Had a planned, phone consultation with my rheumatologist today. This one is important because I have my Cimzia signed off for another year. I had a blood test 10 days ago so that my bloods were up-to-date.
Unfortunately, my inflammation markers have more than doubled since February, when they were already not at all great. I had to stop my meds (main ones: mtx, Cimzia and sulfasalazine) back last December, because I had a bad chest xray. I flared terribly over the next 3 months. I was able to start meds again mid -March. So the Feb ones were full mid-flare!
My ESR is now 120 and my CRP is 92.6. I am sore and swollen - that's for sure.
Consequently, I now have to have a face-to-face consultation asap at my hospital 😷before she will either continue my current meds or make a decision to change them 😒Can't say I'm looking forward to going into hospital or changing my meds.
My red blood count is on the low side too, which would explain my exhaustion.