Anyone with bio/chem knowledge? Letter from rheumy after cardiogram indicated buildup of calcium on the aorta... not critical at the moment but no suggestions as to what to do, if anything. 30 yrs go i was told my gallstones were , unusually, pure calcium. Seems my body may not be processing calcium well, tho' no sign of osteoporosis... shd i change my diet.. cut out dairy .. or ?? Please don't say ask GP tho' it's a v poor group. No infusion of Truxima since june 2019... on the waiting list for repeats. ???
calcium buildup on aorta??: Anyone with bio/chem... - NRAS
calcium buildup on aorta??

Trouble is for this sort of issue you really do need to discuss with a doctor! If your GP is useless can you change practice? You do need to ask about self help and treatment options....
Calcification builds up plaque, so following standard heart healthy diets could perhaps help. So fats are out, and dairy is limited. Basically lots of veg and fish, rather than red meat and butter. It can’t hurt you and can only help while you work out how to talk to a medical practitioner.
thanks HH that makes sense - as i've never had any bp or cardio issues it struck me that taking vitamins with a high calcium content (d and trace minerals) may be a contributory factor. Veg + fish are my general diet ... the only weakness has been cheese but stopped that already, in case my thinking was on the right track. Hospital sessions are way behind here given covid etc so will think again re gp.. xx
I did biochemistry at uni, calcium is extremely well regulated within the body, elevated blood calcium isn't a common occurance and its associated for example with kidney disease or bone disorders.
Calcium deposits within the vascular system are atherosclerotic and happen due to age, certain congenital diseases or things like rheumatic fever or cholesterol in blood, diet etc (other things too) , I am absolutely not a doctor but I think plaque build up isn't due to high blood calcium levels . I worked in a hospital biochem lab and high blood calcium levels were quite unusual (apart from renal patients) but atherosclerosis is quite common.
I would definitely ask your GP (sorry as I know you didn't want to) so they could help with suggestions for your diet which might help; I think the avoidance of diary would be more to do with the reduction of cholesterol intake rather than calcium. Your body needs calcium for muscle contractraction etc . But you need to speak to someone who knows their onions 😁
My father in law has atherosclerosis and he eats a more Mediterranean diet but he has had advice from a cardiologist x
I am on MTX. I was recently diagnosed as having calcified heart arteries. My rheumy said talk to my GP. My GP said it happens to most peope because of age, but to RA people earlier. He prescribed me statins and told me to avoid carbohydrates.
My father was prescribed large dose of vitamin D. After a year all his main arteries had varying levels of blockage. He had been having scans periodicly for years and always arteries where clear up to this point. The specialist took him off the vit D. Said it was a contributory factor in the plaque build up. He also developed kidney stones. I would change your GP. It's very easy to do and it could change your life. It wasn't until I changed mine that I was told by my new Dr that I had hypothyroidism. My original GP had never told me or treated me for it!! My father was also told to follow a Mediterranean style diet. I hope you can get some clear sound advice.
Wow!! Thanks... trouble is the only poss moves wd be to 1 of 2 other groups... and both are similarly problematic through personal [family] knowledge,,
Does that mean taking Vit D3 is not good for some. Most RA patients take Vit D3 because of having low readings, this is confusing??
It’s not a common problem and most RA sufferers are advised to take vitamin D if you have cardiac problems. Any worries speak to your team

Excess Vitamin D can cause a build up in the arteries. My father has this. I was advised as this can be hereditary to use vitamin d with K2 as it directs the calcium to the bones not the arteries. Vitamin K2 cannot be used along aside blood thinning medication

Many many thanks, that is v v interesting ... pride comes b4 a fall, eh? i was smug , having 'good levels of vit D' , unlike my peer patient group here in N.I., which puzzled the rheumy until told my childhood was spent in sunny Dorset [cold sharp winters tho' in the 1940s]. U take vit D with K, in one tab?? makes me wonder of taking K alone wd stop the spread... xx
I do take a vitamin d and K2 in one tablet. I have no idea about just K2 best check with your doctor xx