Latest celebrity diagnosed with RA & Lupus: Hi all... - NRAS


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Latest celebrity diagnosed with RA & Lupus

Hessie5 profile image
25 Replies

Hi all

Hope everyone is doing as well as can be. Today I went to get my blood work as missed it for two weeks 😬! I also woke up with a numb big toe, so that prompted me to get checked.

On another note, apparently, Kim Kardashian has been tested positive for RA and Lupus, she has the antibodies. Just wanted your take on celebrities coming out with their illnesses. Do you think it is a good thing as puts it out there for thrivers like us. What are your thoughts?

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Hessie5 profile image
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25 Replies
Shalf profile image

Hi Hessie, Sorry to read about your toe, hope it gets better soon.

Re celebs and RA, I think in terms of highlighting this disease and its difference with osteoarthritis it is a good thing. The general public tend to be more observant and less ignorant about such things when it comes to news about celebs. J wouldn't wish RA on anyone and it's a shame it has to take celebs to develop this awful disease for people to listen and understand.

I have very active inflammation at the moment awaiting a new medication. Its crippling my wrists and hands. I hate it so much. A cure is what I want to hear of next in the news! Here's hoping! xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Shalf

Oh Shalf I am so sorry darling your suffering like that. Like you I am suffering great pain and I have DH ill as last Friday he went into hospital for a double hernia surgery and he came out with a catheter in as well for two weeks. He came out Saturday and by 10pm we had him back down there as he felt so unwell. We got home about 1.30am it seems a good lot of the pain was because he was constipated. Good job I had some liquid senakot. He finally went yesterday afternoon. WE were both down the hospital this morning, me for injections and him for a check over to make sure everything is alright down below. We haven't been in long. I will try and write a longer post later. Hugs sweet

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Shalf

Hi Shalf - thanks for your kind words. It indeed shall mend.

I am with you as to the general public - can but raise awareness. It's is concerning the general trend of auto immune, I do wonder why the increase.

Sorry to hear of your active inflammation. Even though I am on a biologic my markers are still elevated. My hands still tender and sore, are somewhat better. I hope the next biologic is the one for you.

I have found krill in the morning, coupled with MSM and vitamin C has helped me a great deal with joint pain.

A cure is on it's way 😌. Take care of yourself (hope the pets are good). Blessings and good health to you. xxx

sylvi profile image

First off I am sorry she has got these dreadful diseases. Now I wonder how much we are going to hear that's with her banging on about it, which unlike Lady Gaga we only hear about her mainly when she has had to cancels shows. xxxxx

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to sylvi

Good point Sylvi they do tend to dramatise for ratings - hopefully something good shall come from this 😌.

Hope you are feeling better. x

Kerensa21 profile image

Yes, any publicity from people who actually have it or understand it is a good thing I think. It is so often misrepresented in the media. Though never happy to hear of anyone going down with it, no matter who they are x

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Kerensa21

Not a fan of the Kardashians but sure not nice to hear. Hopefully she can bring awareness to show it is not an illness aimed at older folk.

All the best to you. 😁

Pippy25 profile image

I have RA, I have Lupus....I don't have the celebrity status or the cash! :-) Hope you got your big toe checked out. Take care

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Pippy25

Hi Pippy - if true, she has access to the very best care and treatment available to help her cope.

I plan on following up tomorrow with the Big Toe 😌 - I was tracking today to see if things improve.

All the best to you.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Hessie5

I hope your toe improves and that if you need to follow it up that you get some comfort. As there is nothing worse than toes and feet playing up. As for celebrity status, RA does not discriminate and if it is true her money may open doors to care and treatment, but as long as this is not a gimmick she will like us still have RA and what it may throw at her. I wish her well and if she genuinely wants to make a difference, why not perhaps use her celebrity to educate others in a positive/ informative way about this complex disease.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Pippy25

Thank you Pippy25.

Sumdy profile image

I'm sure I read Lady Ga Ga doesn't have RA. Maybe the Kardashian woman might not either but the publicity is highlighting the disease which can't be a bad thing....x

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Sumdy

Hi Sumdy - I believe Gaga to have fibromyalgia. I saw a Netflix documentary where it was mentioned. Publicity is always a good thing. Enjoy your day 😌x

Hessie5 I had a think on this one as I had a major rage against a friend on a bad day about the Amazon forest fires where she had said ' oh celebs need to take up on this one'. I replied they only do it for their gain and their publicity and NO it wont stop the rain forest destruction. She was quite surprised by my honesty but I do think the society we are in at the moment seems to think celebs can heal or sort everything.

I dont I assume it is for their gain and IF she makes it to the press re RA this is good but she has a lot of money to make her life easier so maybe her view point will be very different too. Money does not help the illness it just speeds the time getting a consult etc. but let's see if she can and I might then have to eat my words.

Big hugs for you tho Hessie on the toes I'm having some numbness issues too.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

If she does have RA and Lupus she will be straight onto personilised medicine and most probably biologics. She won't be hanging around waiting for months waiting for scans, bloods, other specialist input, being offered antidepressants and waiting to see what works.

Then publicity saying how hard it has all been.

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to

Did you have your appointment Deeb2908 ?

in reply to JFlay

Today -I got my sleep counts wrong, I did laugh and now controlling my excitement with realism, so all armed and dangerous with history typed up, photos and hubby as my note taker!

in reply to

😂😂😂 good luck don’t expect too much it’s only the start of your journey probably a lot of twists and turns to come x

in reply to

I know I am trying hard to not have my work head on and expect response and deadlines x

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to

Good luck! 🤞

Shazrab profile image

Hi hessie I’m sorry you’re in so much I hope you get it sorted soon . As for that poor girl having RA and lupus I do feel sorry for her. Of course she will get all tests needed quickly as she had the money to pay for them all and probably great insurance. But still I feel for her she still has to go down the road of others like her , pain and everything else that comes with both these illnesses. Even if she does make money from it I think it’s good when celebrities come out and publicly talk about any illnesses they may have . Hope you’re toe is ok , can I ask what causes this as I often have numbness on my fingers and back of my hand although iv never mentioned it to my GP thanks best wishes for the rest of the day , take care 🌸🌸

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Shazrab

Hi Shazrab - thanks for your response. No matter what your circumstance RA is cruel that’s for sure!

Not sure what has caused my big toe numbness - calling the GP tomorrow to find out more.

All the best 💐

Justanothermama profile image

I too w degree if KKW celeb status would be good or bad. Her financial resources means she can have help that everyday people don’t get (nannies, housekeeping, shopping, cooking, etc) so her experience will be better in that regard. However she will still suffer pain, trials and fails, and fatigue, which is what we all live with. We can hope that if she is indeed I’ll, she will choose her platform to advocate and bring awareness. Her particular public persona worries me a tad bit. I certainly don’t want negative publicity brought to our world. We need positive and honest publicity and I just don’t know if her experience is going to be representative of the rest of ours. Wait and see!

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Justanothermama

I agree - it's a wait and see. As said she has the antibodies which does not mean she has the disease, that’s what it seems to be. All the best to you. 😌

Ali_H profile image

Tatum O’Neal is very open about her R.A. and it’s effects on her life and I find her honesty refreshing.


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