Hi, some of you may remember that I had a shoulder replacement in the middle of November. It went really well and put an end to the awful pain I had been having for nearly two years. I am amazed at how good it is now.
However, for about the last two weeks I have been feeling very low in myself and am worried that I am getting depressed. I had depression and a breakdown in 2002 and have been on anti depressants since then and been ok all that time. I know that you are not doctors but I just wondered if any of you have experienced this after having a major operation under a general anesthetic. The more I think about it the more worried I am getting. I would have thought that after 6 weeks I would be back to normal.
In the past and after two much lesser ops, I have felt low and had some bouts of crying after just about two weeks but this time I haven't cried at all and was fine until about four weeks post-op.