Third vaccine : finaly after having to shout at my Docs... - NRAS


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Third vaccine

trace58 profile image
92 Replies

finaly after having to shout at my Docs Practice Manager getting the 3rd vaccine a month later tgan Government advise! and only because they are doing 3rd booster for everyone sp have to go to a civic hall with everyone talking n not wearing masks properly ! makes me anxious , next it will be a fight for the fourth never ending

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trace58 profile image
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92 Replies
KittyJ profile image

Well I shan’t be following suit, they have enough to deal with without people shouting at them to get a vaccine, I’ll wait until I’m called for it.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to KittyJ

Problem is Kitty, many consultants have not followed JCVI and NHS advice which has created chaos for the most vulnerable trying to get the 3rd doses to which they are entitled… since early September. See my Rant post!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

But shouting at staff who have no control over the situation is unfair….& will negate any good will there might have been at the GP practice.Anyway…..Isn’t everyone fed up with the subject of when & where to get an injection?

Everybody who was shielding… those most in need will have been taking good care …& a few more weeks will not hurt.

They do say …everything comes to he who waits…don’t they?

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

Agreed there’s no need to shout … but the frustration is huge!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

Keep calm… will get there!

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

Too late for me to go to my daughter’s wedding though.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lolabridge

That's such a shame Lola. Can someone arrange to FaceTime or zoom the ceremony? That way at least you're included all be it distantly.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to nomoreheels

WiFi too weak in the area but I will be getting a video of the ceremony. And I’m hoping they may phone me from the Reception. Will ask for an early call so I won’t have drunk too much of the Pol Roger by then!!

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to Lolabridge

Unfortunately, too often, there very much IS a need to shout. Squeaky wheel and all that. GP 'care' at present is scandalous.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Coppernob

Yes it’s hard when trying to get the care you need is so difficult; it’s frustrating and exhausting. I try not to shout but I am assertive!!

GinnyE profile image
GinnyE in reply to AgedCrone

Yes indeed, including Covid if you aren't careful.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AgedCrone

The GP Surgery where I was PM had & still has zero tolerance policy. Shouting at a member of staff was considered aggressive & noted on patients record once the situation was controlled.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

Yes and at some practices….. guess which patient would then be the last to see sight nor sound of a certain vaccination?

I just wish people would not keep thinking we have get jabbed first.…. although RA is a serious disease…we are in fact fortunate not to be needing vicious chemotherapy or an organ transplant.

Those who want the jab will get it soon I’m sure.

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to AgedCrone

I will explain why I had to shout I sourced the letter sent out to all our Gps and clinicians 1st of September and waited for them to get in touch !heard nothing so rang up the Bbc have now reported on it as they nearly all did not put into effect and Immunesurpressed eg RA patients on Methotrexate etc need the 3rd dose asap they should of got this a month ago before the 3rd boosters started so not good enough , and 80 + Gps still not starting are being contacted

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to trace58

she also agreed with me and understood why I she said did not know about it and got straight onto the member of staff involved in the vaccines for our practice why the letter letter by the government and public health england and thanked me for bringing it to her attention I have Ra and other co morbidities and told I do need this asap as no antibodies so everyone has different kevels of risk but I gave not done anything fir 18 months

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to trace58

also worked for 5 Gps

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to trace58

But those of us who have not received our third injection will all get it ASAP.You have had the first two vaccinations…so you are as well protected as you need…you will get your third jab as soon as your area sets up their system.

I’m sure if any consultant thought any one of his/her patients needed the vaccination urgently- it would have been arranged.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

According to the OCTAVE study , 40 % of immunocompromised people have not produced enough antibodies from the first 2 doses of the vaccine to give protection from coronavirus. Hence we are all being offered a 3rd primary dose. A 3rd primary dose seems to bring most of us to around the same level of protection as 2 doses does for nonimmuncompromised people ...hence the immunocompromised people are keen to have their 3rd dose.

Many immunocompromised people have to go to work for example, where they are given little or no extra protection by their employers.

The information regarding the poor response at antibody production by 40% of immunocompromised people has been known by the authorities since very early September and not acted on. Pfizer or Moderna are the scientifically recommended 3rd primary vaccinations for the immunocompromised. Many Drs are unaware of the situation.

Scotland seems to be doing better in this matter and taken it out of the hands of consultants and GPs and into Health Board level.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

We all have our own opinions …..don’t you think going over & over the same ground is getting nowhere except confusing a lot of people ?

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to AgedCrone

Really? You thought consultants would be on the ball and proactive?? That's what I call optimism!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Coppernob

The majority of them…..Yes I do…they have all the clinical information which the desk bound politicians don’t…& without the emotion of the patient.Not what patients want to hear…but that’s life.

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to AgedCrone

Not life as I know it! If I wasn't on the ball about my healthcare I wouldn't get any, nada.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Lolabridge

Thankfully in Scotland the health boards are dealing with the 3rd primaries, not the consultants. My consultant, was unaware JAK inhibitors are a problem for antibody production.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Lolabridge

I know Lola, I haven’t been called for mine either but I’m not going to go and shout at someone until I get it.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to KittyJ

No I haven’t done any shouting and don’t condone anyone doing it.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Never a good idea to shout as most GP practices record the patient calls 😳 x

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to KittyJ

Metaphorically shout, make yourself heard.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Mmrr


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Mmrr

Mmrr she has actually twice said she shouted 🤷🏻‍♀️

Jayyyydddeee profile image
Jayyyydddeee in reply to KittyJ

There is other people ie patients that have cancer that need it also. There is probably a back log. I also have heard nothing of mine nor do I think I will hear anything by Christmas and work within a setting that is full of infections spreading but sometimes you have to just be patient and wait. Some people take other medications along side mexothextrate also which lowers it even more so . You just have to wait. Shouting gets you nowhere, don't be one of the people that shout at staff that don't even know the situation themselves x

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to Lolabridge

Why do you need a 3rd vaccine why not have a booster like everyone else?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Cheylann

All immunocompromised (CEV people) people in the UK are being offered a 3rd primary dose of the vaccine, and a booster in 6 months time, with non immunocompromised given just the booster.

There have been several posts recently explaining the difference, the search box should take to the lists if you enter 3rd vaccination / primary dose, and NRAS ran an excellent FB session reporting on the results of the OCTAVE study and JVCI recommendations for those of us with RD, around 2 weeks ago, still available on FB.

AgedCrone profile image

You were jolly lucky not to be told to go to the back if the queue.Shouting at busy GP staff is just not acceptable…they do as they are told re giving Covid injections.

The request from the NHS is to wait to be called…can we all please do this?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

I was called, arrived letter in hand with all the necessary details to be told by an administrator I could not have my vaccination. I stood my ground and a nurse sorted it out.

People get things wrong,, my 3rd primary was too valuable to me to walk away because of an administrator not knowing what to do.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Yes you were called & sorted it calmly….

I doubt if we will still be waiting much longer…& as this situation is not going to end with this series of injections ….when the next jab comes around…what will happen then….if people just turn up demanding “their right”?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

I don't think people are doing that, but people are being given misinformation and disregard. Unfortunately we do need to educate the uneducated in this matter....and that includes rheumatologist, GPs and others.. .frankly some of them don't know and are not taking the initiative to find out.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Well In England we don’t have enough Rheumatologists to both see new and old patients and then spend hours reading directives from the SSH I’m afraid. You must have read and heard what long gaps there are for most people seeing their rheumatologist.Same with GPs…..who I agree have not covered themselves in glory recently….but re these jabs…they do as they are told about administering them

The time has obviously come where if we want this third jab we go when we are called …as you did….not think we are any more special than anyone else because we have RA….& should have it as soon as we hear about it.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

I disagree, I think we need to educate our rheumatologist and GPs....I for one am not prepared to listen to incorrect information from anyone.

JVCI says I was due a 3rd primary and 6 month booster for a reason and that's what I made sure I got. My rheumatologist doesn't have a scooby on this matter. Thankfully NRAS provided me with the information I needed to protect myself.

If I become unwell with Covid, apart from a potential catastrophe for me and my family, it could end up costing the NHS a small fortune in ICT care.

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to Mmrr

Totally agree. We shouldn't have to take the initiative, but we do.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Mmrr

Well done Marie. I’m intending to do the same as you did.

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to Mmrr

I believe the GPs/Nurses are fine. The Admin staff at GP surgerys are terrible to deal with and definitely make their rules too.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to MJSlide1958

I think there is a general confusion over who has to get what and when. But not informing administrative staff is a basic error, they hold the front line and need to know basic information.

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to Mmrr

It's a crying shame! I am still awaiting my first clinic appointment for Osteoporosis, especially found in my back. This was over 2 years ago. I am still awaiting to be referred for some sort of medication in case of fracture or break! So I have been waiting patiently but over 2 years seems to be quite a long time to be treated. In the meantime I shall have to be very careful!

Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to MJSlide1958

I really object to what you have just said I was a medical receptionist and my boss use to say we had the worst jobs in the surgery because the Drs yell at us and then the patients yell at us for obeying the Drs one example I can give you is a patient will book an appointment with a particular dr and then when that dr sees that patient is on there list for that day they say I’m not seeing that patient so your told to put them on another Drs list and then when the patient is called in to the dr they didn’t book it the receptionist who has them shouting at them and we can’t say it’s the dr who refuses to see them or the patient who arrives to see the duty dr saying there really I’ll and should go infront of everyone else and could you go in and tell the dr and when you do the dr will say something like are they still breathing you say yes and the dr says they must take there turn and then you have to go out to the patient and can’t say what the dr has said so you have to make up some excuse so please don’t blame the receptionist until you have walked in there shoes and I found that there are some patients who will shout and swear at you plus shout

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to Kingsley09

Actually, I have never yelled at anyone over the telephone. I am clear and concise and I also buy the Admin team chocolate/biscuits every christmas, despite the amount of time and stress I have endured trying to book an appointment, a telephone appointment at that. But I do have to admit that admin can be really very unkind. In return I am not rude for my family's health sake. So perhaps you need to rethink on each and everyone's character, all human you know! As long as I know I do not yell and do keep my calm, then that's all I personally need to think about! It sounds to me that you happen to know every admin team in the UK??? Interesting! Well I would just like you to know that it is very upsetting with this type of set up now and the fact that it's always Covid related being used as an excuse/reason!!! So unless you are on the other foot literally with an incurable illness, and on top of that you can't get treated for weeks, it's very very stressful and makes the illness worse! Thank you

Pearce1940oscar profile image
Pearce1940oscar in reply to MJSlide1958

I do understand your frustration and I have multiple health problems myself but the point I was trying to make was that the receptionist is stuck between the dr and patient and the Drs can be very difficult having a dr refusing to see a patient booked with them they refuse to see the patient and the receptionist is left with an irrate patient to deal with and you can’t say to them the dr won’t see you so you have to make excuses and I don’t know every admin team but the ones I do all have the problem of the Drs passing the buck so don’t judge a person unless you have walked in there shoes something that I have experienced

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to MJSlide1958

How rude MJ when it was you making the sweeping statement about admin staff at GP’s surgeries. Do you know them all too?

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to KittyJ

I am not being rude, it's quite frank. I am sure others have experienced worse!

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to AgedCrone

If you look at my earlier post you will see that in England few NHS Trusts and their consultants have done what was required of them by NHSE for a month so they have had to be contacted again and told to get on with it!!We were supposed to start getting called for our 3rd dose from 2nd September!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Lolabridge

The way I look at it is we came through the very worst of the early pandemic with no jabs at all…….so remaining cautious & waiting a few weeks for a third injection now is hardly a major catastrophe. We are going to have to learn to treat Covid like we do flu…..take it into our own hands, as many already do, & just book at a pharmacy, or wait to go where the annual - or whatever time gap is decided, Covid vaccinations will be given.

If the NHS had enough staff it might be different…but they haven’t,, so we must wait.

All this anxiety about getting an injection is not good for anybody.

GinnyE profile image
GinnyE in reply to AgedCrone

The walk in centre I went to was empty. Loads of staff hanging about. And GPs and Specialists are seeing half of the patients they used to see. I’m not buyingthe argument that I have to wait for a recommended medication because everyone’s too busy. And I think I am special, as special as anyone else, and I am fed with having to wait. I want my life back.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to GinnyE

Don’t we all…but in the present situation I find just waiting my turn… I did for the first two injections allows me to lead a near normal life….not wondering all the time when will I get called.Takes all sorts doesn’t it?

GinnyE profile image
GinnyE in reply to AgedCrone

We all see it our own way I agree.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to GinnyE

Apparently the vaccine roll out has slowed right up, which may well be why staff are not as busy as they were. Not sure of the reasons why this has happened but there's a significant minority of the UK population who are still relucant or refusing to be vaccinated.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of sitting it out to keep themselves safe. Many have to go to work in unsafe situations, that they can’t control, which is a scary place to be if you didn’t get antibodies from the first 2 vaccines. Also many rheumatology patients are on higher doses of immunosuppressants than organ transplant patients. I’m on 5 immunosuppressants, and admit I did make enquiries re my 3rd dose as my daughter was getting married with 60 guests, and very little antibodies. It took the CCG to get my rheumatologist to send my letter. Sadly several others under his care won’t get their letter because he’s too busy to do it and has told the CCG he won’t do it. To me this is negligence to knowingly leave patients at risk of serious illness. There is software available to quickly search through their list for patients meeting the criteria, so it’s not like they have to manually check each patients notes. Template letters fill in the blanks so all you need is the secretary to put in envelopes and send. So whilst those retired have more control over the risks and can mitigate them, we have to understand many can’t. One of my friends has had to turn down her dream job working in a school because she can’t get her 3rd vaccine and feels unsafe without it. She is one of the patients that the rheumy refuses to send letters too. So people do have a right to raise their concerns respectfully and ensure their specialists and GPS are following the NHSE requirements

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Runrig01


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

We all react differently to whatever disease we have…..I just don’t feel the way you do…but that doesn’t mean either of us is right or wrong.I’m sure most of the doctors involved in decisions re this third injection are acting ethically…..they are looking after their patients as best they can..,taking their experience into account as to to how to allocate their time…so I feel it is only fair that we wait to be called for our injection……rather than feeling we are more entitled than the next person,…& should get it on demand.

How do we know how needful somebody else really is? Neither you or I know that.

Altho I have had a long life…I think life is too short to always look on the negative side & to worry about something that may never happen, especially in this pandemic when there is no instruction book to refer to.

I’m sure there are moves afoot the public have no knowledge of….and everyone who wants the third injection will get it…but possibly not as soon as they would like.

I am getting on with my life, being sensible & careful… is my right….you have a different attitude as is your right… let’s just agree to disagree.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Personally I’d drop a note in through the practice letterbox if I hadn’t heard by end of October to just ask if I was still recorded as immunosuppressed etc and to contact me if there was a problem. I would be a little cautious (if current scenario applied to me) as I was missed off CEV last year for 10 months due to a rheumy nurse’s bungling. 🤨 x

GinnyE profile image
GinnyE in reply to AgedCrone

No, thanks all the same. I believe now more than ever one needs to be proactive when dealing with health issues. Know of too many people who have suffered as a result of not bothering the doctor. And the complete hash of contradictory information that has been out there has only added to my view point. I have been perfectly calm and reasonable when speaking to anyone involved but make no apology for doing so.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to GinnyE

Yup that's the way I see it too.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to GinnyE

Totally agree. X

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to GinnyE

Well said Ginny.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

I think if anyone shouted at my practice staff they’d get a warning letter as they say on the answerphone message that verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Sounds like some patients have been doing that in their frustration. 😑🤨

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to Neonkittie17

And who can blame them? I would cheerfully strangle my GP!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Coppernob

Do you mean who can blame them for shouting? Well it may relieve someone’s tension but as has been said on this thread, such patients will be marked down as having had the outburst on their records. It’s not going to get anyone anywhere if the GP practice staff tell you they haven’t any info as yet and haven’t got an answer for you re when you’ll get your vaccine. I would hope they would be able to give an indication of when that could be they will know though. I’m one hundred percent supportive of immunosuppressed patients/higher risk group getting these. I wish everyone well who is going for the third vaccine and hope things move faster very soon in a calm way.

Mmrr profile image

I didn't shout, but I did stand my ground with administrative staff, letter in hand from NHS saying 3rd primary vaccination, eventually it was sorted by the nurse.I'm so pleased I stood my ground, otherwise I would have missed my vaccination.

I got an apology from the administrator, who had not been informed of 3rd primaries and did not read my letter with my unique passcode.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Mmrr

That’s why I posted the link from Immunology U.K. as then people going now and in the near future could save it on their phone/print some if it off and take with them so they hopefully don’t have your experience. Glad you got an apology.

in reply to Mmrr

I was really grateful to you for explaining what you’d experienced and about standing your ground. I didn’t need to myself but did double check everything with the reception in the hall as she called it a booster and I wanted to know that it was Pfizer which it was. The nurse attendant was very reassuring and I expressed my gratitude ti all concerned - said I could not be more relieved to have both jabs done and dusted.

I don’t actually think the OP shouted or the practice manager wouldn’t have stayed on the phone. It was likely a firm word that felt to them like shouting. And if I was in their situation I’d probably have done the same although I don’t shout but sometimes our frustration and anger makes us feel as if we have.

I do think there is blame here and I think the blame lies with NHS England. NHS Scotland seems to have handled it all pretty well and I haven’t spoken to my GP practice about it at all.

My old GPs were exceptionally bad about the way they delivered the vaccination programme and about much else too so I finally moved to the only other practice in my area and so far have had no bother at all. But I’ll always be firm and politely clear rather than rude if I do.

I also think the pandemic has cast a light on how GP practices everywhere are now run as subcontracted businesses. The majority of GPs are so well paid now that they can afford to work part time. And in this way they have become the target of anger and abuse from the general public who are looking for a scapegoats or just extremely frustrated is the many who can’t get appointments or good gatekeeping when they know this is what GPs are paid handsomely to do.

And this has created a vicious circle where the whole profession has come under scrutiny and too many have been found wanting. So medical students understandably don’t want to become GPs. I mean most don’t go into medicine to be very well paid but hated - they go into medicine to be reasonably remunerated for making people feel better.

And therein lies the problem with many of us feeling rather shouty these days - especially those who have shielded for the overall benefit of society and the NHS. But ultimately it’s the privatisation of general practice that’s to blame and I’m certain there are many good GPs out there doing their best.

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to

A very good response. I'm pleased you were able to successfully receive your vaccines. Could I ask if it was a Vaccination Centre you went to, I'm think of trying one; I need to have my third primary asap due to Retuximab infusion in December, and do you know how the third vaccine was recorded, ie as third or booster.

I'm trying to arm myself with information so I can explain as well as I can to the receptionist/nurse if I should need to. We have had no letter/text yet from GP's, but I have printed off the NHS letter which has kindly been downloaded on this site, and have my latest letter from my last rheumatology appointment, quite recent, where it states I'm on Retuximab. Thank you.

in reply to sunnyweek

Stoned on IV Cyclizine so can’t type - defo different in Scotland much quicker to respond this time. It was in hall in nearby town and letter of explain came from nhs Scotland - most looked kind of like me ie CEV with chemo head scarves or sticks. Scotland all mandatory masks so felt safe. X

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to

Thank you.

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to sunnyweek

It was a vaccine centre in civic hall locally

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to trace58

Thank you, I'll try my nearest.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

Couldn't agree more with your response.Fortunately I'm with a good GP practice now, but they are thin on the ground.

When the administrator apologised to me, she also said I was the first person for the 3rd primary dose she had processed.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

You forgot NHS Wales where I am :-) I think there's been a communication problem of some sort here, but feel somewhat reassured after an 'amicable' (I never shout despite being highly strung) :-O phone chat with my rheumy nurse on thursday who has helped look after me for many years. It wasn't a 'me me me please' phonecall, I wanted to know if they now have a handle on the vaccine situation for the immunosuppressed, which they clearly didn't around a week back. I tried to phone the vaccination centre first but after a number of 'long' attempts failed to get an answer. I'm now waiting on a letter from my rheumatologist to take to the vaccination centre confirming that I qualify for the 3rd vaccine. Not in a rush though as I've contracted a prolonged nasty cold type bug , which I hope will clear before too long or it looks as if I'll have to postpone both the 3rd vaccine and the flu jab booked for the 16th. This bug could just as easily been covid with probable dire consequences for me even though I'm double vaccinated, and let's not forget this delta strain is said to be more infectious and widespread in the country than the previous alpha strain even though a lot of people seem to think the threat is over, or can be disregarded.

Is that one of my regular rants?...I think not. :-)

Garnacha profile image
Garnacha in reply to wishbone

I've been reading the thread to see if Wales was mentioned. I emailed my surgery this morning with an outline of what was discussed with the GP last Friday:

1- Access to my blood test results.

2- Updating my repeat prescriptions as per the consultants letter a month ago and not being done.

3 - Adding repeat prescriptions to my list as per the dermatologists request over a month ago.

4 - Just to enquire if or when I'm likely to be called for my third vaccine.

Had a reply that all of the above 3 are being actioned or looked into but the vaccine reply was: You will be contacted by the health board regarding your covid booster as we are not arranging these vaccines.

I replied that it wasn't a booster I'm enquiring about but a third primary dose, I attached the document that was shared on here previously and did say I wasn't sure if it only applied to NHS England but assumed not.

I also asked what do they mean by health board, if this is the NHS Rheumatology department they don't know I exist as I'm currently on the NHS waiting list which was 77 weeks, said I was diagnosed privately and have been taking a number of immunosuppresant medications, the reply was: As this is not something we arrange we would not know the answers to these questions. The best place to contact would be the vaccination line.

Just been trying to get through and each time it says their lines are busy and hang up.

I'm happy to wait for my third dose but just want to check that I'm somewhere in the system x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Garnacha

I'm not in the least surprised with the responses you had regarding 3rd vaccine. Very similar to the ones I had up until I spoke with my rheumy nurse on thursday, and in all honesty, right or wrong, I'm still not 100% convinced that all is going to plan. I just don't know what is up with the vaccination centre phonelines...can't say I heard this much of a problem getting someone to answer your call at the height of the vaccination roll out.

Hope you manage to get things sorted pretty soon.

Garnacha profile image
Garnacha in reply to wishbone

Thank you, think I've got that cold starting too 😔 and have my flu jab booked for the 20th, I would have gone anyway but is there a reason not to have the flu jab if you've got a bad cold?

I hope you feel better soon and are able to get your 3rd dose x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Garnacha

Thanks, I hope you don't get a throat like mine if you have a cold. Just taken the first of my antibiotics and hope they do the trick as I'm fed up with it now. I'm fairly sure the nurses ask if you have cold symptoms before they administer the flu jab. My rheumy nurse wasn't sure and said to ask my GP or surgery nurse. I did mention it to the receptionist when I phoned earlier but she wasn't sure either. Best check with a nurse or whoever in your GP surgery

Garnacha profile image
Garnacha in reply to wishbone

Thank you, I've got my monthly blood tests on Wednesday but don't hold out much hope as it's always the trainee phlebotomist that does it and she literally knows nothing 😂

Hope you're antibiotics start kicking in and you soon feel better x

Sunset54 profile image

It’s worrying for everyone and the rollout is different depending on where you live. I had mine a week ago at hospital where I see my rheumatologist. It was well organised, all in masks etc. Then this week I got another text from local nhs for same. So it is getting out there.

summer32A profile image

Hi I work part time in health and got my 3rd jab which is labelled as my booster on card

that way..the gap is meant to be 6 months I was quite poorly after the 3rd for 6 days, which threw me as my booster dose was the same as the first two Pfizer.I am not rushing for a fourth vaccination, I think we are in danger of being over vaccinated.

I am having flu jab shortly at my own drs surgery.

My surgery have been non pro active re covid19 vaccination throughout,but getting cross isn't the answer.

I personally don't won't another a COVID 19 vac for at least a my body reacted strongly to the booster!

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to summer32A

The 6 month gap only applies to the booster. The 3rd dose is not a booster but a primary dose to hopefully bring your antibodies in line with other healthy individuals. It is only available to those on certain immunosuppressants, and you only need a gap of 8 weeks between your 2nd and 3rd unless your specialist says otherwise, like this in rituximab. So many people are confusing the 3rd dose with boosters which adds to the confusion

in reply to summer32A

The third dose and booster are two different things. The booster is 6 month later but the 3rd primary dose can be a lot sooner.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to summer32A

3rd primary does not need a 6 month gap only the booster does.

helenlw7 profile image

I had mine yesterday after a battle with drs surgery last week.they hadn’t read the info from the Gov, and were surprised when I showed them the email I’d received. Mine was done at my drs and I’ve written about my experience in a reply to Sheila_G

patrickd profile image

Here in the US, it's sort of the same. I just got my third "Pfizer" dose, I had to be my own advocate for it. I also had to get a note from my doctor stating I had immune issues and needed a third dose (Pharmacy required it and geez, they have a list of all my Immune Suppressing Meds so you'd think it be a given). Scary times any way you look at it. I am just very thankful I was able to (in fact all of us) are able to go and get a vaccine for Covid pretty much anytime without any shortages. Third-world countries aren't so blessed.

Pulfs profile image

I’m in Reading area and was called by my GP to have my booster/3rd vaccine yesterday in time to have my next Retuximab infusion in November . This time it was Pfizer 1st 2 were Astra Zeneca now waiting to get my flu jab . So far I feel ok but have a headache hopefully won’t get too bad side effects. Let’s hope we all get our next vaccines soon .

goldenoriole profile image

It seems to me that those of us who are CEV are always going to be running 6 months behind others, in protection terms ... I had my 2nd dose in April and have just been invited to book in for 'booster' next month. I've been told I need the '3rd jab' (for immuno-suppression) plus booster down the line ... but have been invited for 'booster' this time round. It seems to me the NHS letter that was shared on here made good sense, but is not filtering through to places where it is needed. I have spent a long time this week, trying to get the info. I need. A one-stop webpage on the difference between the 'CEV 3rd jab' and the booster for those of us who are CEV would, IMHO, make sense in terms of patient safety and peace of mind ... and would mean that we needed to take up a lot less NHS time as our enquiries would be fewer. Incidentally, I was so grateful to find that NHS letter via this forum ... thank you.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to goldenoriole

It should be the CEVs in front of the others, at least if you believed what the politicians and others repeatedly said throughout the pandemic about the vunerable being top priority. :-O

Leics profile image

I had a text from NHS yesterday re the booster. It did say as I am at great risk if I get covid that I need to book it lol. No mention of a 3rd primary. So I rang 119 thinking they may be able to help as I have an infection atm wanted some advice re timing. Did I get any advice Nope, did they have a clue about 3rd primary doses Nope so figured I would book in for the booster in two weeks when antibiotics have finished and hopefully infection has cleared. Let’s face it we will probably all have to have another dose in six months anyway. Ironically enough I’ve had a letter from department of health and social care today which I haven’t had time to read as yet but a quick flick just seemed to say that shielding has finished take extra precautions. 🙈🤷‍♀️

Wow. A lot of anger on here.

I received an NHSvaccine text on 30th Sept. Made an appt online. Vaccination next week.

I live in England.

I have been receiving CEV letters throughout Covid from the Govt & from my local council.

I took a photocopy of my original Rheumatology CEV letter to my GP so they had it on file. I joined the Govt ‘priority’ list twice for supermarket deliveries as the first one vanished into the ether.

No. We shouldn’t have to do the work, but that’s Reality. I’m also fully aware that not everyone can do these things.

I really don’t think that being aggressive towards front line staff is appropriate. Assertive, yes, always… but being rude to people who are not Decision Makers is not on.

A disproportionate amount of people with Long Covid are female NHS frontline staff. Have some RESPECT.

If you are angry please direct your emotions towards Decision Makers.. not workers who are there to implement someone else’s half baked idea.

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