Hello friends- Having a VERY difficult time lately. I posted that I was diagnosed with RA and Fibromyalgia all on the same day back in April of 2013. I feel I have not gotten any better at all. I was put on Plaqunil and then was given MTX injections for four weeks until I got the shingles. So they say.. not sure if that is what is really was and neither did they.
I had to stay off the MTX for 8 weeks and just started back on the MTX two weeks ago. I still have lots of morning swelling in my hands and feet and stiff. My neck, shoulders and hips are getting bad as well, especially my shoulders. It even hurts into my clavicle area and across the boney part of my chest wall. Nothing seems to help it except for prednisone which she weaned me off about two weeks ago since I also have Degenerative Disc Disease. GREAT!
As some may remember, I posted a few weeks ago that I received the flu shot on a Friday and on Saturday I found a knot/ lump in the hollow part of my clavicle area. Scared the life out of me. GP was booked and so I seen my dermatologist for a re-check on my other friend... roscea, and she felt it was a reaction from the flu shot and said wait a month and as long as it does not get bigger, it should be fine and go down. My rheumy's nurse called for her to check on me and said she was not happy with me waiting a month and wanted me to see my GP asap. I was feeling better, then this has left me wondering if she thinks it is something more.
I am due to go in today at 4pm USA time, and have gotten myself all worked up. I tend to do that. I seem to have loads of shoulder pain and clavicle pain anymore at night especially since I am a side sleeper and if I lay on my back, my neck kills me.. so needless to say, not much sleep for this 52 year old from flipping and flopping all night.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if this is a red flag the doctor has thrown up for me that has caused such anxiety that it may be something bad? Every time I see my rheumy and tell her this hurts or that hurts, she will say it is not the RA, but not tell me if it is the Fibromyalgia or what it IS!!! I have not been able to get a hold of this disease that has caused me to feel so unwell all the time and I have not been on the MTX long enough to see if that will even help. Just getting more and more discouraged of the "not knowing what it is " that it seems to pull me down even more. Cannot seem to get a straight answer as to where all the different pain 24/7 is coming from. It is SOMETHING,,,, so which is it, or is it both. She is a good doctor and many like her the area, but getting a straight answer or this is what it is... she has a problem with. She hands me leaflets when I have questions. REALLY? I am paying her for the answers....
So very sorry for the book I have written, but after over a year of this, you would think I would know more or feel better.