The diet thing - again! It is Sunday after all... ha ha - NRAS


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The diet thing - again! It is Sunday after all... ha ha

Brushwork profile image
28 Replies

So I said I would follow the vegan, oil free, processed free thing a couple of weeks ago... I haven't, well I half heartedly started but the grandchildren were on school holiday. so lunches and fun stuff with them is not conducive to a strict change in eating habits.

I have though been doing more research and in the interests of 'trying everything' I aim to start the regime this coming week. I would add that I have some scepticism as I am already vegetarian (have been since 1988 - but ate all things dairy until a couple of years ago), and eggs, occasional small amounts of cheese, are my only forms of animal protein.

Like many of us, I struggle with the medications on offer. I have nasty reactions to many and just about tolerate a few, so would really love to find an alternative approach - but I am not blinded by hyperbole or pseudo-science or indeed marketing.

This is a personal experiment, I am not advocating anything or suggesting others should try it, but I will post updates to let you all know how I get on, for anyone who might be interested.

I anticipate another round of debate but please note my last paragraph.

Go gently through the day and stay safe

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Brushwork profile image
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28 Replies

Yes its Sunday but everyone could have got an extra hours sleep! It is your body, your diet for you and if it makes you feel good and works that is all that matters. Good Luck.

allanah profile image

Sunday sunday lol xxxx

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to allanah

I will try to stick with Sunday progress reports 😂😂

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Brushwork


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Brushwork

Make it monday !!!

Good for you. No harm in trying, and it might work for you. I gave it a bash a few years ago. Didn't work, but discovered some foods that I really cannot eat. So useful.

KittyJ profile image

Nothing ventured nothing gained, good luck. It works for some 😊

You won’t know till you try. We are individual and what works for one may not for another. 👏 at least you are trying. Hope it works. Look forward to the updates x

Ali_H profile image

WHAT 😲 - and you’re not looking to charge a small fortune for sharing the benefits of you insights gained from this ‘experiment’???

Looking forward to next Sunday’s ‘progress report’ already👍🏼

Good luck


medway-lady profile image

As you're not trying to flog something its ok by me. Its your life and my diet is restricted enough by being Celiac, it's made no difference at all.

sylvi profile image

Good luck i hope you succeed. Keep us informed on how you go

rab1874 profile image

Worth a try and you never know,might help with the medication symptoms xx

springcross profile image

All you can do is try and unless you do, you won't know. Good luck with it - I hope it works for you. x

Kags1068 profile image

I can only heartily agree with all the other posters! Although, like many, none of the dietary tweaks have ever made any difference to me.

Fortunately, although I get some tummy side effects from a couple of drugs nowadays as I've gotten a little older, mostly as my very first rheumatologist said "you seem to have been blessed with an iron constitution!" I think I could just about be a member of the Rolling Stones on those grounds! 😁😁 Never thought I'd be grateful for something like that, but my goodness I really am! I wish I could share it with others! (Oops, hope I haven't jinxed myself now with that careless bragging)!!😳

I really feel for all those that struggle constantly with drugs. It must be awful and make an already horrible illness much worse! I'm also aware my luck with it could run out at any time.

On that basis, if you or anyone else can find any relief by tinkering with your diet, then very best of luck to you - hope it works! 🤞🤞

Keep us updated 😊

Lolabridge profile image

Good luck!

Rather you than me ...

RAexperiences profile image

Best wishes to you. I’ve been doing exactly that three months now. (Paddison program-bags if information when you go on his support group-very motivating), just like this group provides great info as well. My kidneys were in trouble (from the meds). Scared me. now completely normal. Liver readings normal for first time in years. Sugars never looked better. Cholesterol still a bit high and I lost a bunch of weight (coukdn’t budge a pound before) and feel less brain fog and more satieted. I find I don’t go through those hunger swings. Just hiked a mountain faster than before. As for the RA it seemed to help my toes and hips but not shoulders, wrists or fingers. I didn’t do it exactly as directed when reintroducing foods as it was getting a bit repetitive. I’m definitely sticking with it as the benefits to my overall health have been astounding and help me feel less fearful about the drugs. It’s early days yet and am hoping it will kick in on the joints. Presently on 25 mg methotrexate and just started etanercept at my dr’s insistence. No hard in trying right? I wish you great success. Can’t wait to hear how you do with it.

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to RAexperiences

I don't need to loose weight, just better control RA and Sjogrens. My diet is already what most would consider healthy, but I am willing to give the very minimal 12 day thing a go... It won't harm me and who knows, it might help.

I haven't had liver, or kidney problems, my lungs seem ok as does my heart... my only real problem at the moment is my left hand and wrist and fatigue, which is having an impact on my life. So lets see if along with a 2.5ml uplift in Methotrexate and this diet can help.

No Mayo, No sauces, not even humus!! It is going to be tough.

RAexperiences profile image

I’ll look forward to hearing how you make out. U have no idea how much I love food...all food and have eaten meat for 60 years. Love fish. I just could stand reading abnormal kidney and liver blood tests anymore. Strangely the switch felt shockingly easy. Also I am working from home during covid so makes it easier to cook and avoid office treats. The timing felt perfect. I keep wondering if all bodies react differently. Let me know how you make out and best of luck! So hard to know isn’t it...

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to RAexperiences

I have kidney failure and could you perhaps elaborate as I've been advised by one of the UK's top Nephrologists at my specialist hospital that diet has no effect on an injury caused by a medication and mine was most definitely. Just avoid grapes, bananas, baked beans and no low salt salt as it's high in Poatassium. This is interesting to me as I had 14 days in hospital, numerous scans and biopsies. 24 hour fluid monitoring etc etc etc. So how did your nephrologist id it was the meds? and why a special diet?

I also don't understand why you did your own diet as the Renal hospitals have nutrionalists (didn't like the diet word) they said if an injury no need to worry too much just drink plenty of water to help flushing the kidneys.

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply to medway-lady

I’m so sorry you are struggling with your kidneys. I didn’t explain myself well kidney and liver blood markers have been out of range ever since I started these RA meds (9 years ago) but my rheumi has kept a close eye on my kidneys. It was when I was on baricitinib that I developed spectacular edema and my rheumatologist called me to say she was worried about my kidneys. I had already stopped the baracitinib on my own realizing my kidneys could not tolerate it as evidenced by that incredible swelling. Fortunately my rheumatologist was quick to express her concerns before permanent damage happened to my kidneys. My liver readings have also been out of range since I started my RA drugs and at one point got scary high (alt/ast). The diet change was not a suggestion of my Rheumi though my family doc was strongly in favour of it when I told him I was doing it. It was my decisions after endless hours of reading to try to support my body as best as I could from the toxic effects of these drugs. So to answer your question my kidneys and fell back into normal range (after years of out of range) as it was caught early before the permanent damage occurred and I believe changing to plant based eating helped take stress off both my kidneys and liver. I have fatty liver as well so losing the weight (22 lbs) helped I’m sure with that. My rheumi said patients who have gone plant-based reported improvement in symptoms but she does not feel it fully controls the condition. I’m simply trying to protect my kidneys and liver in the only way I know how from the toxicity of the meds we all struggle with. So to be clear the permanent damage had not happened yet to my kidneys, which is unlike your situation as I understand it, I am trying to support those organs as best I can while I still can. All best wishes to you! It’s a hard disease.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to RAexperiences

No I don't suffer really just my function went down to 8% and is now 26% down to a medication and it was caused by a medication not however an RA one. I have no problems with liver and do believe weight is important but for kidney disease, diet isn't always an issue or even recommended.

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to RAexperiences

As I said, despite all the meds I take my kidney, liver, heart and lungs are doing ok. I think my veggie/vegan diet helps my body cope.

I know many on this forum get cross when we discuss diet but I honestly believe it matters a great deal.

My Rheumy supports my healthy eating and my taking a holistic approach to my RA thankfully, she understands that our bodies can only fight problems if they get the right fuel and meds.

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply to Brushwork

That’s a great way of expressing it and exactly why I have put in the effort to focus on my fuel. I was amazed at the positive overall health outcomes from it and how quickly they came about. It felt exciting and like I had some choice in feeling better. Still early to see how it affects my joints themselves though it’s been years since I’ve seen my big toes not swollen like little balooms. I had forgotten what they were supposed to look like. It’s so encouraging. My chronic hip bursitis of both hips is greatly improved. I’m hoping shoulders, wrists and finger imrovements are to come. I just started a biologic but those improvements I just mentioned came before I started the biologic. My Family doc really supports it as well. Feels like such a gift to be choosing really great fuel. Keep up the great work!

AgedCrone profile image

Good luck with the pond water and magic mushrooms maybe you be the first one for whom it is successful!

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply to AgedCrone

Wow, that’s an aggressive response.

Best wishes to you.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to RAexperiences

Hold your fire RAexperiences!

If you had read the discussions we have had here on diets you would realise my answer was a joke not aggression.

In fact I stand by my reply....I do wish good luck to anyone who hits upon a diet to help their RA..but as many years of clinical research haven’t come up with anything.... I am not very hopeful.

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to AgedCrone

😂😂 I’ve always been a ‘foodie’, my mum was a chef and dad a butcher! So I like to find fab recipes that work with dietary restrictions and there are many. I’m an experimental cook, so I still manage to enjoy ponds, fronds, ices and nice treats.

Dad was not at all impressed when I decided to go veggie. My uncle was an old fashioned dairy farmer, he loved and named his coo’s. It was the intensive farming that arose from the demands of large supermarkets that caused me to go veggie... The early days of intensive animal farming was so cruel, in my opinion.

Please - this is just my personal view, I’m not opening another debate!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Brushwork

I agree with you 100%-I think sensibly eating what you like as long as you don’t don’t eat all the known baddies 24/7 is fine for most people with RA...think of your knees when you eat that bun that holds 1000 calories!

Obviously if you have known allergies or sensitivities don’t eat what causes them to erupt.

If you find your present diet is putting on weight hand over fist look at why.....& sort it.

Until research discovers the perfect RA diet (which I doubt will be very pleasant) we all just have to stumble on as best we can....but everybody needs a point being b*****y miserable 24/7.... just because you wish you were a size 10 when you are size X!

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