Well I increased my dose yesterday. Over all I've been a little busy to deal with my side effects tho I've still got them. The lack of appetite and nausea is still the biggest difference. The medicine head I can deal with. But I can't let my anemia and blood sugars get to low so eating is a must. I will say that I'm definitely seeing some thinning of hair. So I made that change that I was talking about on my post last week! This week change was a big hair cut. I've had my signature Bob with slight changes in length now for roughly 7years... But as you'll see in the pic it's alot shorter. I can say on those yucky feeling days it's way easier to fix and, it definitely looks healthier and thicker! Tho it is taking me a bit to get used to I like it. Anywho, I plan on trying some ginger tabs for my nausea.
Late post MTX 3rd injections and increased dose - NRAS
Late post MTX 3rd injections and increased dose

Like the new style! My hair thinned to start with, and got me a bit worried. But that calmed down after a couple of months and my hair is now no different.
Cute cut Mrsk! I'm having mine restyled tomorrow thanks to LEF robbing a bit more of mine & can't wait. With summer & the anticipated increased glowing coming my hairdresser & I have decided to take it shorter at the back, cut back into my neck more, that should solve the little orphan Annie look, ringlets on a 56 year old isn't the style this year apparently! 😅
Like helixhelix my hair thinned as well. After a few months my hair returned to normal.
Hair looks great!
You might like to try the sea sickness acupressure bands for nausea too. I find they help. Also GinGin ginger sweets are good to suck too.
Really nice haircut.. I can't do that - My hair is too fine, but it looks great on you!

Actually it just depends on the cut. Mine has thinned significantly this week and I'm think of going a bit shorter.
love new hair style