During a conversation with my 6 year old granddaughter and lots of questions about lockdown. "It will be some time before we can get together properly because I am not allowed." "Why do you have to stay in for a long time?" I decided the best thing to say "Because I am old." At this my granddaughter replied "Yes you are and that's why you need lots of hugs." I cried. x
Heart warming.: During a conversation with my 6 year... - NRAS
Heart warming.

Aw, that’s so cute and heartbreaking too. Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer before she is able to give you all the hugs you need x
Aww just beautiful! Out of the mouths of babes. They speak so honestly bless them. What a gorgeous granddaughter you have. Sending you a virtual gentle hug and thanks for sharing with us. x
Out of the mouth of babes they see everything in the straight and narrow and thankfully they don't know yet the ways of the world and are still honest in their responses.xxx
Yes children say it as they see it, but it's heart melting at the same time and when the time and that hug comes boy will it be a special one and given with so much love. x
Ahh I love the way children think. When my middle son was about 2 ( nightmare of a child) my mother in law uses emotional blackmail to get hugs from him . He wasn’t a very tactile child and she forced it on him. She said one day I’m old and I cry if I don’t get hugs. Son replied don’t worry your not old enough to die 😂😂😂

Brilliant. 😁x
Hi Sheila
I can truly relate to your heart felt feelings!
My granddaughter is also 6 and last week my son brought her around to see me! I watched her run around my large garden from afar for around 10 minutes and just before she left she said I love you nanny and wish I could give you a cuddle ....miss you nanny was shouted through the railings along with thank you for the ice cream nanny ! I went inside like you and cried too!
Take care my friend
Love Trish x
No filters have they? It's probably why I love spending time with them. Mine live too far away to pop round
Absolutely. Can you zoom or Skype them? x
Yes but it's not the same, though. It feels artificial especially as I have little to talk about.
At least this technologies there and we can still there smiley faces which sometimes is better than nothing to some who's families are on the other side of the world! 🤗
Yes I’ve had similar call with my granddaughter too and she just turned 9. Only she said nanna when next see you I’m going to hug you forever. Breaks my heart the not knowing when will see grandkids again.
It is awful. We are all in it together. Sending virtual hugs to everyone. xx