I have been reading articles on fear and life at the moment based on friends and their thoughts and here too about how we move on. Some of the article below so thought I would share it.
Three ways to fight fear (The Guardian article)
1. Now is all Trubridge says that in his sport – as in life – it’s easy to get caught up in “what if?” thinking, where your mind can take you into unwanted drama. You are not your thoughts, and a lot of your fear-filled thoughts are simply rubbish you habitually recycle. It is impossible to do that if you are only in the present moment. Trubridge gets there by repeating a mantra. “The idea is, you have these words with powerful connotations so they can very quickly get you into the necessary state,” he says. One he often uses: “Now is all.”
2. Judge a bit less Many of us get defensive when we are stressed and fearful. Not only is there a rupture that threatens our stability, we are conditioned through life to never lose control, and invest heavily in having things our way. When they aren’t, one of the ways that people use to regain a sense of control and power is to take a position and stick with it. To maintain our position as “right” we judge and shame other people as wrong. Sometimes when we judge, it is fear taking control.
3. Conserve your energy We waste emotional energy regularly on fear, shame, negativity and doubt. This is especially likely when we are in the grip of changes that we didn’t want. Remember, the thoughts you give preference to when fear and anxiety comes up will play a big role in dictating your emotional experiences. Don’t add perfectionism to your Covid-19 to-do list.