Hi today I had another scan of my feet I’ve had a week of work with my feet up so not walked much at all my scan showed synovitis in my toes fluid on my ankle and fluid in my other foot does anyone else suffer with these thanks
Foot scan : Hi today I had another scan of my feet I’ve... - NRAS
Foot scan

Hi tinayankyee. I'm sorry you're having problems . Yes, I have problems with my feet. Metatarsalgia and synovitis in toes of both feet. The ankles and under the heel bone have recently become swollen and painful on occasion. I even have a corn on a toe nail. Who even knew that could happen? Fun it isn't. I was referred to a specialist RA podiatrist who has made me some insoles which help stabilise me a bit but, apart from those, painkillers, soaking them in an Epsom salts footbath and not standing or walking for too long are the only things that help. Hugs
I’ve had the insoles made I can’t wear them it’s to painful how are u with your insoles x
They have stopped me wobbling so much, especially when I use them with trainers. I have persevered and now they're not too bad and I can walk further but the little "add-on" insoles she put in my Birkenstock slippers have hurt. Lots.
Add on insoles to Birkenstocks? I was told not to use them, but either wear the birkenstocks as they are (which I do) or normal shoes with my insoles (which I also do). So my birkenstocks are for indoors, and insoles are for outdoors.
I love my Birkies which is why I bought their slippers. Like clogs with a felt upper they may indeed be ugly but they're also warm and comfy. I've decided to take the add-ons off because of the discomfort even though they were fitted by the podiatrist. What a rebel!
Yes, & I'm sorry you do too. Like Jan I have synovitis & metatarsalgia but the latest addition to the collection is Achilles tendinitis. It's a problem at times because all are inflammatory & come with their own particular pain so it's a case of which is up to no good & when. Fortunately all respond well to elevation so the recliner's a godsend. I already take an NSAID, maybe that would be helpful I you aren't already prescribed one. I don't respond well to ice packs but it's the usual recommendation so you could try that. Also lace up shoes, they're helpful as your feet expand & reduce. Then there's the attractive corns on & in between the balls of my feet, the left more problematic than the right for some odd reason, the over pronation making my feet 'tired' constantly despite the custom made orthotics, apparently nothing can be done about that but rest though you can't rest all the time can you?!
You could ask to be referred to a Podietrist, one who is qualified in RD feet. An Epsom salt foot bath is lovely as well. Try to rest them as much as is feasible over Christmas.
I’ve been sleeping on the sofa to elevate my feet and taken 4 weeks of work x
Being retired, it lessened the stresses this rotten disease can cause but, boy, am I getting fed up with being sat on my bottom
The joys of RD feet I'm afraid... & they're not even considered in the DAS 28, that's my beef & a reason mine are in the state they're in now. I think if they were affected when diagnosed consideration should be made. I didn't have these problems before returning to the UK, I used to have the DAS 44 performed, feet & ankles plus other joints were included so any issues quickly attended to. x
If you have a reasonable consultant it should make no difference if they use DAS 28 or 44. That is really just to provide a consistent measure of the evolution of your disease.
If you have foot problems they should be addressed no matter what. I have always been measured using DAS 28, but my rheumatologist would look at my feet anyway. Which is why I got referred to podiatrist pretty early on.
Oh I know that, but she wasn't reasonable! I was told as they're not included she didn't examine. I thought that was just how it was in the UK, I knew no different. Since then I've read of so many other Rheumy's who have the same opinion so she's not alone. It was of no help but when she did examine them she was very apologetic, she could see as I took my socks off even before examining them how they'd changed from my initial consultation. She then fast-tracked me to Podietry.
The fun just never stops does it?
No it’s not easy is it x
Have you been given exercises for overpronation? They've really helped me.
Yes, though I do find them difficult, painful because of the other issues. I do them in trainers as I lose balance barefoot.
Oh yes these poor feet it was 1 of the first sign of rd for me i have another scan of my feet next month but my ankles have almost fused anyway.