Should people shielding be receiving another letter from government, gp or rheumatology with advice now?
Covid Letter: Should people shielding be receiving... - NRAS
Covid Letter

I'm in Scotland, I received a letter a few days ago saying I should shield until 31/7/2020.
I understand people in England received a letter too, but the date was different.
I had my letter from the Chief Medical Officer of Wales last week.
I know Boris said he would be announcing something around now for shielding people .
Interesting to see what they'll conjure up next.....
Well it concerns me the chief nurse and Jonathan van dams recommendations are being ignored and they are reported as not being allowed to speak
Not will probably happen again to members of the team who break ranks.
Thank you for your replies. I have not received a letter...but didn't hear from government last time, only from Rheumatology and registered myself online for deliveries. It is all so confusing and disjointed!
I thought it was going to be announced this week for England.
If there is a big disparity between what Wales and Scotland are doing compared to England I would like to know any science behind the decisions.
Unfortunately I'm not sure from reports they are not following SAGE advice. I believe the scientists over a politician...
We will see
Yes that's true but if the rules on shielding become drastically different in England in comparison to Wales and Scotland I would like scientific reassurance as to know why.
She is the one who said that something should be announced this week.
The disparity in the decisions Ajay. For example Wales are now shielding until August but England at the moment only until June, although we await further news.
I think Scotland has been extended too for some.
Also shops open in certain places and not in others. Face masks worn in some places and not in others.
I understand that a devolved government can take different decisions but if it's all based on the same science, which decision is the best one?
Does that make sense?
No, I mean if and only if, the decisions become very different between England and other countries I would just like to know why and the science behind it instead of just being told, that's all.
If things are explained to me then I am happy but if they just change things without any clear rationale but other countries like Scotland and Wales are being more cautious, I just want to know the science behind the choices that the politicians are making for England. That's all.
But as you say, we have to wait for any announcements.
I prefer using scientific decisions not political ones. Scientist want to stop a second wave , politicians are concerned about the economy. I'd like a realistic compromise.
I hope you get some clarification soon.
I'm shielding but went out for a5am walk. Couldn't sleep!
I just think it would be so much less confusing if it were all the same across the UK.
Well my opinion us that 1 week earlier shutdown would have Halfed the deaths according to sage.
So Scotland are being clever , let the English go out and see what happens to the r number after 2 weeks ( incubation period) then we can decide in that week. Sensible really. If we had learned from South Korea and New Zealand who were a month ahead of us we may have had a better outcome .
Me too, but I could have done with some sleep first!😴
The scientists haven't quite said it's ok. It's the politicians who say it's OK after they have assessed the information that was given to them by the SAGE members and it's known that they don't all agree. Politicians are not scientists so I don't necessarily find their judgements reassuring, but we'll see what they have to say.
It will be interesting to see any published minutes of the meetings.
Be good to get a letter just to see what GOV say re us "shielders"
But tbh I'm doing my own thing. As in being super careful until I feel within myself, I can get back to some sorta normal. Now isn't that time for me, I want to see that the R is staying put below 1.
"No one wants a big R"as my husband rightly said lol!
Had my update letter from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales the other day. It advises me to continue shielding until August 16. As I've mentioned before, I will do what I feel is best for my own well being not what any government thinks is. Unless they announce some magic bullet cure they have hidden up their sleeve, then personally I can't see anything of note changing for me or my wife until there's a vaccine.
I think the Welsh gov are considering what to do about about opening shops and will announce something on friday. While I think that Wales easing lockdown more slowly than England is a good thing, I do think politics sometimes come into play with the Welsh government who tend to follow the changes that the UK government announces a few days later, but with some tinkering around the edges. Can't say I'm keen on that little game.
Hi Alton
My letter stated 30 June and so we all wait with baited breath! 3 metres, 2 metres? Mask or no mask? Shield or no shield? I guess Dominic hasn’t told Boris what to say yet!! 😐😷
How did you know that today there could have been news or the 23rd of June on sheilding,please?
Never heard about the dates in any briefings
I' England and got a letter a few days ago saying I can see people in my garden from 6th July and I no longer have to socially distance from my household. I've enjoyed having a king-size bed to myself 😂 And if everything goes ok from 1st August shielding will be paused. So kids can resume education, people who work can go back if it's safe and they can't work from home and I can do shopping as long as I strictly socially distance myself at all times. Trouble is hubbie tells me people are not socially distancing so I'm very nervous to get back out there.