Barium swallow rest: Just had a swallow test done and... - NRAS


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Barium swallow rest

15 Replies

Just had a swallow test done and it has shown the muscle at the top of the throat is not working as it should but of more concern is the problem the arthritis is creating. It showed the esophgous - sorry not sure of spelling - is being narrowed by the extra bony bits growing by the cervical spine. These had just been at the sides and creating nerve pain but now growing extra bits that are pushing into the bit we swallow food down. They could also see it creating spasms and the barium having difficulty going through. Have been given appointments in 3 weeks time with consultant then GP after to go through with me what ever is planned. On the one hand it's good to know they can now see what is creating the problems with eating but bit concerned about the next stage. Has anyone got this difficulty and what has been done to help. I am amazed how quickly the appointments have been made I only had the test last week.

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15 Replies
FRreedman profile image

When the NHS needs to move fast, it can and often does, but nobody ever reports how good it is. Try not to worry about it, but bear in mind the doctors, like you, are seeing something different in your esophagus (bony matter protruding through) and feel they need to arrest or change this symptom sooner rather than later. If they were really worried that it could be life changing or life threatening they would have had you in within 24 hours. (I know it has happened to me in the past). Anyway, good luck, and I hope they sort you out soon and successfully.

in reply to FRreedman

Thankyou for your reply. I can understand now why things feel as they do, just trying to stay chilled about it but feel so much more aware now of how it is. Glad they are on the case

in reply to FRreedman

I meant to say I do wonder if this might be what is interfering with my breathing sometimes. I didn't mention that when I saw the consultant just didn't think it was relevant and maybe it isn't. I am rather ignorant regarding what bits go where. I will ask about it though when I see him just in case it's important.

Kissy61 profile image

Hi I am due to have a Barium Swallow in a weeks time, I am a very nervous for this as never had one before. I am even more nervous as to what is going to come of the Xray as I have been having problems with my throat please tell me what your experience of it was like? was it difficult? I don't know what is wrong with my throat I am keep clearing it and have some problems.

Would be nice to talk to someone about this thanks :)

in reply to Kissy61

Hi I had that test it was far less daunting than I had expected. Basically for me this is what happened and I should say if I had to have it again I would be absolutely fine about it.

I was given something to swallow and stood in front of a bit of equipment, turned around and repeated. Then stood on the foot plate against the panel behind which very gradually put me in a laid down position. This was the scariest bit for me as I get spins and my balance can go for days if I am laid flat. I told them this and we did it all slowly. Whilst laying down and changing sides I was given more to drink using a straw.

Once that was done they showed me the video on the screen and what was happening as I swallowed. I have since been told as well as the bone growth the esopegous is repeatedly going into uncoordinated spasms. I have been given tips on home management but when/If that stops helping more intervention will be looked at.

The whole process was okay. The one tip I would give you though is drink loads of water for a few days after. It's got to come out and the extra water will help. I ended up with a bucket of water in loo to help flush as it comes out very hard and heavy......sorry if any one finds that offensive but it is what it is :)

Hope that helps x

Kissy61 profile image
Kissy61 in reply to

Thankyou for your advice, it sounds a lot when you read the letter but hope it goes ok. How long till you got your results if you don't mind me asking? Thanks

in reply to Kissy61

I got some results straight away and then saw consultant 2 weeks later when I got lots more info I was then also given several GP appointments to see how I was managing it and have more to attend. Your problem may well be very different to mine so please just go with the flow and don't compare too much. In the current virus situation you may have to wait longer. Hope it all goes well for you and you get answers and easy solutions.

Kissy61 profile image
Kissy61 in reply to

Hello so I received my Barium Swallow Xray results and they said they have found a small benign pouch coming off from my pharynx/oesophagus the part of the throat that leads to the stomach they say it is only problem if very large this is small but my worry is will grow does anyone know anymore on this as it is worrying me and I feel bit upset by this. Thanks

in reply to Kissy61

I too have a pouch diagnosed 16 years ago recent test shows it hasn’t got any bigger

Kissy61 profile image
Kissy61 in reply to

Do you keep clearing your throat with it? I have appointment go hospital soon for management

in reply to Kissy61

Yes and I get food caught in it now and again. They gave me oemprazole large dose to stop the acid pushing up food. It helps . Things like nuts and seeds cause havoc so I avoid them

Kissy61 profile image
Kissy61 in reply to

Thankyou that helps me so I might get that did they offer to take your out or? thanks

in reply to Kissy61

No they said leave it alone. I do still worry as throat and oesophageal Cancer is rampant in my family. If I think things have changed or getting worse I make a bit of noise and get tested again

Kissy61 profile image
Kissy61 in reply to

I worry a lot about it and just hope things don't get worse thanks for your advice

in reply to Kissy61

It’s hard not worrying 🥺

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