Off Topic. What's your best "You've Been Framed Moment" - NRAS


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Off Topic. What's your best "You've Been Framed Moment"

AliceJ47 profile image
24 Replies

I think mine just happened today:

So I was sat watching telly this morning with a cup of coffee. Went to take my first sip and boom, handle comes clean off. Leaving me in the quite comical position of holding a broken handle with my entire coffee soaking through my pajama bottoms and into my knickers. It's a good job I leave any hot drinks cool for a while nowadays.

The funny thing is, it's actually my fault. I completely forgot that I broke that handle a few months back and super glued it back on. Don't think it's been used since. I can now see why lol

Now if only someone had been filming. I could of earned myself £250.

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AliceJ47 profile image
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24 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

😂 😂 😂. I hope you didn’t burn yourself


Yeah hope you didn't burn yourself.

I've had quite a few "you've been framed experiences " in my life, the one that I remember the most :

When I was 15 and really fancied this chap from my year at school, im walking along with my friend and he's there . I'm thinking "play it cool trigger" , he turns around looks at me i then trip over and slide on my bum down the little hill we were on. He can't stop laughing and refers to me from then on and forever as skid Mark........

If you had been an onlooker it would have been hilarious as I built up quite a speed 🥺

Never went out with him, his loss 🤣

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Hi Ms Skid mark .. err Marion! Ha ha .. just be glad there weren’t mobile phones to capture it on video! 🤪 This reminds me of my friend who did a similar kind of thing falling over in the corridor at school in front of the divine John Peters of the sixth form who looked very much like Lol Creme of 10CC. Due to this he had many female admirers. I thought he was a goon being so childish, so he did nothing for me.he was bright but silly. Anyhow my friend was horrified he’d seen her tumble over and look silly. He used to laugh at her when he saw her and pretended to trip up.

Valentine’s Day approached and the sixth form lockers were outside my domestic science rooms, so of course I had the task of putting a card from her in his locker. He was very messy and untidy and the lock had broken on his door, so I knew I just had to open the locker door on my way to lunch when most pupils had raced off to the dining rooms and deposit the card quickly and depart to lunch myself. Easy! Wasn’t it? Hmmm. I approached the sixth form lockers with the Valentine’s card my friend had bought for him (we’ll get to the contents in a minute!😝)

I nearly jumped out of my gym slip pinafore as a deep voice said behind me .. Oh thank you! I made an ass of myself and stuttered and said .. Oh no, it isn’t from me! 😜 He thought it was from me and after he’d read it later he waited for me at the end of the school day and said ... I never though you’d send anyone such a naughty Valentine. Said he daren’t take it home. 😝 The card ... it had a goofy looking girl with blonde hair (looked very much like my friend !) with a magnet in her hand and a guy with a long black hair like him wearing a pair of jeans and a real zip on the card and the caption ... “Valentine I’ve got a magnet aimed at your zipper!! “ 🤪 Oh .. The shame .. I’d never have sent anyone a Valentine, let alone something rude. I was a very geeky 15 year old. He loved it and he said he was disappointed I hadn’t sent it. My friend .. fuming as she said I’d let him see me put it in the locker on purpose. Oh and there were already a stack of cards there for him! 😁

Marionfromhappydays profile image
Marionfromhappydays in reply to Neonkittie17

Did she ever end up going out with him or did she have a lucky escape ?

Seems like you had a thankless task there, can look back and laugh now but at the time it's crushing isn't it 😅

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Marionfromhappydays

It was a lucky escape more for him I think looking back on my friend! Yes these things seem major at the time to kids but if was funny. No she didn’t go out with him. He thought us very young at 15 and him 17.

allanah profile image

Lol glad it was cool. As a kid I fell and put a hole in my tights as it was raining and slippy. Easy solution, put the umbrella in front of my knees so no one could see the big hole in my black tight. Forgot about what my hair would look like, it goes frizzy in the rain😂 x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

LOL 🤪 I once went tearing down the company car park to catch someone leaving, to go d them a message, with my skirt tucked up in my knickers as the back .. and people waving and whistling from the window. It’s quite a common one. 😝

Pippy25 profile image

Time to worry though is when you're left holding onto the handle and then try to take a sip!!

Pippy25 profile image

I was doing a home visit once and usually had my ID readily available for the person to see. However on getting out of the car it must have fallen out of my bag onto the car floor and it was only on walking up the path with a colleague I realised it didn't have it to hand. Rummaging through my bag I thought I had it only to pull out my Tesco Club Points card just as the door opened. Which made us all laugh but didn't feel I could come out with well 'Every Little Helps!' So a quick dash back to the car and hey presto I hadn't lost my identity at all.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

Bet they thought you were strange 😝

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Neonkittie17

Or from Tesco!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Neonkittie17

I guess it was a bit of an ice breaker even if it was at my expense and it made them chuckle.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Neonkittie17

Luckily they were expecting us and my colleague had her ID to hand :-)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

She probably thought she’d ordered sketching and forgot! I often do!

Neonkittie17 profile image

Good fortune the coffee wasn't boiling and superglue definitely isn’t what it once was! I’ve had things drop apart I’ve superglued.

sylvi profile image

Why is a camera available to you when things like that. xxxx

Gnarli profile image

Travelling across London and at the top of the old rickety wooden escalator the lock on my little suitcase popped open showering my belongings, including tampons, for quite a distance. Two gorgeous looking young men helped me collect the pants, nightie, tampons etc. They behaved very well with no sniggering or embarrassment but my face was scarlet and wanted the earth to swallow me up

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Gnarli

It's times like that when you can't believe that it's you it's happening to!

nomoreheels profile image

It was when I was an early teen at youth club. We'd been visiting the Scout hut in the next town as that was where we were building our kayaks. There was another visiting youth club doing the same with one particularly fanciable boy. Later, on our way to the shop down the road for some drinks & crisps, I was talking to my friends but walking backwards to keep my eye on the boy behind us. Bam, I met with a lamppost & knocked myself out. There would have been better ways of drawing his attention to me I admit but it worked!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to nomoreheels

His looks certainly knocked you out then!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Pippy25

Haha. 😂

medway-lady profile image

Laughing so much at my husband's face getting a bit of spray on a pleasure boat and not seeing the bough wave which drenched me. And he laughed too.

Oshgosh profile image

If it’s a special / pretty cup, put a small plant in it . Otherwise please Chuck it. You could end up scalded . Sorry to be boring .

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