Hi, I’m currently taking tofacitinib and methotrexate and was wondering can I take vitamin D and C? Forgot to ask my rheumy nurse the other day 😑
Can I take vitamins?: Hi, I’m currently taking... - NRAS
Can I take vitamins?

They are fine to take. Vitamin c helps with the absorption of folic acid. My Rheumatologist said we must take vitamin D. A good one with K2 as this helps it go to the bones, warning don’t take K2 if your on warfarin

I was told more or less the same from my biologics nurse and the rheumy too. We need vitamin D and I take it in oil drop form as I don’t tolerate cocalceferol. I take a vit C with zinc and a small amount of D in which is not pushing my other D over the limit too. It’s when you start taking the herbal things they like to know, as often they interfere with your regular meds. I once did many moons ago with some herbal capsules. Was told dangerous with your regular DMARD. Powerful plant sterols. Told we should always ask or tell anything we want to take or are taking, just to check. I used to have one senior rheumy nurse back in the early days who kept all sorts of resource files on supplements, who used to freak that breakfast cereals had too many additional vitamins etc and she made me laugh with this. I used to tease her and ask if she’d removed them all from her cornflakes! 😁

J you should realise by now unless a patient has been told by their clinician it,’s OK to take supplements ...it is always best to ask....we may know what is safe for ourselves...but they may not be safe or necessary for others.
A lot of complimentary drugs can really mess up the efficacy of RA drugs...so if we want to get full value from our medication we should always ask.
No one is ever the same with their medical conditions and their comorbidities. Not to mention their allergies and sensitivities. What is a minor vitamin or herbal to some could cause a very bad reaction to others. Herbals are mainly not licensed for the treatment of medical conditions and many can cause liver toxicity if taken in excess or over long periods. I have occasionally applied a herbal cream topically (to my knee) but it didn’t have any harmful effect as I wasn’t using it over any length of time, but I told my nurse anyhow.
Re the plant sterol I took for a few weeks in 1995 when first diagnosed, it was dangerous to take with my Sulphasalzine as it could enhance the chance of major problems with blood clotting and GERD. People think the herbals can boost what you’re already doing but they can have the opposite effect.
Taking some vits, mins and herbal stuff, even some foods stuff can interact with meds. Especially caffeine with Methotrexate (fizzy drinks etc) apparently not good! Also I am trying to find out if it is ok to take a Probiotic Yogurt whilst on Biologics because of the live cultures. No one yet has been able to give me a straight answer, therefore at the moment buying the 0% Greek Yogurt from M&S.
You are right..I stick to my prescribed meds now.
When I was first diagnosed & hadn’t got my brain in gear I took Echinacea.
Anyone who believes herbal treatments don’t have any adverse affects should have seen me descend from walking quite normally to being back on two sticks within three weeks.
Luckily it dawned on me what the problem was, and my rheumatologist at the time just peered over his glasses and said “Live & learn“.
On reflection ....common sense tells you if anything complimentary / supplementary ....call it what you like .....would help - I think the medical profession would’ve worked that out by now don’t you?
Just having a noisy thunderstorm and a brilliant shower of rain lovely -lovely - lovely!
Think rain is coming north .. bring it on! I shall go outside if not too stormy. Yes echinacea was mentioned to me as a no no, by my nurse as it is so powerful. I had the opposite effect with the plant sterol .. I was zipping about like a spring lamb!
Well it sure did work...after three weeks I went from being almost normal to a real cripple.
I do wonder why something like that is so freely available.
It’s scary .. very much so. It was like I’d been to Lourdes or something with my experience! (I have been but pre RA!)
Every Weekend I swear by my bottom of the fridge soup for plenty of Vits.....hot in winter cold in summer.
Tomorrow it’s my style of Vichyssoise !
ie....Leek, potato & garlic & whatever fresh herbs I can lay my hands on ...delicious cold...... heats up well....& freezes well too! Win,Win!
Yes my only problem is a bigger freezer is needed for all I would love to do!
I’ve got two now 😂😊 I picked them up for free off Facebook marketplace a couple of years ago. The French beans have been racing in to them along with the rhubarb and so on. 👍🏻
My rheumatologist knew nothing about K2 when I asked her. Then again, she told me at my first appointment that there is no Lyme disease in this country. (There has been for around 30 years.) Despite these "blind spots", she's great, incredibly nice and kind. She told me there's evidence that Turmeric is helpful. I always ask her or the rheumatology pharmacist at the hospital before starting anything new. Answers range from "Yes, some people find that helpful" to "It won't do you any harm, but I don't really think it will do any good."
I have been given Adcal by my consultant. You might ask if you should have been given that. I know I am taking it very definitely because if the pred I am on but I have a feeling it may also be because of the MXT ... the latter I just can’t remember.
I know people take a lot of vits but reality is that most of the ones that can be bought are for want of a better description ... very expensive wee. Food is the best source and where we are lacking ... doctor prescribed things will be worth bothering with. I paid for the prescription in advance thing... thank goodness I have otherwise I might be broke right now 😆
I hear you Bubbly! .. vitamins from food are best. I eat so many greens and fresh veggies and fruits but still need vitamin D drops or I am aching especially my legs, and lethargic. My D was extremely low I was told. I feel better with a vitamin C and zinc too. That’s all I do. Everything else is fresh food vitamins. I make my own veggies soups every week and smoothies too. Have to pace it or my tum can get sensitive but you get to know what you can tolerate. x
How delicious 😋 I should make more soup. Maybe a clear one that I can put beans/summer veg from the garden in. Mmmm I’m getting hungry 😁 I managed to get to my vegetable garden today... don’t tell the carer... she’d be cross with me 🤪 Would you believe that something has eaten what were well grown carrot seedlings (at least 3in high). I thought they would have been safe at that size. I’m looking up to see if it is too late to sow more carrots.
Vit D and C are a must I think. It’s just unfortunate that the vits we can buy off the shelf have the teeniest teeniest amount in. It’s a bit of a con. Getting them from the doc way better.
No it’s not too late to sow more carrots. 😁 I just did so yesterday! I sowed some in large pots which are miniature round carrots and some larger rooted ones the ground, with the help of my OH! Grr I wonder who the carrot seedling muncher is?! 🤨 Veggie soups homemade are divine. My vit D is from Nature’s Garden and did the trick for me making my levels come back up to normal within two months. I’ve been taking it for 3 years. It is a more pricey one ... but if it works. I got some other when mine wasn’t available recently and I know it wasn’t working so well. I’m going to ask for my D testing again just to be sure. x
Well that is good news. I will try and get some seed in that case. 😁👍🏻 I didn’t know they could test for the vit D Is that via a blood test?
Yes mine was a blood test and showed it was as low as it could get which explained the dragging myself around feeling as my ESR/CRP were excellent and no anaemia.
I’ve got some spinach seeds to put in this week or next too and then I’m up to capacity on all soil space and pots for my veggies and salads. Hope you get your carrot seeds soon and happy sowing!
Yum. I have spinach with any salad I have. Isn’t it wonderful taking things to eat from the garden. Very lucky to be able to do that.
I had no idea Vit D deficiency could do that. Glad you’re having it checked. Isn’t it amazing how many things can affect us in similar ways. I have to have an iron infusion and a B12 jab in the next week or so. My GP wants to stagger things so he can see what effects there may be after. On we go to good health! 😁
I’m the same a veg and especially green freak. I didn’t take vitamin D at the start then get told off by my rheumatologist even though my levels were not particularly low. These medication cause sun sensitivity so we don’t get it enough from the sun. Vitamin c helps with iron absorption again he recommended it. He said any excess vitamin c you just wee out.
I don’t think a consultant would appreciate being asked if he “should’ve “prescribed something bubblyalex!
AdcalD is prescribed to help avoid osteoporosis if you are on long term Pred.....not just as a supplement.
Maybe somebody could ask if they should have it or would it be suitable, but not suggest it should have prescribed in the first place. Not I f you want the Doctor patient relationship continue a friendly manner anyway!
I Chew Ad Cal D3 as it prevents Osteopina common in kidney patients and also from high dose although short term steroid use. Chewy D3 is much easier on the tum and Alendronic Acid another Osteoporosis medication is not permitted for people with impaired renal function. I've had scans so it was prescribed by Nephrologist and advised not to take any OTC stuff without checking with Renal Pharmacist. My bones are good as I've been told, which is great as mum had Osteoporosis a very unpleasant disease. The problem with all this type of thing is that not possible to buy prescriptionstrength vitamins in the UK as they are classed as a foodstuff which begs the question would they actually do anything or very expensive pee.
Glad there is something you can take for your bones if you need to take steroids. I just got my Dexa scan results & TG I don’t have Osteoporosis....just one hip is a bit iffy....but the rest are Good to Go....as Rheumy said “for my age”👩🦯
I am taking AdcalD for five years plus the AA ....so I may get to pass those ballet exams after all.
Thankfully I take both like Smarties..I was very dubious about the AA as I had heard horror stories about it...& having to stand upright for 30 minutes after you take it did not impress me. But if you read the PIL it says you can sit ...so I pile pillows up & stay in bed for half an hour reading the paper before I have my morning tea. No problems at all.
Apologies AC as with everything .. asking nicely is the best way. Thankfully I don’t appear to upset my rheumy team and docs at all.
I was advised by my endocrinologist who works alongside my rheumy to take a multi a to z vitamin daily ( I'm on a weight loss diet) and I personally needed calcium too. Think we are all different but my point is I can safely take these supplements and I'm on TCZ
I’d give the nurse a call as we can’t tell you if it’s ok for you to take them 😊
Thanks everyone!
I will ask my nurse. It’s just that I work at a primary school and want to be as fit and healthy for my return to work in just over 2 weeks. I have had vitamin D deficiency before and starting to feel the same symptoms. My next blood test will flag this up I’m sure.
Have a great day 😊
Vitamin D for sure is fine, but be aware of Vit C because Vit C improves the Immune System and medications are taking down the immune system to balance the overactive immune response of RA!
I have been told by my nurse and rheumy that as long as I don’t take an excessive amount (and she did check my dosage!) general vitamin C is fine and she approves. If you start taking double the dose to try ward off colds etc., then yes, you are likely to be over-boosting. As I was getting everyone’s colds a couple of years ago I decided to try vitamin C. Seems to have helped. I use a well established reputable brand of Vit C.
That's good. I have a bottle of Ester Vit C by Solgar, apparently it is perfect for RA sufferers and not Acidic. My daughter has RA from age 17 she is now 28 and on Metho and Enbrel. Enbrel was good for 8 years in remission and now just having relapse of RA. Therefore 10mg Metho weekly added to her meds. If she becomes ill with a flu etc or cold. She will have to stop meds until better. Then I will give her the Vit C course to get well and then she can go back on her meds when well. She is seeking to ask her Rheumy to change her Biologic to another, but not sure which one to chose??
Thanks, which Vit C do you take and dosage??
Solgar are excellent vitamins and supplements and I have used them many times. My OH has their Vit C at the moment but the strength is higher than I want. I used to have their zinc supplement lozenges many years ago pre RA, but they stopped doing them. I’ve got Haliborange 500mg Vit C and they have zinc in too, and also some delicious chewable vegan ones, same dose by Zipfit. I always read a much lesser dose than this is recommended but if you don’t go over 1000mgs you are not exceeding what you should be. I hope we are not contravening the forum rules by talking of vitamins.
That is good that you seem to agree you can take vitamins with Tofacitinab as I am going into two years of taking it and I take vitamin C with cranberry, Vitamin D for my bones and Magnesium. I feel on the whole, much better on this drug.