Covid!: Hi, I tested positive for covid this morning... - NRAS


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Sjhoney profile image
26 Replies

Hi, I tested positive for covid this morning altho have felt rotten since Tuesday. Anyone else had it and how did it affect you? I feel a bit dizzy and have a runny nose, sore head. Just wondering if it’ll get worse?

Ta xx

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Sjhoney profile image
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26 Replies
Bootoo profile image

Oh dear, I've not had it myself but I'm sending a virtual hug and I hope you feel better soon 🤗

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to Bootoo

Thank you! I just feel a bit light headed and tired. Felt worse at the start of the week but my sister has it and said it can get worse, a weird virus for sure xx

Bootoo profile image
Bootoo in reply to Sjhoney

Lets hope it's as bad as it's going to get for you. You know the drill, fluids, rest and more rest if you can, and a treat or two when you feel up to it x

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to Bootoo

I’m good at the treat bit ☺️Been ordering wool online 🥰👍

Bootoo profile image
Bootoo in reply to Sjhoney

You need chocolate if your allowed 👍 my granddaughter is off school at the minute with chicken pox and apparently chocolate cures everything 😂 She's not silly for an 8 year old 😂

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to Bootoo

There will be chocolate 🤔🥰

Hope it doesn't get too bad and goes quickly 👍

Evie3 profile image

Sorry to hear this…..hopefully it isnt toooo bad 🤞🤞

springcross profile image

I hope it's a mild dose and you recover quickly.

Amnesiac3637 profile image

Hi. I am sitting here reading your post and have got covid and have had it, I think, since Sunday though got positive PCR and LFT on Tuesday. Luckily for me as I’m clinically extremely vulnerable (on immunosuppressants) I have had a mild dose which, like you, has made me feel a bit light-headed, a bit weak and wobbly, given me a scratchy throat and a runny nose and a slight feeling of nausea. At the beginning and before I had it confirmed I had low back pain and odd aches all over. Apart from that rather long but not too nasty set of symptoms I’ve felt quite normal! On Wednesday I was given Paxlovid, (the new antiviral due to my immune status) which I hope is in attack and kill mode so by next Monday the virus should be vanquished. I hope your particular dose of it won’t make you feel any worse than you do now and it leaves you as fast as it came. I know quite a few old codgers like me who’ve had it recently but all of them have said it’s more like a head cold with all the bits that go with it - aches and feeling knocked about - than anything worse. Good luck, do hope you feel much better soon and the best thing you can do is give yourself a break, rest as much as possible and let your body heal. Oh, and eat chocolate by the barrel!

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to Amnesiac3637

Yes I had lower back pain too, weird? I’m an expert at resting so I should be ok. Ta 👍

Potatos profile image
Potatos in reply to Amnesiac3637

I had lower back pain too.

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to Potatos

Weird symptom eh?

Potatos profile image
Potatos in reply to Sjhoney

Been picked up by the Zoe App as a common symptom of Omicron.

Potatos profile image
Potatos in reply to Sjhoney

Been picked up by the Zoe App as a common symptom of Omicron.

Madmusiclover profile image

A friend has just tested positive and describes exactly your symptoms. Good luck.

girli1111 profile image

Hi, I tested positive on Sunday, picked up on my regular LF tests for work. I’ve had cold symptoms, scratchy throat and been extremely tired. I’ve also felt quite achey, and had the lower back ache that you describe, but wondered if that’s because I’ve been sat on sofa so much to be honest! My rheumatology team have advised me to stop all my rheumatoid meds (methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine sulphate) for two weeks, or until I’m symptom free. Hope you feel well soon.

BoneyC profile image

I tested positive on a LFT on 2nd February, 2 days after daughter (works in school) tested positive and 2 days after me my husband tested positive.

All of us had mild cold like symptoms. A 3 day sore throat was probably the worst, no continuous coughing or high temperature (not sure why they still take temperature at surgery door?)

I was no more ill than my daughter who is not CEV. All of us tested negative 3-4 days later and no lasting symptoms. Vaccines must have protected us.

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to BoneyC

Good to hear, thanks 👍

janmary profile image

Hope you’re feeling better soon - glorious morning here (SELondon) and the sun always helps 🌝

CagneysMum profile image

Hi. I’m coming towards the end of it now hopefully 🤞🤞Day 5 now and feeling like a head cold. Congested, snuffly, achey, a bit of a cough and loss of taste. I’m on methotrexate and biologics so started antivirals 2 days ago which seem to be helping - I accessed these by phoning 111. Hope you’re feeling better soon. X

pippin_fort profile image

I tested positive yesterday afternoon. I have Long COVID still after infection in March 2020 and caught another virus which hospitalised me in December for 10 days. Was very impressed with the priority PCR test that I was issued with after my stay in hospital in December. I did the test at 4.15pm, husband took it to the post box and got the result at 10.30pm. I am going to hospital for an antiviral infusion today. I feel awful too. Praying it helps! Wishing you luck too.

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to pippin_fort

Oh dear poor you! Hope you feel better soon x

Pippy25 profile image

Just wanted to send some supportive wishes to you Sjhoney xx

Tourk profile image

As long as you are taking vitamin D it stands a good chance you won't get much worse. A lot if people who test positive for covid actually have seasonal flu.

Flu or covid look after yourself stay warm rest, paracetamol helps.

Pamper yourself and try not to worry about being ill. I know with so much scare mongering people are worried. Omicron posses about the same risk to health as a mild flu. That doesn't mean you shouldn't keep an eye on yourself .

Cutes profile image

Hi - I thought I would report back on my experience of Covid. I am on methotrexate and Imradli Anti TNF. I was worried when I initially tested positive 2 weeks ago and wondered if I should ask for anti virals, especially as a friend on similar meds, found the covid gradually got worse and she did end up having to have anti viral infusion (which she said worked in 12 hours!). However, I seem to have got off incredibly lightly, just had a runny nose for about 2 days, a dry cough for about one day and night, incredible, drug like tiredness, particularly on day 2 and then after about 4 days, loss of appetite and bouts of nausea. By day 7, i re-tested and had a very feint line, but by day 8 and 9 was clear for both tests and my appetite rapidly came back with a vengeance. Oddly though I never went off chocolate..... and things such as orange juice, ginger, chilli and salty things, tasted very good. My sense of smell certainly wasnt dulled; if anything it was intensified and i found some smells a bit unpleasant. Unfortunately, in the 4 day lead up from the probably date of the initial infection (probably caught whilst on a hospital check up), I did pass it on to 3 others, who in turn passed it to 3 more, so you can see how easily this virus spreads. Luckily, despite 3 of those people being over 90, they all had similar mild symptoms to me. Thank goodness for the vaccines. I hear we are about to be offered a 4th, booster, but am wondering how long one should wait after having had a covid infection, before it is advisable to have the booster- does anyone have any experience of that? By the way, I was given mixed messages re skipping my meds. My surgery's on-call pharmacist said general advice is not to skip them as they can be 'beneficial' to fighting Covid but he said still check with Rheumatology. They said skip it for a week or at least until I was negative, which is what I did. All in all though I and the 6 others I passed it on to, all reported feeling even slightly relieved that we had a) finally caught it, experienced it for ourselves and come through it relatively easily/rapdily.

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