the first time it was like a miracle cure after two visits. This time its taking a bit longer. but is slowly improving. Mine is caused by trapped nerves at L4/L5 spinal stenosis. I am hopefully having surgery next year at some point. I have been told not to stretch the nerve so no hamstring stretches. I was advised to put cold on it but find heat is much better. Good luck to you and I hope it goes soon.
I trapped a nerve in my lower back 2 weeks ago, which set off my sciatica and bursitis. As I can’t take anti inflammatories, my gp gave me Amitriptyline, which has helped settle it (not perfectly, but better than it was. I also have fused SI joints 😬
I also have had back pain and sciatic nerve pain in my buttock recently. I saw my gp after about 6 weeks and opted to see a chiropractor. The treatment seemed to help. I had six treatments funded by the nhs and I paid for a few more. I was given stretching exercises as well, although i had googled these and had been doing them.
I do have chronic back pain so this isn't the first time i've had sciatica. I'm almost pain free at the moment. Certainly worth speaking to your gp if it doesnt resolve on its own. You could try the stretches, just go gently and warm up (i use a hot water bottle on my lower back before stretching).
I get severe sciatica with my ankylosing sponylitis if not under control. I know that I am in a flare or the drugs have stopped working when the sciatica starts to return.
I had am MRI to rule out spondylitis— I just have severe degenerative osteoarthritis in the lower spine. Doing physiotherapist-guided workouts twice a week to strengthen my core, butt and legs, which is helping a lot.