hi there. I am on a weekly injection of benepali 50mg. I have been advised by my health board in Scotland to shield. But I don’t think I should be on the shielding list? Has anyone else been given this same advice
Benepali and shielding : hi there. I am on a weekly... - NRAS
Benepali and shielding

You don’t say whether you take any other medication or if you have other health problems.
If not then “shielding” is not usually suggested for one biologic and nothing else. Perhaps the Scottish Health are being more cautious?
Yes, I am on Benepali and Hydroxychloroquine and my hospital Rheumatology department have said they have decided to take a stronger stance than the BSR ( British Society for Rheumatology)... I am in England...and suggest I should shield. I also noted , elsewhere, that the Government are asking us to register with them ( even if we are not needing any assistance at this time). I did so and today received a call from my County Council Covid -19 team to check I was ok and see if I needed assistance with food shopping or medical needs. I thought that was very comforting. Luckily, I have a husband and daughter who are getting the food shopping and collecting my medication. However, if they do fall ill this would put me in a tricky situation. This was logged at the Council and I was given a helpline phone number if my situation changes. Couldn’t ask for more than that. I would say I have shielded from the outset. I just don’t want to put myself at any risk.
Yes but I also am on methotrexate. I received letters from my GP and York District to tell me to be on the cautious side and to 'shield'.
If you are on a biologic it suppresses your immune system so you are more likely to pick up infection.The letter is only strong advice.I have been shielding from the beginning as I know I am a strong candidate to catch this killer virus.with this letter you are contacted by supermarkets to get priority pass for shopping order slots. I get shopping,meds etc delivered.normally my husband would take me on bus to doctors too but that is now too risky.the resuscitation letter is OTT thou
Yes. But I’m over 60 with several other conditions.
Can I just say that no one person is more or less likely to catch Covid, if you’re following the guidance. If you do catch it and your immune system is suppressed you are at higher risk of severe illness if you catch the virus.
Hi Shek,
I’m in the South of England
I’m on Benepali and take Hydroxychloroquine twice a day.
I was due my 6 monthly check up when all this kicked off so it was cancelled and my consultant phoned me , he said I need to socially distance not shield and move my blood test from 8 weeks to every 12 weeks but that’s more to do with my consistently low CRP result.
In other news I think I had the damned virus in mid March which I think I picked up from an aeroplane to or from Ghana and told him this, he was very interested and asked me if I had stopped my Benepali injections during the bad chest symptoms , which I had.
I also had to whisk up my 93 year old Mum and bring her to live with me and my husband because she wasn’t coping so I have been semi automatically shielding as much as possible for her sake.
It’s very very hard times all in all. I’m very stressed with worry.
You sound very sensible and I do wish you continuing good health. I think complacency will bring a resurgence and more Covid related illness and sadly deaths.
The virus will not become a lesser threat unfortunately until antibody testing and a vaccine are in place and robustly effective.
Now I’ve got to figure out how to pay the blinking mortgage🙄🙄🙄
Take good care.
I know the letter about your wishes about resuscitation seems very insensitive to many, but it is really something we should be thinking about. I've read widely about end of life care and I am quite clear that I don't want to be intubated, paralysed and ventilated. I would like to have extra oxygen if my oxygen saturation is low, but that's it. And if my heart stops I want to be allowed to die without resuscitation.
I have an end of life statement, witnessed, to take with me if I'm admitted.
I am on benepali and MTX orally but am stable and in remission so have been contacted and told I am at increased risk but not the very high risk so to socially distance and to continue this approach even when lockdown ends... avoid risks as much as possible in essence, but still able to go out for my exercise daily with the dog. Thank goodness for that otherwise I fear I. Old lose the plot with my hubby who is home all the time except when he goes out to do shopping or walk dog (usually for just 15mins), so not much breathing space.... I quite like peace and quiet and my space normally so struggling a bit now with not getting this but grateful all the same to be able to keep safe and have support..
Hi Shekl1p, yes I'm on Benepali and have had the shielding letter which I'm doing.
I'm on pred too and had pneumonia last October to Feb, and am being looked at by a complex airways consultant lol.
I think you can opt out if you don't feel this is right for you and you can chat to your dr as well to discuss it.
Hope,you get things resolved soon
I am on Benepali and hydroxychloraquine and pregablin so have been in isolation for weeks now as advised by my RA consultant x