I have just had my first tocilizumab pen injection. How long did it take to work. I’m in a lot of pain as Enbral stopped working after the switch they introduced. I have been off any sort of treatment since Aug and as result the inflammation has spread to my feet and knees. Thank you
Tocilizumab: I have just had my first tocilizumab pen... - NRAS

Hi Crystal mine started working after a month but everyone’s different, this is my 3rd biological drug so here’s hoping. hope this the magic one for you xxx
I started tocilizumab in August 2016 and had a steroid injection at the same time as I was bad. By the end of October I needed another steroid injection and thought "oh no another biologic that promises and doesn't deliver" but then Christmas came and I felt really well and I haven't looked back. The last 3 years have been amazing. I have a few issues with low white blood cell but I am still on tocilizumab. Once it started to work I saw improvements slowly for 8 months until I feel 95% my old self. Hope it works for you.
Thank you Silverpixe. I’m really bad at the moment. I was not sure if they can give you a steroid injection . I had one in September but like you I need another one. I will be talking to my nurse today. Im so glad this is working for you.
Sorry to hear you're struggling. Tocilizumab was my 5th biologic so if this is only your second one there may be one that works for you if this one doesn't
Hi Crystal
I've been on tocilizumab injection for over four years, it's been fantastic. I had over 26 swollen joints when I first started, 4-6 weeks later all of the inflammation had gone. This drug won't give you an accurate CRP reading, my CRP has always been 1 even with bad flares, but you will know when it's working, hopefully your feet and knees will improve very soon. Best of luck, I really hope it helps you x
Thank you Metal-Legs. That’s positive to hear. I’m hoping that’s the case for me too.