I was doing well on Leflunomide but have just started with toe and ankle pain. I noticed my middle toe has become malformed, looks like the bone has grown wider on the joint and is painful & hard. I can feel pain in my toes & ankles at night, what on earth is going on? I had an ultrasound recently & they only found bursitis, no active RA at that time. Feeling quite scared that changes are happening beyond my control. Ss
Foot and ankle pain: I was doing well on Leflunomide... - NRAS
Foot and ankle pain

First off darling gentle hugs to you. My toes are starting curling in as well. I am in the middle of a flare and boy am i in pain.xxxxx
Sending sympathy. I think many of us have had foot problems with RA. It was one of my first symptoms and has never really gone away. Sad to say my feet and ankles hurt in bed too. I did find seeing the orthotics department and getting properly fitted orthotics helps with the ankle pain. If you haven't got orthotics it might be worth asking your rheumy to refer you.
Sorry to hear this. Maybe a flare? I hope you can speak to your rheumy. Have you Been doing any extra walking or exercise? Standing on your feet putting pressure on them for longer than usual. Maybe a rheumy-podiatry appointment could help alleviate the pain and also give you some expert opinion and options to help. Hope you feel better soon. x
Sorry to hear this. I’m a fellow sufferer with foot and ankle pain. Do ask your Rheumy to refer you to the podiatrist - there may be one attached to the Rheumatology department. And some custom made orthotics they could provide may help to reduce your foot pain. Good luck.
Is that where the bursitis is ? I didn't have that but the bony overgrowth and my toes turned towards the left. I had it operated on, on the NHS but they don't do it until the degree of turning is over 27%. At that point they broke my toes, removed the overgrowth and pinned toes straight. Put a plate in from big toe to top of instep and bingo lovely straight and painless foot. I was in plaster for a few weeks then a boot but best thing ever. And now 6 years on my foot is still painfree and normal. All you can see is a few tiny scars and a long one on the side of my foot. Even after the surgery it didn't hurt so see an Orthopaedic Surgeon if you can as a podiatrist tried insoles and made the problem worse. Surgeon told me that once the toes and foot turn surgery is always best. It solves the problem for good and normal shoes fit again. I'd add that he also said and this was true that soft shoes are not good for the feet. It's better to get supportive shoes with a small heel. I hope that helps. x Only my left foot was affected by RA and I also had Morton's Nuromas removed twice on same foot. My right foot is normal . never painful and has been ignored by the RA !