Dexa scan: Does anyone on here have to take extra... - NRAS


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Dexa scan

Doughnut61 profile image
48 Replies

Does anyone on here have to take extra vitamin D and calcium to help strengthen their bones? Something else been thrown at me just worried about taking more things on top of my RA meds 😐

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Doughnut61 profile image
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48 Replies

Yep. Osteo likely in later life post-menopause. Vit D helps with uptake of Calcium.

rounder profile image

I take a combined but D/calcium supplement daily prescribed by rheumatology to protect my bones, have taken it for years. I think anything to protect out bone health is worth a try, and it doesn't give me any side effects. Good luck with it.

I already have awful bones and am young so rheumatology try and avoid steroids even more than usual and I take vitD/Calcium in prescription. It’s no hassle, no side effects or anything and certainly seems worth it with regards to my bones and later life!!

MadBunny profile image

Yep I do. Borderline for osteoporosis. It hasn't caused me any problems either.

sunnyweek profile image

Yes I am prescribed calcium and vit d combined called Adcal. My doc said last week at annual review he may send me for dexa scan, I haven't had one for 20 years when I first started methotrexate. Had lots of steroids on and off over the years. My tablets are chewable and I take with normal RA meds after food, had no side effects. Good luck.

charisma profile image

Hi D, yes! After my scan two years ago, showing osteopenia (not yet osteoporosis) I was advised to eat eg yoghurt (which I do anyway) and take VitD3. I was already taking that too but had been on Prednisolone a long time. Steroid is known to thin bones and cause other damage but usually at high dose.

Madmusiclover profile image

Yes both. Vit D because we all need to and calcium as my calcium serum is just outside normal range (low). No I’ll effects ive noticed. They say calcium for bones is better through diet but me and leafy green veg don’t get on; but I drink milk and eat yoghurt.,

Sheila_G profile image

Yes. I take 4000 iu per day.

sylvi profile image

I do and it is to strengthen my bones. We are all chronically ill and it helps to prevent any brken bones. So if your given them take them and they won't interfere with your medications, xxxxx

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to sylvi

I have osteopenia and was prescribed calcium...I used to joke that I was having sweets on prescription because they were so tasty. However, I had to stop them after a small stroke five years ago which showed a slight narrowing in blood vessels in a key area of my brain, the external capsule...the 'hub'. That really frightened me because all I could think of was vascular dementia and I made the fatal mistake of 'googling it'! I continue to take Vitamin D3 daily. Regrettably I can't eat dark green veg or dairy products...they upset my Chron's Disease...but do eat soya yoghurt daily and have green beans, peas and Brussel Sprouts when the latter are around. Frustrating because I loved my spinach, broccoli and cabbage. I do eat well and as healthily as I can given the restricted dietary issues and I do enjoy my food! 🙂

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Knip

My daughter has ostopenia.xxxx

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to sylvi

Your daughter must be very young to suffer from it Sylvi. I hope that she gets the help that she needs and that they keep an eye on her. xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Knip

She is 37yrs old darling and bad backs run in the family. I am crippled up with my back and the more i stand the worse it feels. She has treatment for this problem thank goodness. xxx

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to sylvi

Poor girl to have to deal with it in the prime of her life. It must be really hard for you, Sylvi. It isn't good, is it, when you see one of your youngsters going down the painful road you have already travelled. ❤️ xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Knip

She will have all my support which I didn't have. She is half expecting to sometime to get something like have which I hope she doesn't,, but if she does she knows what to expect. Xxxx

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to sylvi

That support will be worth its weight in gold, Sylvi. xx

Egpa profile image

Hi, I take Adcal d3 twice a day a long with my methotrexate injections and other meds for bronceactsis. Not found any problems. I say just add it to the list lol.

Sarahg62 profile image

I now take Adcal tablets as my dexa scan shows pre osteoporosis 🥲

Fra22-57 profile image

Yes after dexa scan I take vit D twice a day plus alondronic acid tablet once a week to send it to my bones.

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to Fra22-57

May I ask did you get any side affects from the alendronic acid? And did you find it helped?

Fra22-57 profile image
Fra22-57 in reply to Doughnut61

No side effects but if you need dental work doing the dentist asks you to stop taking it as said it delays healing

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to Fra22-57

Thank you 🥰

I’ve taken daily 5mg of Prednisolone for the past three years. This has caused adrenal insufficiency and now a broken clavicle is failing to heal. Steroids are brilliant short term but can be dangerous if taken routinely. No one suggested Vitamin D supplements but I’m going to ask about them now. Thanks for drawing attention to this.

PSAWarrior28 profile image

Yes. I've been prescribed Alendronic acid. I've been on high dose prednisolone for over a year.

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to PSAWarrior28

May I ask did you have any side affects from the alendronic acid?

Sunset54 profile image

Yes been taking vitamin D3 for about 4 years now .

trunchalobesity profile image

I’ve had two recent fractures after 20 years on prednisone.

I’m taking vitamin D AND my consultant said almost everyone in the UK should take a daily low dose.

I’m to take calcium but as I also have dormant sarcoidosis it has to be monitored.

Why are you hesitant?

Good luck

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to trunchalobesity

Just because I gave bloods regularly because live ensures raised because of RA drugs just worried these will put more pressure on my liver. I’m due to collect Vitamin D calcium meds and something else I have to take standing up for 30minutes after 😔

trunchalobesity profile image
trunchalobesity in reply to Doughnut61

Sounds like you are taking alendronic acid for bone density.I’ve had liver problems but not from vitamin D.

Vitamin D is gained naturally from sunshine but we simply don’t get enough in the northern hemisphere especially in winter when we are wrapped up or indoors.

Briefencounter profile image

Yes , I take Accrete D3 daily , plus Alendronic Acid once a week . I have a Dexa scan every 5 years . Some years ago I was given a "holiday" from Alendronic Acid but after the following Dexa Scan I had to go back on it . I've just had a Dexa Scan and will have to wait for the results .

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to Briefencounter

Thank you for your reply I would be very interested in your results. May I ask did you have any side affects from the Alendronic acid?

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to Doughnut61

Certainly , I’ll let you know what my results are . I have taken Alendronic acid for years now with no side effects . The fact that after my five year “holiday” from Alendronic acid produced a result from the Dexa scan that meant I had to return to taking said drug means , I guess , that it was doing me some good . I know I have osteoporosis but I’m not sure how badly . I will be interested to see if after this scan another “holiday” is suggested . Some how , I think not . I’m very careful when I take the Alendronic acid to take it with a full glass of water and sit upright for half an hour afterwards . I understand that there can be problems with the oesophageal tract if this isn’t done .

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to Briefencounter

PS. I have to wait 8 weeks for the result of the Dexa scan .🤔

GinnyE profile image

Yes I do, as well as alendronic acid for osteoporosis.

Deeb1764 profile image

Yes I was given both as I have taken a lot of steroids so part of that too.

dippyd09 profile image

Yes, have to take vitamin D and calcium. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis last year but I had a hysterectomy when I was 30 (now 64). Take the vit D to protect your bones, small price to pay.

nomoreheels profile image

I'm prescribed 1500mg/400iu Adcal-D3 x 2 daily as I’m osteopenic/borderline osteoporotic. I also eat a full fat diet in an effort to keep my fracture risk low. I'm on maintenance dose prednisolone, have been for 8 years, & have a DEXA scan biennially. I've also tried 2 bisphosphonates but had to stop both due to side effects.

Mmrr profile image

Yes from me too. I take calcichew daily.

Otto11 profile image

Hi yes I was diagnosed with osteopaenia several years ago & was prescribed Calceos tablets which contain both calcium & Vit D. I have Dexa Scans every 2 years as mine is getting worse at each one unfortunately x

Ferret18 profile image

HiYes, I do. I have a family history of osteoporosis and the dexa scan showed i have osteopenia.

As you say just another thing to add to the RA 😖

oldtimer profile image

This is something you should discuss with your health professionals. Not everyone needs extra calcium and it can cause problems if you take too much. And Vit D levels are best tested for so that you know how much you need to take each or whether you just need a supplement in the winter. Have you had a dexa scan to discover how your bones are doing? And a blood test for Vit D levels?

Not everyone has problems with thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). Personally, despite many years of joint problems, and lots of steroids I have very strong bones - like a twenty year old the consultant said.

But my Vit D levels were low despite spending loads of time outside in the garden and walking in the fresh air.

Doughnut61 profile image
Doughnut61 in reply to oldtimer

Yes had deca scan and was told I am at risk of osteo ☹️

Maggsie profile image

Hi, had my Dexa scan 2 weeks ago and got a phone appt with my GP today so I'm expecting something similar. I'll take the pills as long as there are no contra indicators with my RA meds. I'll let you know how I get on.

bienassis profile image

Hello Doughnut61

Don't be concerned about taking Vit D/Calcium tablets - if your Dexa scan has shown your bones need it then action should be taken. And, really, it does show that your problem is fairly minor (otherwise you would be taking stronger medicine) so it is just a wise precaution. I've been taking Calcichew tablets Vit D3/ Calcium for many years with Methotrexate and now a Biologic.

You will probably have a blood test now and then (perhaps yearly) to make sure your levels are up to scratch.

ABwn profile image

I take calcium citrate +Vit D. Citrate is more effective than the calcium carbonate. Unfortunately my GP will only prescribe the carbonate - so I buy it.

Hessie5 profile image

Hi - I was diagnosed with osteopenia left hip - I eat bone health nuts like almonds and foods too - vitamin d (with k2) on and off or D3, Collagen - All the usual stuff plus gentle exercise. You can combine good bone health food and supplements, I find. Get your D checked first though to see what works for you.

Hello. I switched rheumatologists recently for one less of a drive away and he ordered a bone density scan. Apparently it wasn't too bad considering but even though my Vitamin D is normal he said over 60 and having rheumatoid I should take vitamin D and Calcium daily to help my bones. Makes sense. Vitamin D is also good for cardiac as well I have read.

medway-lady profile image

I'm prescribed Ad cal and the chewy ones are far gentler than the tablets but not Alendronic as its prohibited for people with low kidney function.

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