Hi - rarely post here but do follow. I was diagnosed with seronegative RA 19 years ago. Initially treated with sulphasalazine, to which I reacted v badly but took for long enough to bring my inflammatory markers down before I stopped as I wanted to get pregnant again (RA started during my first pregnancy). I was then referred back to GP care and just on NSAIDs until a major flare up in 2008. I was put on methotrexate for about 8 months which gradually brought down my ESR and CRP again then weaned off and again referred back to GP care, and solely on NSAIDs.
I’ve seen rheumatologists since then as I developed a number of other problems (fibromyalgia diagnosed about 5 years ago, and hip and back problems which are being dealt with now through orthopaedics). “GP care” doesn’t seem to mean v much (although generally my GP is helpful). It’s been well over a year since I had ESR/CRP tested though generally the view is that if they are normal my RA doesn’t need addressing. But I have in the last couple of years noticed changes in the shape of my hand and toe joints. Classic boutonnière of thumb and ulnar deviation of fingers (more marked on right side but visible on both). And on my feet signs of claw toes.
Should I insist on seeing a rheumatologist? Because I haven’t seen anyone consistently over the last 20 years and those I have seen all in different hospitals i doubt anyone will be able to compare x-rays over time to fully assess the damage. Because of covid I haven’t seen my GP face to face to show him my hands/feet. Though as I am now seeing other services - have just had an investigative procedure on my back, due to have a steroid injection in my arm and hydrotherapy starting again - am hoping that the GP will be open for visits again.
Any advice v welcome from anyone who has these problems and has more experience with consistent rheumatology care than me. Is it too late (digits not yet badly deformed)?