Dietary Links: I've just come across the paddison... - NRAS


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Dietary Links

DMARDSandMe profile image
11 Replies

I've just come across the paddison programme and it highlights the importance of diet. Was wondering if anyone here has noticed any significant links between their diet and their pain? Like when they avoid dairy/ meat etc

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DMARDSandMe profile image
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11 Replies

I’m sure if you enter Paddison Diet/Programme into the search box (above right) you’ll find enough discussion to keep you occupied for months :)

helixhelix profile image

Yes, this is a hot topic - in many senses of the word!

My personal view is that looking after your overall health by eating a sensible diet, exercising, de stressing and sleeping properly can only help. After I was diagnosed I tried all sorts of things. But my experience has been that the more extreme diets made absolutely no difference to me, apart from increasing my food bills. Now I eat a lot of fruit, veg and fish - all sorts including things that are supposed to be bad like tomatoes. And I try to eat only small amounts of sugary and fatty foods - but if I suddenly want chips then I have them! I don't generally eat processed food, and now find most things far too salty anyway.

But whatever you do, don’t pay to join the Paddison programme. The info is available freely (search for kai’s posts) and so definitely try before you even consider buying.

DMARDSandMe profile image
DMARDSandMe in reply to helixhelix

Thank you!

Dobcross1 profile image

Hi I tried the Paddison diet (and paid for it - it was before I found this website!!). I'm afraid it didn't help me at all - neither have all the other restricted diets I've followed. I found it very hard to accept as I was really reluctant to take meds. That doesn't mean it won't work for you though - some people do respond to dietary solutions. Good luck.

Nanna71 profile image

None for me. I would like to highlight the fact that the heavy-duty Dmards and Prednisone have squashed the pain I had very well and side effects are worth the risk.

To help with side effects is where I make diet choices. I have left nothing out of my diet except cookies, cakes, and pies which helps me to choke the weight gain that often accompanies pred. When I crave something sweet I have a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins, and sugar in my coffee. Craving over. Hope this is helpful.

Mmrr profile image

Eating healthy is good for us all, not just people with RD and helps keep weight in check, which is also good for the joints.

Some people also find some foods don't agree with them, for me sugary foods are ulcerating my mouth (never happened before taking MTX) so I don't have sugary foods now (not a problem I was never a big fan)

But extreme diets carry their own risks and there is no evidence to suggest they help RD, but they may improve wellbeing which can be worth a lot. As others have said, if you look around the web and this site you will find lots of information.

Mall profile image

I have paid for intolerance tests, tried different diets like cutting out dairy for 18 months following tests indicating intolerance to dairy. The only result of this was my calcium levels plummeted and it had no effect on my RA. I have to say my sinuses were a bit clearer but I didn’t continue due to risk to bone health as my body was lacking in essential calcium and I need medication to make it it up.

Eating healthily is important and as stated above be wary of spending money on diet programmes.

There is a plenty of free information about Paddison available and although he guarantees a refund if his program fails someone posted on here that they didn’t manage to get a refund when it didn’t work. A few have posted that they found his diet helpful. What works for some doesn’t work for all.

In the early years of my diagnosis I wasted money in desperation looking for answers to this wretched disease and there are plenty of folk out there willing to cash in on the sick and vulnerable.

I wouldn’t want to discourage you from doing the research and trying out something you think may help you but be wary if they are looking for your money and don’t feel a failure if it doesn’t work. This disease is different for each and everyone of us.

Please do not quote me or any other posts I have placed on this site on the instagram account you have set up without my explicit written permission. I have just heard of this account which is taking extracts, unbeknowingly, from people's posts on this NRAS site. This is a site offering personal support; I consider what you are doing is a breach of trust. You may say this is too raise awareness of RA but why do this without consent of users here.

Hen7 profile image

Hiya! Nurse said that everyone is different but a Mediterranean diet helps some. I am gluten free and have also cut down sugar intake, citrus fruits, cheese and tomatoes which have helped. A square of dark choc is my treat!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Hen7’s trial& error...try the pondweed diets if you like.......if can stick with them....but how will you know unless you stop, taking the drugs which is helping??

VeronicaF profile image

I am a bit funny with citrus fruits and tomatoes, and cut right down on sugar, I don't have any on my breakfast anymore, and have only one in a big cup of tea

also don't have wheat only once in a while, and have cut out oils

AgedCrone profile image

Don’t even ask... I think we’ve discussed it more here than any other food programme.... I don’t think many have remained on it .

If you eat good fresh food, live a healthy lifestyle good as your RA will allow.

Enjoying what you eat is a great help in dealing with this disease...obviously don’t eat food you dislike or if it upsets you.....other wise enjoy what you eat, don’t suffer ghastly somebody said earlier today forcing yourself to go onto a particular dietary regime “just in case” it helps...... is no way to live.

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