After being diagnosed with PMR in October I have been taking steroids and calcium. I have been having pain in my jaw an and it now looks a little swollen. Rang surgery clinician suggested I go to dentist and have x ray to check on the bone,which is next week. I Anyone else had a similar problem? Thanks.
Pain in Jaw: After being diagnosed with PMR in October... - NRAS
Pain in Jaw

Yes I’ve had that pain in the jaw . It’s called. TMJ. Short for torandibular (sorry wrong spelling). Anyway I do know what your suffering . The dentist made me a mouth guard to wear on teeth at night. I no longer get this pain and don’t need the plastic guard anymore. You will be alright .
I suffered polymyalgia back in 2011. 3 months after starting steroids I had horrendous jaw pain, as well as tongue pain, burning temples and tender scalp. It was found to be GCA which is a medical emergency and associated with polymyalgia. Treated with higher dose steroids.Fast forward and the jaw pain returned in 2016, rheumatologist referred me to an oral medicine consultant, who said it was due to my inflammatory arthritis, affecting the jaw. The only thing that ever helped is dmards. In 2012 I took Azathioprine, then I was changed in 2016 to methotrexate. If I miss a single dose of MTX my jaw pain returns. I do still get cramping when eating things that require chewing like crusty bread, apples etc
Many thanks. Dr recommended antibiotics which I started today. If it continues might have to seek help. Did you have to have tests for GCA please.?
Yes I had to have a temple artery biopsy, which was inconclusive because I’d been on steroids for 3 months. They say if your on steroids more than 10 days it’s difficult getting a positive result. I then went to both Leeds and Southend to see 2 of the countries top experts in GCA. They both did a special coloured ultrasound of the arteries which confirmed the GCA. It is classed as a medical emergency as it can cause blindness, so if you have any of the other symptoms I mentioned then please seek advice urgently. Hopefully when you were diagnosed with polymyalgia they explained about watching out for jaw pain and temple pain.
Thanks for being so informative. No temple pain only one side of face in jaw. I will talk to clinician about my worry asap.
Are you aware there is a healthunlocked forum dedicated to polymyalgia. It’s PMRGCAUK. It has lots of very knowledgeable patients on the forum. I can definitely recommend it, I don’t use it now as my PMR & GCA has settled, I’m now focusing on my ankylosing spondylitis. Take care and good luck going forward 🤗
Hi. I have been having pain in left temple. Went to hospital they did an ultrasound on temples, but said was inconclusive but thickening that side. I am now on 40mg steroids daily till I see consultant February 14th. I am wondering if I ought to ask for what you had. It’s frightening isn’t it? Many thanks for advice.
Certainly if your having symptoms suggestive of GCA your specialist should be offering a temple artery biopsy. Do you have other symptoms suggestive of GCA. I had very tender scalp, couldn’t brush my hair, my tongue was painful, had spasms and vascular lesions. I also had jaw cramping and bizarre pulsatile tinnitus which kept me awake at night. After being on pred for more than 10 days I was told the chance of a positive biopsy reduces considerably. The biopsy is done as a day case, and actually not that bad. The scar is under your hairline generally, I had to have an area shaved for mine. I would have thought your Drs would be suggesting it to you if they suspect. Good luck, 40-60mg is the recommended dose so they are effectively treating you already 🤗
Hi. Thanks for that. YES I have had pulsatile tinnitus (heartbeat sounds in left ear) all day, since November. My scalp is a little tender, sometimes I think am I imagining it all. I just get a bit down as to think 4 months I was not taking any medication now my body relies on it! But a little hope from you…. saying I am being treated correctly. I will talk to consultant re a biopsy. Many thanks.
Sorry, I can't help with your question. I was wondering what your PMR symptoms were though If you don't mind sharing?
Hi. Literally overnight, next morning real pain in hip joints walking and sitting down.I described it as opening a pair of scissors easily then opening a pair of rusty ones, if that makes sense!and really hard to lift arms because of pain in them and shoulders. Dr thought it was RA but having blood tests and seeing rheum it was diagnosed as Polymyalgiarhematica. After being active it was, and is a great shock to be not as mobile as I was. Now, as I have posted on here I take steroids but still have pain and now in jaw, which is a worry and I will be talking to GP asap.
Note I have Stills Disease which manifests as RA for me.I get jaw and tongue pain on one side plus continuous very sore throat and often ear ache all in one side. I have pain in the higher neck reaching to the top of my shoulder also on the same side. I get nausea, dizziness and fatigue when it’s bad. I note extreme pain in my other side hip extending across my lower back coincides with the other symptoms and sometimes an upset tummy. Pain in all the small joints and afternoon fever.
Strange pains in upper arms have started too but Stills is so odd like many AI diseases I think it’s all just one big related affliction. My vision is blurry but not double but I think it’s age rather than anything else.
This is no help to you I’m sure but I’m sharing as I’ve learnt so much from these forums myself. Hoping for a good outcome for you.

Thank you. Yes, I too am learning.