Hi, im very new to this certain disease, diagnosed early jan 22, blood tests and symptons was the reason behind the diagnosis, can anyone tell me of any homeopathic remedies that could help with daily living and help prevent flare ups, my consultant is desperate to get me started on pharmaceuticals
Rheumatoid treatments: Hi, im very new to this certain... - NRAS
Rheumatoid treatments

Hi….I presume you mean Dmards….Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs by pharmaceuticals? If that is correct….then your rheumatologist is on right.
This disease needs to be controlled ASAP.
I am living proof that works…I was diagnosed 20+ years ago & started DMards within weeks…..had many ups & downs…but my disease was controlled early…& I can still lead a good life.
Once you are sorted on a successful regime…there may well be some homeopathic remedies …that under your rheumatologist’s advice you could try.
But right now I’d listen to your rheumy’s advice… & start getting the disease under control…because early joint damage cannot be reversed…& can cause all sorts of unwanted side effects in the future.
Good Luck….I hope you find a successful regime very soon.
Hiya Moonstoneo, welcome, though I’m sorry you have been diagnosed. Unfortunately there is a valid reason for your Rheumy being so keen to start you on medication. The sooner the disease is brought under control the better the prognosis, as there is a window of opportunity for the DMARDs to work & they aren't fast acting, anything up to or over 12 weeks isn’t unusual before symptoms ease, if the right med is initiated. You see, not everyone responds to meds the same & it may take a few attempts to find the one that works well for you & as it's a generative disease it's important to attempt to prevent flaring if you're to halt erosion or damage.
Homeopathic remedies I admit I’m not as au fait with, except for using arnica gel on bruises, but this is from a US site Note: Certain conventional medical treatments can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. There is no evidence that any homeopathic remedy has the same power. In any case, rheumatoid arthritis is far too serious a disease for self-treatment. Doctor’s supervision is essential. winchesterhospital.org/heal... You might find it interesting reading, you can then be in a bit better position maybe to discuss it with your Rheumy.
You may also find the NRAS site interesting being so newly diagnosed nras.org.uk There is also a helpline if you feel talking to someone would help 08002987650 Monday-Friday from 9:30am until 4:30pm.
If there is anything else you'd like help with just ask, no question too silly, we've all been where you are just now & understand it's a huge learning curve, not to say shock so it's not surprising you wish to explore options. I would say though that your Rheumy only has your best interests at heart & isn't trying to force meds on you, he's trying to help care for you. RD isn’t only about joints, we're at increased risk of it affecting our eyes, our vital organs… heart, lungs etc, but with the meds our Rheumys have available to prescribe for us we stand a better chance of keeping a good quality of life, this is why remission is the goal. ☺️
Super, thank you, yes I do agree with you & this is the alarming beginnings in knowing just how much damage this disease can do.. I appreciate all the above information and the time taken to reply, I certainly will be calling I’m sure at some point. I’ve been reading up as much as I possibly can take at the moment.. I’m looking forward which is a strange thought but to have my appointment with my consultant as I’ve gone forearmed with some knowledge.. yes it’s very worrying to no it can take time if the meds agree etc.. fingers crossed.. I hope your keeping well ty..
I think in the beginning you do worry a lot about the possible ramifications on joints etc but you also need to be aware of what sites you google too. The first few I did I was 'oh my' then 'great I can fix this with herbal'. However there are some supplements I take but I know I need the drugs to function in some form or another.The hardest step in many ways is going from zero medication to maybe 2-5 pills a day. However if its recommended we need to form some trust with our rheumy teams and GP as well.
Now I am not saying don't research and there are plenty of us on here who have and we pin on here articles we find interesting but also VERFIFIED.
You will have friends who say eat turmeric, ginger and oh so many will cure you but it wont otherwise we would all be leaving our GP and rheumy teams with prescriptions for tonnes of the stuff.
Keep a diary of how you ae feeling photos of joints and questions to ask as so much happens in the first year or 2 and come on here to rant or rave or moan. We get this disease too and all its little add ons if you get them as well.
Welcome on board! We are a supportive bunch, and are mostly sane 🤪We all have a life outside of rheumatoid arthritis - don't let it consume you; stay true to yourself 😊
Hi, I’m hoping to get to that stage sooner than later.. I feel I’ve lost myself a little, I’ll get there thank you 😊
Welcome to the forum. Lots of good advice in the responses above. Medication is the way forward to get the best control of your RA, but living as healthy as you can, eating fresh food, keeping your weight down all can help. The NRAS website has lots of good information.
From what I’ve read so far, it’s the only Bly way forward, Ty very much for your response, much appreciated
Hi Moonstone and welcome. Have you tried ringing Helios in Covent Garden and asking their advice? I always found them very helpful (although that was a few years ago so things may have changed). They will be able to tell you what you can use alongside the RA meds but check with your consultant first to make sure it's OK.
Hello, no I haven’t, Ty very much for your response, I will look into it.. kindest regards
Rheumatoid Disease is a serious autoimmune condition that can affect many parts of the body not just the joints. It is important that the overactivity of the immune system is brought under control as soon as possible which is why your medical team will be keen for you to start on medication as soon as possible. I have seen the results of uncontrolled disease and it's something to be avoided! I know that when first diagnosed we all look frantically for something that will magically get rid of it. Unfortunately it is more a matter of learning to live with it. Find out as much as you can from reputable sources like NRAS and Versus Arthritis.
Hi Moonstoneo , I was just like you Diagnosed two years ago at beginning of lockdown, I was scared to start on meds and tried every supplement advertised. Although everything the Rheumatologist said about getting it under control made sense, I think I was in denial.
I then had another major flare and realised all the self help yoga and turmeric wasn’t working and started Dmards
They say can take up to 12 weeks to work but after 4 months I am starting to see a big improvement and still follow an anti inflammatory diet and will introduce some of my supplements again and just try and stay as active and healthy as I can.
The advice and support on this site is really helpful when you feel lost. Take care
Awww bless you, I no how you feel & im at that stage now, I’m not liking the fatigue and tiredness that comes with it, the flares I’ve had 2 now and to be honest you feel at a complete loss.. I’ve rang the nurse just waiting for a reply and start on the meds they have advised alongside some of the nutrients I’m on.. best wishes, Ty for your reply 😊
Hi Moonstoneo You are deffinitely not alone . I think lots of people newly diagnosed feel the same. Once I realised all the self help wasn’t working and accepted that I needed help I reached out here too then called the rheumatology nurses to start the Dmards.
I say accepted but that is a work in progress but certainly seeing improvement now. x
Hi, when I looked into meds I was very shocked at the side affects, the most important one protecting and your immune system especially now.. also your organs, that being said I decided for alternative solutions.. there’s many out there, some work for some and not for others, the same applys for meds. I’ve rang the nurse awaiting reply too get started, fingers crossed.. Ty for your reply very much appreciated 🙏
Ah well you sound in good hands rheumatologist wise, his keeness is to prevent future damage to your joints.I'm one to take a wholistic approach to my health and researched round this disease,
finding that complementary therapies sadly don't prevent the condition doing its thing in the body.
So I started the medical treatment , alongside with a very supportive RA team.
I choose a diet which helps me (again very individual ) as well as using , reflexology and massage to help me cope with my symptoms.
In the end best to get a list of questions about the treatment before you see your rheumy,
then as my RA nurse said after I grilled her , knowing what and why will help you keep to your treatment plan and get the best results.
Others have expressed helpful replies too.
All the best
Hi, yes I agree, I’ve started to change my diet now, so putting that in place, some supplements I’ve been taking even before being diagnosed. Fruit smoothies, fingers crossed and best wishes, Ty for your reply 🙏
Check supplements ok with your meds some reduce efficacy.
Yes, as Happy5 says, check with your Rheumy that the supplements you're taking already aren't contraindicated with whichever meds you are started on. It's important for him to be made aware, although some can be beneficial too. This is link is extensive & be helpful to read through or maybe keep as future reference to discuss with him/her versusarthritis.org/media/1... Supplements start on page 13
Didn't want to take meds for r.a., but when newly diagnosed, I just accepted it and took them. But only because my ligaments we're not doing what they were suppose to, and now I'm stuck with that (unless surgery).
So sorry to hear that, it’s not easy is it.. I’m going to try meds now like you say legaments and preventing further damage.. hopefully I can get on top of it.. best wishes & ty for your reply 🙏
I was happy to take meds for RA as I was immobile and in excruciating pain (rapid onset everywhere). It took 2 years for the meds to work. The doses were increased every 3 months until I hit ‘ok’. It is not a fight you can win. I view my meds as an aid to life.
I have recently had a Daith piercing done to help wth my Fibromyalgia: vnsdaith.co.uk/. Maybe have a look into that. Good luck!
Hi there, omgosh poor you, 2 years is along time. Pleased to hear you now have a solution and it’s working for you.. Best wishes and Ty for your reply 🙏