Blister at roof of mouth : I have a sore throat I have... - NRAS


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Blister at roof of mouth

Eternity6 profile image
38 Replies

I have a sore throat I have compromised immune system take pred, Have dry mouth also take levothyrozine n azathroprine been like this for 7 days been to drs who said although I have raised temp and sore red throat I didn’t need antibiotics, but for last few days I’ve had very sore place on roof of my mouth which feels like a burst flat blister, Anyone else suffering this

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Eternity6 profile image
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38 Replies
medway-lady profile image

I take both those meds and never experienced that. It might be a visit again to the GP. Levo doesn't do that and the RA consultant might be worth ringing if it is really painfull.

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to medway-lady

Hi thanks for you reply , I actually feel it could well be linked to my sore throat somehow, I don’t have RA I’ve been on levo for 14 yrs and aza n pred for many years too, I’m going to see pharmacist in morning to see what he suggests to use for mouthwash: think it could be saline mouthwash. But yes I will be visiting the GP as soon as I can , unfortunately it can take over week to get a drs appointment,

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to Eternity6

Can you ring your G.P perhaps, and get an Emergency Appointment. I've had the Flu for 3 weeks. 😪It started with a sore throat and mouth. I had mouth ulcers in the 2nd week. that turned to like flat blisters on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. This is the 3rd lot of Antibiotics that I have had..My G.P also gave me a mouthwash to use..

I still have a sore throat and feel absolutely terrible. But at least the blisters have gone. 😏..


Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to Gjkas

I feel your pain it’s horrendous isn’t it, what’s the name of the mouthwash you were prescribed? Yes I feel awful too, I think if I’d have had antibiotics at the start it probably wouldn’t be like this, never had blisters on roof of mouth before, which antibiotics were you given, hope you don’t mind me asking, I’m allergic to penicillin and can’t take amoxicillin

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to Eternity6

Oh heck,

I can't remember the name of the mouthwash. But it was a really small bottle and you had to leave it in your mouth for a few minutes. You wasn't supposed to gargle or swallow it. You just had to move it round the inside of your mouth and up in the roof of your mouth. It seemed to go really thick and coated the inside of your mouth .It tastes absolutely Vile.

Im allergic to Penicillin. My G.P put me on Doxycycline. 100 mg to be taken twice a day for 10 days. Altogether ive been on the Antibiotics for 15 days.

Hope this helps you. If I can remember the name of that mouthwash I'll get back to you.

Hope youll feel better soon. 😏

1155Cat profile image
1155Cat in reply to Gjkas

Was it Biotene mouth wash for Dry mouth ?? I use it ... they also have other products for dry mouth !!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to 1155Cat

No it wasn't Biotene

But do you find that it's good for dry mouth or mouth ulcers.??

Im housebound so most of my shopping is done online .


1155Cat profile image
1155Cat in reply to Gjkas

Best for dry mouth ... and it doesn’t taste so bad !!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to 1155Cat

Okay Thanks. 😌.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Eternity6

Difflam perhaps?

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to helixhelix

No,it wasn't Difflam.I've had that mouthwash before. It tastes better than the one the Doctor gave me.!!!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to helixhelix

I remember what it was called,

Nystatin Oral Suspension.

Never heard of it before.

1 ml 4 times a day.

You have to keep it in your mouth for a couple of minutes. Try not to swallow it before the 2 minutes are up if you can....

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to Gjkas

Thankyou so much x

in reply to Gjkas

That isn't a mouth wash, it's a treatment for oral thrush.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Yes I know that now. But when the GP gave it to me, she said it was a mouthwash. YUK. Thats what it tastes like. You have to drop 1 ml in your mouth and swirl it to the affected areas, leave it in there for about 2 minutes. 4 times a day.

You can't wash your mouth out with it anyway. The inside of your mouth goes kinda sticky and tastes horrible.

Plus. There's not enough liquid there to be able to wash your mouth out with anyway.

Next time I see my G.P i think I'll have to tell her that it's not a mouthwash.....

Perhaps she was having a Bad Day.

But anyway it got rid of the blisters and the ulcers that I had.

I didn't have Oral Thrush though,

1155Cat profile image
1155Cat in reply to Gjkas

The taste of Nystatin is enough to gag you !!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to 1155Cat

Yes it is enough to make you gag.

It made me feel like throwing up.

in reply to Gjkas

Yes, I've had it often. I quite like it actually.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

OOOH it made me feel sick..

1155Cat profile image
1155Cat in reply to Gjkas

I use Nystatin when I get thrush from my inhaler !!

in reply to 1155Cat

I had it regularly while I was having chemotherapy.

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to helixhelix

I haven’t heard of that one thankyou

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to Eternity6

You're welcome.

I hope it works for you and you feel a lot better soon. x

Mmrr profile image

I have had large fluid filled blisters on the roof of my mouth and throat several times recently and since starting baricitinib. I also take prednisolone. The blisters are very painful.

Each time it has happened I have had a cold too and wonder if they were somehow related. ( once hand, foot and mouth disease, which was also doing the rounds were I live).

I decided I would prefer not to have antibiotics, my GP agreed that they probably would have little effect anyway, but best to have yourself checked out. The blisters can be quite alarming.

I've used difflam to gargle with, but found stopping the baricitinib is the only thing that heals them, usually very quickly.

(Nystan that is mentioned below is used to treat oral thrush, rather than being a mouth wash).

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to Mmrr

I’ve had ulcers before when I’ve not had cold, but I’m sure these are more blisters which have burst, I know these are linked to my throat as came on a few days after raw throat,

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Eternity6

The blisters are painful, especially when they burst. I also had a taste of blood when I had them which I didn't mention, not sure if you do? Quite scary.

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to Mmrr

No, no taste of blood but do have horrible taste in mouth but have mucus from throat

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to Mmrr

Hi Mmrr, you're right about the Nystan.

You can't really use it as a mouthwash.

My G.P gave it to me because I had blisters on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Also had a sore throat.

Have since turned to the Flu.

I had to use the Nystan dosage at

1ml .4 times a day. Have to keep it in your mouth for 2 minutes all around the affected area. It seems to make the inside of your mouth feel all thick and sticky.

Never heard of it before.

Don't know why the GP called it a mouthwash because you can't really use it as such. I had the Flu jab in November.

In the last 4 weeks i have had 3 lots of Antibiotics but i still can't seem to shake it off. Perhaps this Flu Bug is a different or stronger strain????.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Gjkas

Flu is a virus.....antibiotics treat bacterial infections so won’t help if your infection really is flu.

It sounds as if your GP gave you the Nystatin liquid to use as a mouthwash as she thinks you have oral thrush......if it doesn’t seem to be working go back & tell her....& ask for something different.

benjijen profile image

I have had blisters on the roof of my mouth for a few days which have now gone flat so presumably they have burst, but the oddest thing is that my tongue is swollen and gets in the way so I've bitten it by accident several times and have also bitten the sides of my mouth whilst eating. I also have a sore throat. I've underactive thyroid so am also on thyroxine am also on 5 other meds for heart/BP. Arthritis seems not too bad at the moment so not on meds for that. I have to go to pharmacy in the morning so will ask the pharmacist to check. I recommend that as it's far easier to see a pharmacist than obtain a GP appointment. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to benjijen

I couldn’t agree more, it’s so hard to get a GP appointment, so going to be so much easier to speak to pharmacist , my tongue doesn’t feel swollen, it’s more raw throat and blisters, I did a silly thing this morning I had rasp blueberries straws and pears with high protein yog, for breakfast it wasn’t until I had eaten I thought, that was a daft thing to do as acid

benjijen profile image
benjijen in reply to Eternity6

I made mistake as well. Had toasted crumpets - not something I would usually have - scratched the roof of my mouth! My own fault!

Eternity6 profile image
Eternity6 in reply to benjijen

I know what you mean but sometimes just reach for nearest thing then suffer after lol

dbestdeb profile image

Yes, I get that same thing on the roof of my mouth and I also take azathioprine. When it happens to me I make a mouthwash of essential oils—clove, myrrh, and Onguard—mixed with distilled water. I use doTerra oils but I’m certain any brand would work. It relieves the discomfort and it goes away faster.

suwinter profile image

Hi I take Methotexate and inhalers, both of which cause blisters and thrush. I can't use mouth ulcer gels etc because I take warfarin.

I tried loads of stuff to no avail then read that Chlorhexidine might help - that's the main ingredient in Corsodyl.

I found a proprietary version in Home Bargain at £1.99, it's called Chlorhexidine Gluconate and it works a treat; as soon as I feel 'the tingle' I gargle with that and I haven't had a breakout since.

I can't promise that it will work for you obviously, but at £1.99 you might want to try.

Good Luck

May1992 profile image

‘There is lots of evidence that a taking daily folic acid, 1 mg or greater may reduce the incidence of mouth sores...’

Folic acid 5mg has worked for me over the last few years .... when I forget to take it I get problems with mouth/tongue ...!?


Sparrowtracks profile image

i had swings last winter that started like that. had blisters in my mouth and what looked like fever blister on my lip. had it swabbed and was shingles. keep an eye on it spreading!

Eternity6 profile image

Oh really thanks I will

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