i know this is heart blocked vein ? but i should think someone has gone through this brother was due op waterworks but team wanted heart check he is very mobile for age allotment bike out and about most days with little to no probs but low and behold check found blocked artery's well given the option of having it done which he agreed to going in at wrist BUT could not clear went in on other wrist but still blocked now he is layed up and sore all time and has to go Manchester for further op sometimes i think you should leave well enough alone
what have they done: i know this is heart blocked vein... - NRAS
what have they done
I agree, often it helps . I agree with you, in weighing up risks involved in NHS intervention in health care versus your own satisfaction with self care/life style strategies on a day to day basis.
Hope everything goes well. Too many unknowns here to have an opinion on anything. Sorry for your brothers predicament.Best of luck. Simba
I hope things improve for your brother
If it’s a blocked artery then leaving it alone is a risky strategy!! When I had an angiogram it took quite a while for my wrist and arm to stop hurting, maybe 2 weeks. So hope pain passes quickly for him.
I hope your brother feels better with a bit of rest .
I know it’s a pain- literally,but I think if. I had a blocked artery i would want it sorting out
Honestly Paul, had they not needed to they wouldn’t have performed the angiogram. They obviously had some concerns about his heart's performance & the procedure was necessary as they wouldn’t do the other op without him being fit for for it. The risk is too great of problems on the operating table. His extended recovery may be because of having to use the opposite vein to where the artery blockage was, I don't think it's usual to opt to try the opposite vein, rather choose the femoral (groin) artery if the preferred vein fails. It makes sense to use the vein on the side of the heart where the problem is but sometimes it just isn’t viable to take the catheter. My h has had them a few times & it can take a little while for the pain to abate, I dare say less than if they'd needed to go in from the groin, that was by far the the worst of all of he'd had recovery wise. Leaving well enough alone obviously wasn’t an option for your brother.
It might be a good idea to post this on the HU British Heart Foundation site, they'll have pretty of experiences of recovery time over there I'm sure healthunlocked.com/bhf
I hope it’s not too long before your brother is more comfortable, the sooner he can be seen again the better. Even though he was active that doesn't mean there's isn't something that's been going on silently. My h hadn't had any of the symptoms you're told to look for but the angiogram proved he needed major intervention. Sounds as though it was the same for your brother.