I fell down a couple of stairs, badly sprained and bruised my left ankle and twisted and bruised the right one. Heaps of pain, thankfully my son came to my rescue with his 1st aider skills, brought ice packs, compression wraps and RICE instructions were clearly given. Later he brought the family along with meals, and treats. So, I’m recovering, but so didn’t need further isolation!
My brother is working on a 3 year contract in Texas, he was supposed to spend 30% of his time in the UK and much of that at home. Obviously, since March last year he’s not been allowed to return home and then go back to USA, he’d have to quit his contract. Now the weather has delayed his long negotiated, hard won trip home! It’s been hard on his wife and daughter.
I’m still waiting but hopefully closer to started on tocilizumab.
Thank goodness I’m still getting relief from steroid injection, though I’m beginning to feel the familiar twinges.
Go gently through the day and stay safe....