Off work: Morning all Been struggling the last couple... - NRAS


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Off work

Gottaloveastaffy profile image

Morning all

Been struggling the last couple of weeks as had to stop meds and go on antibiotics

Have really been feeling awful so tired and struggling to get through the day at work which luckily I do from home currently, but the methotrexate has done me this week and overdid it Friday.

I’ve called into work sick today and feel really guilty about it 😩 but I wanted to give myself a day to feel bit better

Been under a lot of stress the last couple of weeks to and I think that’s made me flare somewhat too.

I never go off sick and that’s why I feel terrible about it and I know that’s not helping me either 😩

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Gottaloveastaffy profile image
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14 Replies
LoneEra profile image

Don’t waste your day off sick feeling bad about it! Everyone gets sick now and again. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you need to look after yourself first and foremost.

You know in an aeroplane they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before helping anyone else - this is the same.

So take your day, without guilt. Watch some TV, listen to the radio, read a book. Whatever gives you pleasure. But let the bad feelings go.

Take a deep breath in and expel those pesky thoughts with the breath out. Now start to feel better! Xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to LoneEra

That is a good way of telling us to look after us first and foremost. I wish i could do that as i always want to do things and when i feel a bit brighter i over do it every time. xxx

Boxerlady profile image

Sorry to hear that you're feeling rough 💐It's much easier for me because I'm self employed so it's me who misses out most if I cancel work but I have learnt that taking a bit of time off when I need it means that I recover quicker and take less time off in total. This is particularly the case with a disease which thrives on stress! So be kind to yourself and take the time off to recover properly. 😘

sylvi profile image

Take care of you and if you take this one day tomorrow will be a brighter day. xxxx

Mmrr profile image

No need to feel guilty about being off work.Use your day to rest, recuperate and get your self into a good position for going back to work.

Pippy25 profile image

Take it easy today and don't be hard on yourself, your body is letting you know you need to rest. RD loves nothing more than it's pals stress, anxiety and worry to jump on board so don't feel terrible and take care of yourself. xx

Gottaloveastaffy profile image

Thanks everyone u always make feel better about things x just got back into bed breakfast and hydroxy done ✅ I’m gonna have a snooze and try tomrelax u are all

So right x thank you xx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Gottaloveastaffy

That's the ticket, hope you feel better tomorrow. xx

Totally agree with loneEra, it doesn't matter how great you are at your job you are still only a number, believe me, I know I used to work fof nhs before becoming ill.You can't get over a Flare by continually ploughing through, it will get you in the end. Have a cuppa, get the duvet and put a film on whilst snoozing. Sending you lots of warmth

Gottaloveastaffy profile image

Planned to work today but slept through my alarm and could not face rushing around to be ready by 8 am so have rang and said will not be in again Yesterday I slept loads ! And was still mega tired 💤. I just hope they will understand but if they don’t they don’t I guess.

cozzycoz profile image
cozzycoz in reply to Gottaloveastaffy

I know how you feel, I have been WFH too but then they wanted me to go in a few days, I was really struggling after my Rituximab infusions waiting for them to kick in!! I just cried struggling to carry on, then spoke to a manager who suggested occupational health!! I was horrified as not been off sick either!

Turns out the suggested WFH until flare calms down.

I felt relieved as didn’t want to let anyone down at work but they have all been understanding, I probably should have gone off sick but I think we try so hard not to show we can’t cope, then carry on far to long making our recovery longer. The guilt I’m sure makes it worse, We can’t help that we have R.A & I would be the first to support anyone else but find it difficult to give myself a break!

Your doing the right thing , you need to put your health first. Hope you get some relief soon.

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to Gottaloveastaffy

Good on you for taking another day to recover. Honestly, you just have to ignore what other people might - or might not - think. You know what you need...and work isn’t the be all and end all of life! Have a chilled day, catch up on your rest, and feel better soon xx

Sheila_G profile image

You musn't feel bad about it. You are genuinely ill and you need to rest. Let the guilt go, it will only make you feel worse. Do what you like to do to relax, read a good book, watch tv or just rest up. I hope you feel better soon.

Goldsky profile image

Don’t feel terrible Gottaloveastaffy, you cannot help it. If you had kept ploughing on you would have had to take more time off in the long run. I found that out to the cost of my health and honestly, honestly in the end how ever much you give and think you are appreciated, you are just a number that the ‘machine’ will chuck out when you can’t give anymore. I know that sounds cynical and I would have shouted at anyone who said it to me when I was working. However I now realise they were right and I am left to live the rest of my life struggling with my conditions which I know stress at work caused, or at least made worse.My strong advice is think of yourself and your needs.

Take care Gottaloveastaffy.

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