On a mission! Have just spoken to supermarket delivery company, who thoughtfully have issued a statement about deliveries if you are self isolating 'cos of coronovirus. Great, hopefully it won't be needed, but under current circumstances I don't want to sign electronic devices as they are super spreaders, nor more crucially, do I want my 86 year old mother to do so as she may well forget to wash her hands for the required two verses. Advice I've been given is that seemingly the blunt end of a biro will do. Who knew? Or am I the only one? So biro by the door in alert readiness for me. Feeling slightly sheepish or am I right to try to minimise risk!
Common Sense or is it?: On a mission! Have just spoken... - NRAS
Common Sense or is it?

The new plastic money notes in the UK also harbour germs far more than old paper ones. Good hand washing is the way to go! Also great advice on signing those delivery gadgets. ๐
UPDATE re Moriganโs comment: it does seem that new notes are cleaner, according to some sites: bbc.com/worklife/article/20...
Not to be rude, but I read opposite about the new notes.
You can spray your new notes with bacteria cleaner. My friends husband was in the police he said many years ago most paper notes were used to snort cocaine ...๐คข
I'm not trying to be a scaremonger, but the delivery staff may be unwell, and the plastic crates used to deliver the food may be contaminated and if the person receiving the delivery is unwell they have the potential to transmit through handing, touching of the crates etc
Not easy.
I have thought about home delivery should I need to, you can get your order delivered in plastic carrier bags which would cut out the delivery person, although not the packer. If push comes to shove we could manage for about a month providing we have electricity. Our freezer is fairly full, I would just have to manage without milk ๐ญ
Are you going to wash all the cans, and bottles ? What about bread and butter in pots or milk or lemonade the list of "precautions will never end. Even worse where did those grapes come from Italy ? I'm afraid to me being careful is not to worry about every little thing. So sorry I think lets be realistic and Boris might just be using the virus to detract from other issues. Say my son got it would I not go to help him, of course I would but I'd be aware of need to wash hands. Come to think of it in hospitals the water is only ever luke warm at best will they increase temperature ?
The only way to prevent transmission is to carry out what we used to call 'barrier nursing' (do they still call it that ?)
We obviously can't do that in the big wide world, so take sensible precautions, be aware and get on with life.
But, I can't get hand sanitizer anywhere. Humm.
Buy a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and make your own.
I googled a recipe and put it up in another post, thanks for the tip !
Thanks for this. Appear to have given impression that I am self isolating. Am not. Just trying best to protect elderly parent with significant health issues, including diabetes and heart condition and I am primary carer. Would feel dreadful otherwise.
Everyone needs to do what they think best, but I get sad when people think they are acting appropriately when they are not ( no get at you or anyone else here !).
Preventing the spread of infection is a skilled task a skill most people don't have, why should they ?
My partner asked if he should wear disposable plastic gloves when out and about, the point of the gloves having the ability to pick up the virus and transmit it seemed to have by passed him and that's the problem, people feel safer when wearing masks/gloves when they aren't, unless they are skilled in using them, and have an abundant supply about their body at all times (and still not touch their face).
So simple measures are best and most likely to be adhered too.
I have just heard from a friend who has a relative in hospital...on an old fashioned Nightingale Ward...in the same ward in a little cubicle at the far end is patient being โbarrier nursed โ ...suspected Covid 19+....by the same nurses, in the same clothes who are nursing the rest of the ward.
Go figure.
If I contract it....Iโll make the best of it...in the meantime ...I will just keep washing my hands. Life is too short to stress over it.
The whole coronavirus hysteria is getting on my last nerve to be honest. Quite honestly I'm more likely to die of boredom, loneliness, flu or heart attack! It's gone wsy over the top in my opinion.
Hells teeth I've had a cough since November, been treated for a lower lung infection and still barking like a seal. And I've got a banging headache from all the BS about coronavirus I'm constantly bombarded with. Dear me all folks can do is take reasonable precautions. There's been a virus that's spread round here like muck on a field. Quite a few of us have had a cough that has lasted months. This time of year is always harsh.
I am reminded of a quote from Annie Hall when Woody Allen says 'life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.' It's a pessimistic view I don't hold myself but it is quite amusing. It does seem sometimes that people love to be miserable...the news is full of it!
We can only do so much and then just get on with it.

I agree wholehartedly.
We don't know what will happen...given.... but for goodness sake, what a load of rubbish is being spoken and a media led panic being stirred up.
Most people do not understand how infection is spread (and how to minimise risk in a sensible manner), so the ill informed hype perpetrates.
The only way to keep away from the virus is to live in a sterile bubble, not self isolating, but a sterile bubble, most probably for months and months.
Life goes on.

God I wish I'd written this. Brilliant ! xx
Apologies RosieA. My response was in no way a dig at you. I'm just generally cheesed off with the appalling scare mongering and terrible reporting. Something came up on my feed today about panic buying. That isn't happening round by me. It's disgusting. There are vulnerable people who would believe all that crap.

That's fine. I understand your frustrations. Had to laugh at one country's apparent obsession with loo rolls - what's wrong with newspaper said mum. She's busy reminding me of all the rationing / make do and mend etc attitude during the war and has little toleracne for what she is seeing on the TV. Might draw the line on the eggs in jelly in a huge jar in the cupboard that my grandparents had though!! Stomach heaving at the thought. Mind you might just check that I have an ample supply of marmalade. One has to get one's priorities right after all. Thank you for response, it was appreciated.
Bless your Ma. She sounds brilliant! Don't blame you for worrying about her.
Look after yourself too.
Get yourself a stylus..few pounds on Amazon
I have long fingernails & could never sign those machines ...now I keep it hanging behind the front door and no problems.